Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 669: Helium-three

Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus Chapter 669 Helium-3 Chapter 669 Helium-3

Outer space.

Guanghan Palace satellite.

This is China's latest technology crystallization.

It is not a satellite. It is a group of satellites. There are a total of thirty-two.

Among them, 28 were donated by Wang Bu'an himself. All the expenses, including design, construction, launch, repair, maintenance, etc., are all paid by him.

The resolution of the Guanghan Palace satellite is very high. It has reached the point of 0.001 meters. That is 1 mm.

It is not difficult to read the headline of the newspaper clearly at high altitude.

If the visibility is good, you can even find the more obvious white hair on the head.

Wang Bu'an has incorporated many new technologies into it.

The Guanghan Palace satellite is definitely the most advanced reconnaissance satellite in the world. none of them.

However, one thing is underestimated.

That is, the orbit of the Guanghan Palace satellite is relatively low.

At the beginning, the main purpose was to monitor the earth. To get the highest resolution.

If you want to see clearly, you have to get closer. Therefore, the orbit of the Guanghan Palace satellite is only about 60 kilometers from the ground. That is, the height of 60,000 meters.

This is a height that even fighter jets can almost reach. Of course, it is only China's own fighter.

Due to its low orbit, it cannot be reversed to monitor outer space.

Relatively speaking, the height of the Beidou satellite is ideal. Basically all are above 100 kilometers.

The Beidou satellites launched later all exceeded 120 kilometers in height. It is to better monitor the movement of outer space. More than just two meteorites.

Now, Wang Buyan can only rely on the Beidou satellite system to obtain the corresponding data.

As more and more satellites are launched, the corresponding data is also very detailed.


Liang Wannian's eyes were still wrong.

The old professor still felt that Wang Buan should be taught. Lest this guy is too arrogant.

The entire space center was almost driven mad by him.

Including the logistic chef, almost all have to scold his mother.

More than 20 satellites have been launched continuously!

There cannot be the slightest mistake!

Many scientific researchers are under great pressure and are directly pulling blood.

Speaking of Wang Bu'an one by one, they all feel itchy.

It is simply worse than the legendary frenzied, wolf-hearted capitalist and inhuman imperialist minions.

If you have the opportunity to catch him, you must peel him, tear his bones, and drink his blood.

The worst thing is to lock up this guy and hang it up.

However, Wang Bu'an turned a blind eye.

Seeing that there are so many people who are upset, how old are you?

If you are really upset, I will leave. Big deal, dig a hole to hide.

Anyway, Qin Xueqing is now the best at digging holes. There is no problem at all.

As for the life and death of others...

It's not my business?

As long as the people close to me are fine.

"Chief Engineer Wang, let's take a look at the prototype of the space shuttle first." Lomachuan took the opportunity to pull Wang Bu'an away.

"Okay." Wang Bu'an also understood that wandering around in front of Liang Wannian's eyes is not a problem.

There must be a fire in the old professor's heart.

In case it explodes, he is fine. But it will definitely hurt others by mistake.

To see the space shuttle is undoubtedly the best choice.

Seeing is clear, right?

Get in the car and set off immediately.

Go to the launch base.

This base is relatively far away, at the end of the world in Qiongya.

Why not in the Northwest?

Because of the Great Northwest Railway, there is no way to transport such large parts.

Including the Long March series of bundled rockets, they are all first-class guys. They cannot be disassembled. Land transportation is almost impossible. It can only be by sea.

Since it is by sea, the most convenient one is of course Qiongya Island. Therefore, a new satellite launch base was built in Qiongya. All large-scale launch missions were all changed to Qiongya. Including the largest Long March 5 rocket and so on. A big guy like the space shuttle must also choose to be at the Qiongya launch base!

There are regular flights from the Northwest Aerospace Center to the Qiongya Satellite Launch Base to facilitate the exchange of researchers.

Of course, it is also possible to temporarily switch to the Bull Demon King transport aircraft.

At the speed of the Bull Demon Transporter, it only takes an hour to reach the destination.

Sure enough, it felt like this side had just boarded the plane, and that side had landed.

There is no doubt that the climate of Qiongya is much more comfortable than that of the Northwest.

It feels like two different worlds!

The scenery is much more beautiful than the Northwest.

The point is that there are plenty of sea view resorts around the launch base.

Verify identidy.

Enter the base.

All the way straight to the launch site.

Half an hour later, the space shuttle appeared.

It is about the same size as a Boeing 747. Maybe bigger. A little more stout. The chubby one is very round.

There is no air in outer space and no air resistance, so there is no need to consider aerodynamics. As for when you return to Earth, what should you do if you have to travel through the atmosphere? It's okay, there are high temperature corrosion resistant alloys. Casually friction with the atmosphere to catch fire. As long as the temperature does not exceed 100,000 degrees, it is safe and sound.

"So big?" Wang Bu'an felt a little surprised.

"Didn't you say that the bigger the better?" Luo Machuan also felt a little surprised.

In other words, you said this personally.

You must not deny it!

We are all working desperately.

If you say that you do not meet the requirements now, then I Luo Machuan will also let go.

"No..." Wang Bu'an said carefully, "No wonder your construction schedule is so fast, everyone is so hard. It turns out that you made it so big! It's amazing!"

"Actually there is nothing..." Lomachuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the other party was overjoyed.

This is almost the same. Is there a time when our space center is not reliable?

We will always do better than the standard.

Not good at all.

It must be several levels higher than the standard.

For example, it is sufficient if the standard is made into a Boeing 737. But we worked hard to make a Boeing 747.

Anyway, the engine thrust of 10 million K is also sufficient. It's a waste to be small.

All the raw materials are also provided by Wang Buyan's industrial park.

So many titanium alloys don’t need to be in vain.

There has never been such a luxury!

Use the precious titanium alloy as you want, and use as much as you want.

Wang Bu'an slowly approached...

Good guy, it's really big!

It feels a lap bigger than the Boeing 747. It's really not low-key at all!

Improper dry food holding titanium alloy! Splurge to your heart's content.

Its skeleton is grade six hard alloy.

The skin is a six-level high temperature corrosion resistant alloy mixed titanium alloy.

Other places are basically titanium alloys. Or maybe T1600 carbon fiber.

In short, no matter where it is, the highest-level materials are used. If it is to calculate the cost, it is definitely overwhelming.

Fortunately, it does not need to calculate the cost. at all costs. Just make it.

"Can you go up?"


Wang Bu'an boarded the plane quickly.

Good guy, the equipment inside is pretty good!

It feels like an ordinary civil airliner. It's not like a space shuttle at all. The sense of technology is not strong enough.

However, what Wang Bu'an needs is just that.

Don't make it too special.

Just like a civil airliner.

No matter who it is, it will not feel abrupt.

It is best to get to the moon after a nap.

The same goes for returning from the moon. He closed his eyes easily, opened his eyes, and found that he had returned to the earth.

As for those who like to see the scenery of outer space...

Sorry, there is nothing in outer space. Where is the scenery?

It seems that there are only very lonely stars. Big and small. Bright and dim. Far and near. Look at it for a while and get tired.

Of course, if you haven't seen it, you can also watch it seriously through the porthole.

Luo Machuan deliberately designed the portholes to be very spacious.

The general civil aviation aircraft is just a small window.

However, on the space shuttle, it is almost like floor-to-ceiling glass.

But it is a special glass from Tyrannosaurus Rex Industry, and its strength is also very high. Can completely replace hard alloy.

There are three layers of special glass. There are two interlayers in the middle. Inside the interlayer is transparent glass fiber. It is a weapon to prevent cosmic rays and can effectively cut off damage from the outside world.

Wang Buyan chose a seat near the window and sat down leisurely.

feeling not bad. Limp.

The key is to be very spacious.

The seats are more than 50 more spacious than ordinary passenger aircraft.

Even the big fat man of three hundred catties can sit down easily. There is no need to buy two seats.

"We did not distinguish between first class, business class, economy class and the like."

"How many seats are there?"

"The entire space shuttle has only 188 seats."


Wang Buan muttered to himself silently.

No wonder the distance between the front and rear is sufficient, and the width on the left and right is also amazing.

It turns out that such a big plane has only 188 seats! If it is a Boeing 747, there are at least 388 seats.

In terms of cost performance, 188 seats are actually very few. But it's okay.

He doesn't make money from the shuttle ticket.

He relied on control of the moon.

The moon is the biggest baby.

What is a mine at home?

Taking the moon as one's own is king.

The mineral deposits on the moon...

The moon is extremely rich in mineral resources, and the 17 most common elements on the earth are everywhere on the moon.

Take iron as an example. Only 5 centimeters of sand on the surface of the moon contains hundreds of millions of tons of iron, while the entire surface of the moon has an average of 10 meters of sand. The iron on the surface of the moon is not only extremely rich, but also easy to mine and smelt. According to research, the iron on the moon is mainly iron oxide, as long as oxygen and iron are separated. In addition, scientists have developed ways to use lunar soil and rocks to make cement and glass. On the surface of the moon, aluminum is also very rich. The quantity of various rare earth metals is much more abundant than the earth.

But Wang Bu'an's focus is not actually these.

He needs a special mineral helium 3.

A colorless, odorless, odorless stable helium isotope gas. It is an important raw material for manufacturing nuclear fusion.

The lunar soil is rich in helium 3. Heating the lunar soil to a high temperature of 700 degrees can release helium-3 gas. Helium fusion using deuterium and helium 3 can be used as an energy source for nuclear power plants. This fusion does not produce neutrons, is safe and pollution-free, and is an easy-to-control nuclear fusion. It can be used not only in ground-based nuclear power plants, but also particularly suitable for astronautics.

It is conservatively estimated that the content of helium 3 in the lunar soil is estimated to be 715,000 tons. For every ton of helium 3 extracted from the lunar soil, 6,300 tons of hydrogen, 70 tons of nitrogen and 1,600 tons of carbon can be obtained. Judging from the current analysis, due to the large reserves of helium 3 on the moon, it will undoubtedly provide charcoal in the snow for the earth, which is relatively short of energy in the future. Many aerospace powers have made the acquisition of helium 3 an important goal for the development of the moon.

In my country’s lunar exploration program, there is one thing that foreign countries have never set foot in: my country plans to measure how thick the lunar soil layer is, which is of great significance for us to calculate the lunar helium 3 content. If the project goes well, we estimate the helium 3 resources The content may be higher than the previous ones. Finally, we will study the earth-moon space environment, which is vital to the development of the earth's environment and human society.

The problem is that it is unrealistic to transport the soil back from the surface of the moon. The cost is too high. Technically it can't be achieved either.

If there were no Transformers, mankind would have begun to implement the plan to mine helium 3 from the moon. About 30 to 40 years later, mankind would realize the on-site mining of helium 3 on the moon and transport it back to the ground. The plan is always like The cost will be between 250 billion and 300 billion US dollars.

Now, this situation has changed slightly.

The appearance of Transformers accelerated the use of helium-3.

The best way is to build and process directly on the moon. Refine directly.

At any time, energy is the most important.

It's oil right now.

From now on is nuclear fusion.

Because there are no neutrons in thermonuclear reactors that use helium 3, no radiation is generated when helium 3 is used as an energy source, and it will not cause harm to the environment. However, because the earth's reserves of helium 3 are scarce, it cannot be used as a large amount of energy. Helium 3 known to be easily accessible to humans is only about 500 kilograms in the world. Not even a ton. Fortunately, according to the results of lunar exploration, the content of helium 3 on the moon is estimated to be more than 1 million tons, which is more than 2 million times that of the earth.

What is the concept of this one million tons?

At present, 100 tons of helium 3 can provide the total amount of energy used by the whole earth for one year.

In other words, it can be used for more than 10,000 years.

Mastering the soil of the moon means mastering the energy of the future. Who can compete with it?

Wang Bu'an's idea is very simple.

After he landed on the moon, he stopped others from approaching.

As long as it is a competitor, they are all excluded.

If you have the ability, you can find a way to go to the moon by yourself!

If you have no way to go to the moon by then you can only look at me with eagerness to dominate.

It's not just the moon. Forbidden, so does Mars. After the search is completed, the benefits are basically obtained, and then thrown to others.

How much do you say the moon is worth? Priceless.

If you want to join, you have to pay an entrance fee.

The last Antarctica Airshow Summit was the entry ticket to the moon.

With this entry ticket, you can go to the moon.

If not……

Sorry, let's line up first.

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Chapter 669: Helium-3



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