Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 520: Circumnavigation

South Pacific.

120 degrees east longitude and 55 degrees south latitude.

As the sun sets, there are a series of afterglows on the sea, which looks particularly magnificent.

After a busy day, seafarers finally have a chance to rest. They sat directly on the pile of squid noodles. Those who play with mobile phones, those who drink water drink water, and those who smoke smoke.

The bosses of several ships are busy contacting the transport ships. Once reminded, reminded twice, reminded three times... But the transport ship never came.

The old monster kept scolding his mother anxiously. Lei Zhenzi and Pili Shou were also anxious.

Satellite phones are actually very expensive. But they continued to fight.

Dial repeatedly. Keep calling.

However, the satellite phone of the transport ship is always busy.

They never thought that they would be dragged down by the transport ship. I had known that they had carried their own transport ship.

"Dogday! When I go back, I will buy a transport ship myself!"

"This time, we really made a mistake."

"I didn't think about it!"

"Who would have thought that the squid here would be so rich."

"There weren't many fishing boats approaching here before, right? It's too far away after all. There are no ports around for supplies. The requirements for self-sustainment are high."

"Yes! We are now 1,500 nautical miles from the nearest port."

Is 1,500 nautical miles far away?

Not far away, it is also about 2800 kilometers.

It is roughly equivalent to the straight-line distance from Lingnan Yangcheng (Guang/zhou) to the northernmost city of Harbin (Erbin). For airplanes, it's definitely not far.

However, for ordinary fishing boats, it is very far away.

At an average speed of about 10 knots, it takes 150 hours to get here. It is also about seven days.

It also takes 150 hours to go back from here. The same is about seven days.

In other words, it came and went, and it took Ruth two weeks.

If it's not a super large fishing boat, it's not worthwhile to come and go.

The main reason, of course, is that fuel costs are too high.

And for super-large fishing boats, there is no such a low value-added species as squid.

This time, the squid fishing fleet organized by the old monsters, Thunderboltmen, Lei Zhenzi and others has a total of eight boats. The displacement is about 1,000 tons. Not too big. Of course it's not too small. Relying on the help of a rock engine, they galloped at high speed all the way into this unfamiliar sea. Hook. The result was a bumper harvest.

You can catch bunches of squid by simply hooking.

The size of some squids is unprecedented. It is three to four hundred catties at every turn.

Fortunately, every squid fishing boat is equipped with a mechanical hook, which can use electricity to pull the rope. Otherwise, if we rely solely on human resources...

I am afraid that the seamen themselves will be dragged into the sea by such a huge squid.

These super big squids are very powerful.

Relying solely on manpower, it is impossible to bring them here.

At that time, whether the seaman is fishing for squid or the squid is fishing for seamen, I have to say two things.

Mention this matter, we must thank Wang Bu'an!

Without the Rock series engine he invented, there is no squid fishing boat today!

However, unexpectedly, the joy of a bumper harvest was quickly washed away by the shortage of transport ships.

The transport ship can't turn around.

Transport ships are needed everywhere.

There seems to be a bumper harvest everywhere?

Now, the noodles of the eight squid fishing boats are already full of various seafood. There is almost no place to stay.

Now, there are still many squids in the sea water, you can catch a bunch by hooking them.

No lighting is required.

The squid floated from the depths of the sea.

However, there is no place to put it! Now, even the deck is full. If you keep fishing, maybe even people will slip into the sea.

"I'll go back and buy a transport ship!"

"You must buy a transport ship! You must buy a transport ship! You must buy a transport ship!"

"Would you like to call to order now? I'm afraid I won't be able to grab it. Maybe at this time, transport ships are also very popular."

Several boat bosses were smoking while complaining.

They took out the satellite phone and looked for the shipyard. The result still did not get through.

There was only one shipyard they were looking for. That is Xinhongyang Shipyard.

As a result, the phone of Xinhongyang Shipyard is also busy. It really gives people the illusion of being busy. It seems that you can't even buy a transport ship.



The three ship bosses said they were scheming and omnipotent.

They have been traversing the South Pacific for many years, what big storms and waves have they not seen? I have never encountered such a dilemma today.

It was suffocated to death by the transport ship that was usually completely inadvertent.

Suddenly, a seaman on duty came out to report that there were many ships approaching to the northwest. It may be a warship.


"Whose warship?"

"How come there are warships here?"

"Could it be that a monster of the deep sea appeared?"


They are all brave guys.

They don't believe in any deep-sea monster at all. I think it's all fooling people.

It seems to be some Venetian monsters, Nile monsters, and so on, but they are all falsely spread and deliberately fabricated to scare people. The facts simply do not exist.

As for the warship...

This is a three-no matter zone!

This is already close to Antarctica. There will be no warships at all.

"It's our warship!"


"It's our own warship of China!"


Several boat bosses were all stunned.

Our own warship?

A warship from China?

How could Huaxia's warships run to such a remote place?

Could it be that something big happened nearby? I haven't heard of it! They have been working in this sea area, and they have not felt any abnormality at all!

"Everyone, be careful."

"If the situation is not right, evacuate immediately at the highest speed."

"The meeting point is a thousand nautical miles north. If you can't merge, then continue to the north for a thousand kilometers."

The Thunderbolt quickly issued the order.

All the seamen immediately entered a nervous standby state.

They have never encountered a warship of China here. Who knows if it is true?

What if someone else’s warship pretended to be?

In Oceania, anything can happen.

The warship may also be posing as a pirate.

Finally, the goal appeared.

At the beginning, it was a small black spot.

The black spot grew bigger and bigger, and gradually became a ship. The outline of the ship became clearer.

Sure enough, it was a warship.

The mast of the warship floated with a bright five-star red flag.

It is indeed a warship of China!

Apart from being depressed, everyone was refreshed.

It's really a warship of China!

They actually came here.

Moreover, it is not one ship with two ships, but one formation. There are a full eight warships.

"Huh? Isn't that a new wild ship?"

"Huh? Let me see. Huh? It's really a new wild ship!"

The old monster and others were all recognized.

There is a warship in between, the string they are familiar with, it is the new wild ship.

Speaking of new wild ships, they are definitely old acquaintances. I often say hello to each other. At this time, naturally it is no exception.

The old monster immediately applied to talk to the new wild ship. As a result, the communication was quickly connected.

"Old monster, is that you?"

"Huh? Captain Lin?"

The old monster and others were all taken aback.

It turned out that it was Lin Chengji, the captain of the Xinye Ship, who was talking to them.

Old acquaintance.

A hundred percent old acquaintance.

"Captain Lin, why did you run so far? What happened?"

"You can all come, why can't we come?"


The old monster nodded.

However, something is always wrong.

In the past, warships did not run so far!

You know, south of 55 degrees south latitude, there is no port and no land at all! Except Antarctica.

It is useless for warships to come to this sea area. A waste of fuel.

"We are here to try." Lin Chengji explained.

"Oh. I understand." The old monster and others suddenly realized.

Needless to say, these warships are all equipped with Rock series engines, so no fuel costs are required.

Since there is no need for any fuel costs, it is of course all around the world, seven continents, four oceans, free shuttle, where you want to go, how you want to run. It's a daily long distance training. Training crews, inspecting weapons and equipment, assessing logistical supplies, and testing communications... just go round the earth.

"What are you doing here? In a daze?" The voice of Fan Qixiang, deputy captain of the Xinye Ship, came.

"Hey, don't mention it. We are waiting for the transport ship." The old monster said dullly.

"Where is the transport ship you usually work with?"

"too busy."

"Then... you can contact Lu's transport ship as soon as possible."

"Lu's? Where is it?"

"We met six hours ago, estimated to be three hundred nautical miles away."

"Okay. Please give me the frequency of contact."


Soon after, the old monster really contacted Lu's transport ship.

This transport ship came around from the Drake Strait in the southernmost part of South America. It is a very large frozen ship.

It has just been replaced with a Rock 500 engine. Running around the world.

It is also the result of Lu Lingqi's successful backdoor.

Get the moon first near the water tower!

"How big is the displacement?"

"Fifty thousand tons."

"How many?"

"Fifty thousand tons."


The boat bosses are finally relieved.

This time, it was finally possible to clean up all the inventory of fishing boats.

A 50,000-ton refrigerated ship! Completely dissatisfied!

The old monster quickly ordered.

All the fishing boats, immediately north, merged with the freezing boats.

The freezing boat also turned south and merged with the fishing boat. The expected meeting time is five hours later.

"Captain Lin, are you still going south?"

"Yes indeed!"

"Where are you going?"

"Cross the Drake Channel and enter the Atlantic Ocean!"


The old monster nodded.

Sure enough, it's voyage around the world!

Do not take the Panama Canal, go directly to the farthest route.

"Then let's go first."

"OK, bye."


The squid fishing fleet turned north.

The warship formation continued to move south.

Five hours later, the squid fishing fleet finally merged with the freezing boat.

And ten hours later, the Chinese warship formation, including the new wild ships, also crossed the Drake Strait and entered the Atlantic Ocean to continue its journey.

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