Alchemy & Martial Supreme

Chapter 5391 Assassination

Huantian's threat has become a foregone conclusion. The greater the losses Huantian brings to their family, the greater Yan Yifeng's guilt will be.

Yan Yifeng made an unforgivable mistake when he was chasing Huantian, so naturally most of the responsibility falls on him.

It is very likely that Yan Yifeng will be executed as a warning to others.

Even if he was not executed, he might have been sent on an extremely dangerous mission by his family and died in battle, using his life to make amends.

Regardless of whether he is executed directly or uses his life to make up for his mistakes, he dies as a sinner and his immediate family members do not receive any benefits.

And if he assassinates Huantian and succeeds, even though he still dies, he has completed the family's mission. He died a worthy death and is a hero of the family.

Yan Yifeng's immediate family members will receive awards, and he will also get some benefits.

Of course, he doesn't care about this benefit. The most important thing is not to be implicated by Yan Yifeng. ??

And this is the best way he thought of, but it requires a lot of courage to sacrifice himself.

When Yan Yifeng heard that his uncle asked him to die, he was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't believe it.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is the best way.

If he succeeds in killing Huantian, there is still a slight possibility of surviving. If he doesn't kill Huantian, when he grows up, the family will let him die with dignity.

The Supreme Family is powerful, but it also has extremely strict rules.

It is these rules that allow the Supreme Family to remain at the pinnacle of the Supreme Family for countless years.

"Do I have to die? Besides me, there are other powerful people in the divine beast realm in my family." Yan Yifeng looked at his uncle expectantly.

There are many powerful people in the Supreme Family, and there are also many powerful people in the divine beast realm. In addition to

In addition to those with the supreme bloodline, there are also some recruited powerful men in the divine beast realm.

He has several powerful men in the mythical beast realm under him. Can he let his men die on his behalf?

If possible, he would be willing to give up all his property and treat his relatives who were strong in the mythical beast realm to die for him.

"No." The old man in purple clothes shook his head and sighed, "You should know the gap between us and the warriors of the divine beast realm who do not have the supreme bloodline. Your martial arts realm has reached the middle stage of the divine beast realm. In addition, you have the supreme bloodline of your family. , is stronger than ordinary warriors in the late stages of the Divine Beast Realm."

"Unless you can find a late-stage Divine Beast Realm or other mid-stage Divine Beast Realm strongman with supreme bloodline to replace you."

"Huantian is very cunning. He can only kill with one strike. If he doesn't have enough strength, he might scare off the enemy. Not only will his life be lost in vain, but it will also cause disaster."

The assassination can only be done once. To be sure, the stronger the martial arts realm, the better.

As for Yan Yifeng, who has the supreme bloodline, his martial arts realm has reached the middle stage of the Divine Beast Realm, so his martial arts strength is equivalent to that of an ordinary late-stage Divine Beast Realm powerhouse.

There was almost no chance of him surviving if he tried to summon the sky.

After hearing his uncle's words, Yan Yifeng sat on the ground. He could not find anyone to replace him.

Indeed, as the uncle said, if you want to kill Huantian, you must have enough strength.

Huantian's current martial arts realm has reached the peak of the Holy Beast Realm. In addition, his martial arts talent has reached a dazzling purple color measured by the Hengmei Stone.

If a strong person in the early stages of the divine beast realm assassinates Huantian, he will most likely be directly blocked by Huantian.

This is Tucheng. As long as Huantian resists a few moves, Hengshi will definitely take action and the assassination will definitely fail. Huantian's threat has become a foregone conclusion. The greater the losses Huantian brings to their family, the greater Yan Yifeng's guilt will be.

Yan Yifeng made an unforgivable mistake when he was chasing Huantian, so naturally most of the responsibility falls on him.

It is very likely that Yan Yifeng will be executed as a warning to others.

Even if he was not executed, he might have been sent on an extremely dangerous mission by his family and died in battle, using his life to make amends.

Regardless of whether he is executed directly or uses his life to make up for his mistakes, he dies as a sinner and his immediate family members do not receive any benefits.

And if he assassinates Huantian and succeeds, even though he still dies, he has completed the family's mission. He died a worthy death and is a hero of the family.

Yan Yifeng's immediate family members will receive awards, and he will also get some benefits.

Of course, he doesn't care about this benefit. The most important thing is not to be implicated by Yan Yifeng.

And this is the best way he thought of, but it requires a lot of courage to sacrifice himself.

When Yan Yifeng heard that his uncle asked him to die, he was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't believe it.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is the best way.

If he succeeds in killing Huantian, there is still a slight possibility of surviving. If he doesn't kill Huantian, when he grows up, the family will let him die with dignity.

The Supreme Family is powerful, but it also has extremely strict rules.

It is these rules that allow the Supreme Family to remain at the pinnacle of the Supreme Family for countless years.

"Do I have to die? Besides me, there are other powerful people in the divine beast realm in my family." Yan Yifeng looked at his uncle expectantly.

There are many powerful people in the Supreme Family, and there are also many powerful people in the divine beast realm. In addition to

In addition to those with the supreme bloodline, there are also some recruited powerful men in the divine beast realm.

He has several powerful men in the mythical beast realm under him. Can he let his men die on his behalf?

If possible, he would be willing to give up all his property and treat his relatives who were strong in the mythical beast realm to die for him.

"No." The old man in purple clothes shook his head and sighed, "You should know the gap between us and the warriors of the divine beast realm who do not have the supreme bloodline. Your martial arts realm has reached the middle stage of the divine beast realm. In addition, you have the supreme bloodline of your family. , is stronger than ordinary warriors in the late stages of the Divine Beast Realm."

"Unless you can find a late-stage Divine Beast Realm or other mid-stage Divine Beast Realm strongman with supreme bloodline to replace you."

"Huantian is very cunning. He can only kill with one strike. If he doesn't have enough strength, he might scare off the enemy. Not only will his life be lost in vain, but it will also cause disaster."

The assassination can only be done once. To be sure, the stronger the martial arts realm, the better.

As for Yan Yifeng, who has the supreme bloodline, his martial arts realm has reached the middle stage of the Divine Beast Realm, so his martial arts strength is equivalent to that of an ordinary late-stage Divine Beast Realm powerhouse.

There was almost no chance of him surviving if he tried to summon the sky.

After hearing his uncle's words, Yan Yifeng sat on the ground. He could not find anyone to replace him.

Indeed, as the uncle said, if you want to kill Huantian, you must have enough strength.

Huantian's current martial arts realm has reached the peak of the Holy Beast Realm. In addition, his martial arts talent has reached a dazzling purple color measured by the Hengmei Stone.

If a strong person in the early stages of the divine beast realm assassinates Huantian, he will most likely be directly blocked by Huantian.

This is Tucheng. As long as Huantian resists a few moves, Hengshi will definitely take action and the assassination will definitely fail.

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