Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 653: A full 100 billion belief value!

Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus Chapter 653 is worth 100 billion beliefs! Chapter 653: Full of 100 Billion Beliefs

How old is Wang Buyan?

He didn't know how old he was.

But you provoke me upset, I just want to **** you!

Whoever you are!

Do whatever you want.

You have nowhere to cry.

"Wang Bu'an, you are too much!" Jiang Songluo couldn't help saying.

"Hurry up and raise the power to the limit! Otherwise, we don't know what happened when we die!" Wang Bu'an snapped.

Jiang Songluo's face suddenly changed.


so serious?

Forget it, business matters.

The faces of other people also changed instantly.

Listening to Wang Buyan's tone, it seems that the situation is really serious?

Otherwise, he should have no reason to get angry.

Regardless, let's see the situation first.

Power continues to increase...

Finally, the full load power of 100 was reached...

"Not good, the data is wrong!" Jiang Songluo first discovered the problem.

After all, he is an expert in aerospace research, and immediately from the complex data, he keenly identified a contradictory group.

After simple calculations, he judged that these data were problematic and abnormal.

"The data is abnormal! How could it be..." Ao Lingding was also surprised.

The heart of other people suddenly came up to their throats.

Why is the data abnormal?

It must be affected by unknown factors.

So, what exactly is this unknown factor? Where is it hidden?

The atmosphere in the information hall was suddenly tense.

Everyone's breathing is heavy.

"Continue to increase the power. Until the telescope bursts." Wang Bu'an said coldly.

No one has objections.

Now everyone knows that the consequences are serious.

If this hidden factor is not found out, I am afraid that everyone will not fall asleep.

This is not the safety of one or two people.

This is the safety of seven billion people worldwide.

Any small negligence may lead to irreversible results.

Judging from this result, Teng Raojiang and Ao Lingding were scolded, which is not injustice at all. Their academic level is indeed not as good as Wang Bu'an.

Even Sheng Huainan is not as good. Sheng Huainan must have also calculated the abnormal data.

You know, Sheng Huainan is studying nuclear submarines!

Others can find the problem across borders. You are a professional in this field, but you didn't find it. If you say that Wang Bu beats you in the face, you deserve it.

You know, scientific research must not be sloppy. One is one and two is two. Nothing is fake.

Using so many large-scale computing centers, no problem was found.

Others in Sheng Huainan can find...

If you don't hit you in the face, who else will you hit?

forget it. I'm done here.

It is estimated that Teng Raojiang and Ao Lingding are also dead.

However, now is definitely not the time to be held accountable. No one will be held accountable. The most important thing is to find out this unusual danger.

"Sheng Huainan's speculation is a meteorite with a small volume but a very high mass." Wang Bu'an said in a deep voice.

This is Sheng Huainan's research conclusion, he will not steal 100%.

His bottom line of life has not fallen to the point of plagiarizing the fruits of other people's labor.

"Be active and small?"

"Great quality?"

The experts at the scene were secretly lost in thought.

This is a bad sign.

Why do you say that?

The smaller the size, the harder it is to find.

The greater the quality, the more difficult it is to change the track.

At the same time, this also means that the density of the opponent is very large. It will be more difficult to destroy it.

Continue to increase power...

Every heart is mentioned in the throat.

Teng Raojiang and Ao Lingding's foreheads were vaguely covered in sweat.

They are also very nervous.

On the one hand, it is worried that the radio telescope will strike.

On the one hand, I am worried that the target of discovery will be something terrible.

After all, Sheng Huainan's speculation is just speculation.

What if it's not a meteorite?

What if it is another terrible object?

In the vast universe, who knows what terrible things will exist?

A battleship?

An alien creature?

Very quiet.

Throughout the information reception hall, breathing is clear and audible.

Everyone knows that if you work a little harder, you can discover the hidden dangers.

However, everyone knows that the radio telescope is operating at an overload.

Its power has been increased to above 110.

It will explode anytime.

one second……

Five seconds...

Ten seconds...

Finally, a series of numbers popped out.

"..." Teng Raojiang almost fainted on the spot.

"Quick..." Ao Lingding was also incoherent.

Other experts and scholars also felt stiff, almost without any movement.

This **** danger was finally detected.

It finally has no way to hide.

very good!

But Wang Bu'an was very calm.

This is the result that has long been expected.

Of course, Transformers' calculations can't be wrong.

Sheng Huainan's calculation is also very well-founded.

The target is indeed a meteorite.

Its diameter is only over 800 meters. But the quality is as high as more than 30 million tons.

This is very exaggerated.

Such a small volume, such a large mass.

However, if it can affect the DA30900, it does not seem right.

After all, the quality of the DA30900 itself is very huge. According to current estimates, the mass must be over 100 million tons.

Then, there are only more than 30 million tons of meteorites, how can it affect 100 million tons of meteorites?

The reverse effect is almost the same...


The structure of the two is very special.

Have a lot of magnetite and the like. So as to attract each other.

Still wrong...

If they were attracted to each other, the two meteorites would have been entangled.

But judging from the running track, the distance between the two sometimes increases. But sometimes it shrinks.

Could it be that they are sometimes attracted to each other? Sometimes mutually exclusive?

Could it be that they also have the front and back of the magnet?

So weird...

The universe is so big, it is really amazing!

In any case, this danger was finally discovered.

It was quickly marked as DA8003000, placed side by side with 30900, and tracked at the same time.

"not good!"


At this moment, the danger alarm sounded.

But the system is overloaded, a dangerous situation has appeared, and it has started to shut down automatically.

The data about 8003000 disappeared immediately.

If the radio telescope does not have enough power, it cannot detect 8003000.

Must be restarted...


Here comes the problem.

The circuit of the radio telescope can no longer withstand the second overload.

How to do?

How to do?

How to do?

Many people focused their attention on Wang Bu'an.

But Wang Bu'an did not speak.

He remained silent.

Let others talk first.

"Connect the branch line and separate the circuit." Teng Raojiang made a decision quickly.

"This is the only way now." Ao Lingding said helplessly.

The so-called branch connection is to use self-provided generators to undertake part of the power supply.

Separating the circuit is to separate part of the power supply from the main circuit to reduce the burden on the main circuit. Reduce the load on the main circuit as much as possible.

"General Manager Wang." Jiang Songluo came to Wang Bu'an and said sincerely, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"This is the only way for the time being." Wang Bu'an said helplessly.

At this imminent moment, he also had no better way.

Radio telescopes require too much electricity.

It is impossible to separate the circuits that are separated.

The most powerful Rock 700 engine can only provide 100,000 kWh of electricity per hour.

Compared to the demand of 5 million or even 10 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per hour, it is definitely a drop in the bucket! It's almost useless.

The only way is to build a nuclear power plant. Or the construction of geothermal power stations. Power supply directly at close range.

However, no matter what kind of power station is being built, the construction period may take several years.

However, DA30900 has been less than three months away from the earth.

"Master Wang, is there really no way?"

"Not without..."

Wang Bu'an said cautiously.

He has one last way.

That is to use a nuclear fusion engine to supply electricity.

The power of this nuclear fusion engine is very scary.

If he is willing to spend 100 billion faith points, he can get a 10 million kilowatt nuclear fusion engine.

The issue is……

A full 100 billion belief value!

He went to Middle-earth and made a round, only to earn more than 100 billion yuan, just used it?

You know, once this nuclear fusion engine is used to support the radio telescope, there is no way to get out easily. Unless a nuclear power plant or a geothermal power plant is put into operation.

And this 10 million kilowatt nuclear fusion engine is the basic power for interstellar navigation!

A full 10 million kilowatts of power is enough to drive a large space shuttle.


Too much torment...

Wang Buyan hesitated for a full minute.

Finally, he decided to vacate this nuclear fusion engine to meet the needs of the radio telescope first.

After all, the first task is to keep track of these two Gemini meteorites.

Otherwise, if they touched the earth, then the moon landing plan would be useless. late. That's too late.

"Let me find a way!"

"Thank you."

Wang Bu'an called immediately to arrange.

Soon after, the Bull Demon King transport aircraft arrived with nuclear fusion engines.

Switch to power generation mode.

Supporting power supply center.

Luckily, it happens to be able to match.

It happens to be 10 million kilowatts of power.

With local electricity, it is not a problem to run at full load every hour.

Teng Raojiang and Ao Lingding gathered a large number of excellent electricians, and Wang Buyan was also on the phone and called Qin Yuqing over.

Qin Yuqing led a very strong construction team, UU reading www. includes power construction.

Even so, it took a lot of time.

After a full eight hours, the radio telescope was put into operation again.

This time, tracking the Gemini meteorites really worked.

Indeed, the changes between the two are far and near.

It shows that the structure of meteorites is absolutely special.

At present, these two meteorites are shooting towards the earth quickly.

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Chapter 653: Full of 100 Billion Beliefs



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