Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 518: Electricity price 1 cent

Chen Xiangmin is very energetic now.

He is not deaf, not dazzling, and has sharp legs and feet.

According to his bragging, give him a gun, and he can go on the battlefield.

Well, that's right, Director Chen used to be from the army, and he has fought hard. Later, by chance, he entered the navy. It can be said that both the army and the navy are proficient.

He took the pamphlet, flipped through it quickly, and read several important parameters.


Very satisfied.

He can finally die and stare.

The 100,000 horsepower engine was finally made by Wang Bu'an.

He finally saw the real thing with his own eyes.

Not a fantasy.

Not a delusion.

It's a real thing. A swarthy, heavy big guy.

Without holding back for a while, the old man's home was in tears.

"Director Chen..." Wang Bu'an was surprised.

"It's okay, I am tears of joy." Chen Xiangmin said slowly.

"Do you really need to be so excited?" Wang Bu'an was secretly suspicious.

Isn’t it just an engine?

Isn’t it just more horsepower?

Do you want to be so excited? Are you still crying?

Perhaps, I really can't understand the feelings of these elderly people?

In a certain age...

Buy everything.

Everything has to be stuck.

Want to buy the LM-2500 of the American Emperor, in the end, others are only willing to sell two.

No choice but to buy a Ukrainian GT25000. Whether it is performance, reliability, or stability, there is a long distance.

The domestically produced QC280 actually borrows the technology of GT25000.

However, after our own development, the level of GT25000 itself is definitely improved a lot.

If this were not the case, we would not be able to develop a 10,000-ton large drive ourselves!

Relying solely on imports, others will definitely get stuck.

Without a powerful enough engine, nothing can be done. Can only stare.

Where is it like now, orders are hundreds of hundreds.

For the 056H frigate alone, there were 120 orders for the first wave!

In fact, there can be more orders. The military expenses are fully affordable. It just doesn't work much.

After all, it is a light frigate, and its comprehensive combat effectiveness is not very strong. There is no need to maintain too many quantities. More often, it serves as a patrol and training role.

More orders for ships are reserved for larger warships.

For example, the 054H-class frigate has an order for 48 ships.

The order intention for the second wave is basically confirmed, about 100 ships.

Even the order for the 10,000-ton large drive has been added to more than 20 ships. There may be more in the future. The final number may be more than 50 ships. Even more than 100 ships.

Generally speaking, the future China Navy may need to maintain more than 1,000 large surface ships.

How to distinguish this large? The displacement is at least 3000 tons.

There is no need to count light frigates like 056.

So many orders are based on the Panshi 500 and Panshi 600 engines.

With enough engines, you can build it as you want.

In terms of ship design, there is also more freedom. Design as you want.

The single power of the Rock 600 has reached 30,000 horsepower. With two units installed together, there are 60,000 horsepower. It is sufficient for most warships.

Of course, a behemoth like the Liaodong aircraft carrier cannot be counted. It needs a bigger engine.

Now, the Rock 700 engine is also out. There will be more dumplings in the future.

All of them are big guys. The displacement is at least 30,000 tons.

The dumplings for domestic aircraft carriers will start now.

"Wang Bu'an."

"Director Pang."

While talking, Pang Xihua also came.

Panshi 700 is what North Shipbuilding Industry needs most.

For very large ships, the performance of the Rock 700 is simply perfect.

Only need to install two Rock 700 engines, the domestic aircraft carrier can guarantee a cruising speed of 35 knots or more. When necessary, it can be pulled to 40 knots.

"No one else?"


Pang Xihua looked around.

There is indeed no one else.

Just three of them. Confidentiality can be said to be home.

Before, there was not even a little information. The silent delivery did not alarm anyone.

The current international situation is a bit turbulent and unpredictable.

The name Wang Bu'an has already made many people sleepy and sleepless, and they must be eliminated.

According to incomplete statistics, more than half of more than 200 countries and regions in the world want Wang Bu'an's life.

There are also some super-rich people who have already offered a reward of 3 billion U.S. dollars.

There is only one purpose, which is to get Wang Bu'an's head.

Three billion dollars!

Local tyrants are local tyrants.

Moreover, the amount of this reward is increasing rapidly.

There is even news that someone has established an anti-wangbuan alliance. There is only one goal: to kill Wang Bu'an.

At this time, a little low-key shouldn't be a bad thing.

If it stimulates certain countries again, it won't be fun.

Pang Xihua circled the Panshi 700 engine a few times, and said with some confusion: "So small?"

Wang Bu'an said without moving, "Why? Don't you believe in its strength?"

"I don't believe it."

"I am also a little skeptical."

Chen Xiangmin said honestly.

You know, the maximum power of the Rock 700 is as high as 100,000 kilowatts.

Diesel engines and gas turbines of this power are all giants, and both occupy a very large space.

Just one engine crankshaft is more than 20 meters long!

Any gear is taller than a person.

Any crank arm is two people tall.

Any counterweight has hundreds of tons!

How big is Rock 700 in front of you?

It doesn't feel the size of a standard container. Maybe it's only half a container?

"What is the total mass?" Pang Xihua asked.

"A bit heavy." Wang Bu'an said lightly, "about 80 tons."

"Only eighty tons?"

"Why? Not satisfied? Feel too light?"

"It's too light."

Pang Xihua nodded straightforwardly.

It is indeed too light.

Eighty tons!

If it is a diesel engine, at least three thousand tons or more.

If it is a gas turbine, at least 5,000 tons.

Even if it is a nuclear fission reactor, the total mass will not be less than three thousand tons.

You know, its output power is 100,000 kilowatts! 136,000 horsepower! If it is used to generate electricity, it will be 100,000 kWh per hour.

Calculated at 30 cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity, one hour is 30,000 yuan!

What more water and electricity?

What more thermal power?

What more nuclear power?

What more wind power?

Just get a few Panshi 700 to make generator sets.

Future electricity prices can be reduced to less than a dime. The air conditioner is turned on casually. Turn on the electric heater at will. The clothes don’t need to be dried, they are dried directly. The electricity price is cheap anyway!

Where is the most lack of electricity?

Where is electricity most needed?

Build a few Panshi 700 in the past, it is a medium-sized power station.

If it is a combination of 100 units of Rock 700, it will be 10 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per hour. Much stronger than the Three Gorges Power Station.

The total annual output of the Three Gorges Power Station is approximately 85 billion kWh. The average hour is less than 10 million degrees.

The key is, how much does it cost to build a Three Gorges?

How much does one hundred Rock 700 engines cost?

What's more, the mobility of Panshi 700 is so good, you can choose a location at will.

It is really where the power is placed, which can greatly save the loss of power transportation and the cost. Basically, ultra-high voltage transmission is not required.

Even large factories can build a power plant by themselves. Power yourself.

100,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per hour is enough even for metal smelting enterprises.

If it is not enough, it is definitely more than enough to build a few more.

The days of industrial power shortage are about to pass.

In the future, electricity will be used casually. Use it with confidence. Use it wantonly.

One-time investment, no follow-up costs. It burns air, not fuel. There is no power generation cost. Use it whatever you want.

With a weight of 80 tons, a heavy truck can be easily pulled away.

General national highways can also pass slowly.

Needless to say the highway.

"If you need, I can enlarge the volume by a hundred times. Increase the weight by a hundred times." Wang Bu'an said casually.

"Don't, don't, kidding, kidding." Pang Xihua hurriedly shook his head and said.

What to do with such a large volume?

What to do with such a big quality?

Of course, the smaller the better, the lighter the better!

The space above warships has always been very One point is one point!

The combination of two Rock 700s can definitely free up a huge space.

The previous gas turbine took up too much space and even affected the installation of the vertical missile launch system. Now, Panshi 700 has completely solved this problem.

The vertical launch system can be installed whatever you want. Install as much as you want.

It is conservatively estimated that at least 10 sets of vertical launch systems can be installed in the space saved.

According to the calculation that each set of vertical launch system is equipped with 2 or 3 missiles, that is 20 or 30 missiles. The combat effectiveness will be increased by one third.

For modern warships, missiles are the most important combat capability.

The greater the number, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

The more complete the variety, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

Anti-aircraft missiles, anti-surface missiles, anti-ship missiles, anti-submarine missiles...

Conventional warheads, tactical nuclear warheads, strategic nuclear warheads...

There is not enough space, how to arrange it?

"Anything else?"


Pang Xihua's face suddenly looked forward to it.

Simply having Rock 700 is not enough. Special generator sets are also needed.

Two 100,000 KW generator sets are required to be used together.

There are also two 100,000 KW electric motors.

As long as there are these six large machines, the warship can basically achieve full electric propulsion.

All-electric propulsion is currently the most high-end technology for warships. Especially in terms of ship design, it has greatly released the designer's thinking and abandoned various restrictions.

There is no annoying main shaft connection, no annoying noise and vibration, and there is more freedom in design.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

A forklift slowly drove out of the industrial park.

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