Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 536: Electromagnetic gun! Nuclear fusion!

The Marine Corps is a special service.

Basically, what it wants to perform is all overseas combat missions.

Moreover, generally speaking, the tasks performed by the Marine Corps are relatively dangerous. Very high requirements for tactical literacy.

The Marines had already proven themselves last time in Mount Barong.

It was they who searched every cave and every gorge in Barong Mountain.

Otherwise, the missing travel companion will not be found.

However, the real combat mission is much more dangerous than Barong Mountain.

"What to do?"

"Not easy to handle."

"Eat Yusheng?"

"See if there are tools in the kitchen."

"You can't eat Yusheng."


Liang Ge slowly shook his head, and repeated solemnly: "You can't eat fish. Something will happen."

Wang Bu'an asked unwillingly: "What are the consequences?"



Wang Bu'an had to give up.

Liang Ge said that it is not suitable if it is not suitable.

The current situation is rather special. They are not in a five-star hotel.

At this moment, they are above the sea! The wind is high and the waves are rough, the waves are rough, and the warship is ups and downs. It is indeed easy to vomit when eating fish.

Warships are not cruise ships. There must be no comfort at all. The stability is not as good as cruise ships.

Many recruits who have received training will be vomiting vomiting when they first come to a warship.

Wang Bu'an is already considered good.

Strictly speaking, he should be regarded as one of the "veterans".

At least, he has been following a number of warships and bumping the ocean for a long time. It can be said to be a super veteran.

"Is it wasted like this?"

"No. It's a pity."

"Yeah! It would be a pity if you just throw it back to the sea. It's okay to give it to someone else to sell it."

"See if there are fishing boats nearby. Give it to them."


Wang Bu'an is reluctant to leave.

After all, it was my hard work to catch it.

It's a shame to give it away like this. However, Liang Ge was right.

Eat fish sashimi on a warship. It is against the disciplinary order.

Military orders cannot be desecrated.

Had to contact the fishing boat.

Before long, fishing boats really arrived.

Unfortunately, they are all strangers. Wang Bu'an didn't know anyone.

He really wants to collect money. At least half sold and half free. However, it is impossible for warships to make a deal. Otherwise it will tarnish the honor of soldiers. Only free copies.

Finally, a large group of fishermen happily started to take away the five bluefin tuna.

It is estimated to be able to sell at least one million yuan or more.

"Don't be discouraged." Chen Xiangmin said comfortingly, "Next time we have time, let's go fishing together."

"Yes. Next time I will get a large fishing boat to catch tuna." Ding Yewei said eagerly, "If I can catch bluefin tuna from a fishing boat, I won't need to open my fitness center."

"You just want to be beautiful!"

"With Mr. Wang, anything is possible."

"Fucking up again..."

Everyone took turns to comfort Wang Bu'an.

Wang Bu'an had no choice but to refresh himself and pretend to be indifferent.

Accept it when you see it! Otherwise, it is really a "slut is hypocritical". He has not yet felt so sentimental.

"Master Wang!"

"Master Wang!"

Suddenly, Ge Ming hurried over.

He is here to find Wang Bu'an. He has very important information to report.

Ge Ming is now an intelligence officer. Responsible for collecting various intelligence related to warships. Including meteorological, ocean current, military, political...

"Chief Engineer Wang, Minister Guan and Captain Guan invite you to come."

"What's the latest information?"

"We just received information that deep-sea monsters are haunting the sea east of Hawaii."

"Anything to lose?"

"One of Dongying's merchant fleet had all broken propellers."


Wang Bu'an seemed a little surprised.

If the propeller is broken, the merchant ship will not sink.

But since then, it is estimated that merchant ships will not dare to go to sea.

This is what Wang Buyan wants. What is important is that others dare not go to sea easily.

Otherwise, how can it appear that the Tyrannosaurus rex industrial transport fleet is independent?

There is no doubt that the actions of the "Deep Sea Monster" are all controlled by Wang Bu'an.

In other words, he let Yu Meilan control it.

Yu Meilan is now completely aiding the abuse!

Bored and bored, she began to manipulate the Ocean Industrial Park to destroy everywhere.

She also knows Wang Buyan's mind. Therefore, every time the action is aimed at those major countries. Rarely hurt the innocent.

Wang Bu'an's goal is simple. It is to create a kind of pressure on the world.

In the future, only China's ships dare to go to sea.

Of course, occasionally, the transport ship of Tyrannosaurus Rex will encounter a "deep sea monster" once or twice. But it did not cause any substantial damage.

However, the purpose of this "deep sea monster" dispatch is not so simple.

It also has more important tasks.

But Guan Hongru came. Preoccupied.

"Minister Guan, are you okay..." Wang Bu'an asked knowingly.

"The effect of the electromagnetic gun test is not very good." Guan Hongru's tone was a little obscure.

"Is there any improvement plan?"

"They are studying."

"That's it."

Wang Bu'an didn't want to interfere.

Sometimes, too much control is not a good thing.

Especially this kind of field where others don't want you to intervene. It's nothing more than to offend people for no reason, but in the end it ends up in an unpleasant situation.

Why only the Hongru appeared? The other party’s technical staff did not show up?

This is obvious.

Others don't catch a cold to him Wang Bu'an.

Others are clearly reminding him Wang Bu'an not to interfere in their professional field.

Speaking of research electromagnetic guns. We are professional. What is your Wang Bu'an? It's nothing to you.

It is estimated that Guan Hongru is also very contradictory.

He obviously hopes that Wang Bu'an can intervene and help solve the problem.

However, he is also very clear. It is impossible for the other party to provide information to Wang Bu'an. Even very resistant to Wang Bu'an.

Unless, it is Wang Bu'an who develops a new electromagnetic gun project.

Even so, he will be hated by others. After all, this is robbing jobs!

Be aware that electromagnetic guns are not ordinary products.

Its purpose is unique.

If there are two researches at the same time, then one of them will definitely fall.

It is not an airplane. There are also substitute purposes.

You don't want the air force. My navy wants. It may not be suitable for your air force. But it suits our navy.

This is how the Hornet F-18 comes. After all, it is useful. It won't be wasted like this.

Let's concentrate on fishing.

Listen more, talk less, keep a low profile...


Fishing is no longer possible.

The group returned to the conference room.

Guan Hongru brought some information about the electromagnetic gun.

Neither Chen Xiangmin nor Pang Xihua understood very well. All the information was pushed to Wang Bu'an.

Wang Bu'an silently upgraded electromagnetic gun technology.

Upgrade from -2 to -1. Consume 100 million faith points.

Upgrade from level -1 to level 0. Consume 1 billion faith points.

A steady stream of information flooded his mind.

However, his brain cannot receive much.

The brain area of ​​ordinary people is only about 3% developed.

His brain area has been developed more than 10%. However, it is still unable to meet the needs.

The corresponding technical information is too much.

There was no way, but the robot elves No. 1 and No. 2 were absorbed.

Anyway, their memory chips are very large, almost endless. You can easily absorb relevant information.

"It's fundamentally wrong." Wang Bu said calmly.

"What?" Pang Xihua asked hurriedly.

"This is not a question of tinkering."

"what is the problem?"

"To overturn and start over."

"so serious?"

"I think so."

Wang Bu'an deliberately lowered his voice.

This will look mysterious. Not intentionally. Is used to it.

An impassioned speech is not Wang Bu'an's strong point.

What he likes is speaking slowly and softly.

You can make noise slowly.

When your quarrel is over, I will speak slowly.

"How long does it take to tear down and start over?" Guan Hongru whispered.

"Maybe two years or so." Wang Bu'an seemed very conservative.

In fact, he can perfect the design and manufacture of electromagnetic guns in only half a year.

If we simply talk about making samples, we can produce them now. However, it must be fully produced in the industrial park.

All parts and all processes must be completed by the robot wizard.

This will definitely increase the burden on the industrial park. At that time, industrial parks will have to be added.

I feel that the arrangement of Transformers is to keep Wang Bu'an increasing the industrial park. UU reading www.uukanshu. The more com, the better. It is best to spread all over the world.

He hopes to work hard to transfer part of the production capacity to ordinary factories.

It's like shipbuilding.

The industrial park is only responsible for providing raw materials and core components.

The other hulls, weapon systems, communication systems, etc. were all handled by the shipyard.

"Very good." Guan Hongru breathed a sigh of relief.

"Very good." Pang Xihua was also relieved.

"Very good." Chen Xiangmin also nodded.

Two years are actually very short. It passed in a blink of an eye.

For scientific research, two years are just a matter of seconds. Can afford to wait.

In fact, even if it is twenty years, one must wait.

The technology of the powerful electromagnetic gun is indeed very immature.

The current electromagnetic guns are all experimental products. It is a small-caliber test product. The power is actually not very good.

In the next twenty years, whether there are mature and reliable electromagnetic guns appearing, no one dares to pack a ticket. Unless it has a very broad application prospect, the world focuses on development.

However, in fact, the application of electromagnetic guns has always been relatively narrow. It is totally incomparable with missiles.

Only Wang Bu'an knows that electromagnetic guns are really important in the future world.

The electromagnetic gun technology upgraded to level 0 changed his original perception.

On earth, electromagnetic guns are almost useless for heroes.

However, in the interstellar age, it is one of the most powerful and devastating artillery.

The emergence of nuclear fusion technology has made electricity very sufficient. The power of the electromagnetic gun is also revealed. One shot can destroy a planet.

In other words, the electromagnetic gun must be matched with nuclear fusion technology.

Both are indispensable.

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