Chapter 176: Willie’s Desperate Situation [New Book for Collection]

Arrows kept shooting.

But the results are not as obvious as they were at the beginning.

One arrow down, can no longer accurately harvest human heads.

Violet soldiers have learned, although they do not carry shields, but in the forest, the forest is their best shield.

As soon as you find the angle at which the arrow is shot, immediately drill into a nearby tree.

The big trees in the elf forest are not ordinary big trees, they are basically spirit trees that are more than a thousand years old.

Even if the Great Martial King uses all his strength, he may not be able to knock it down.

The spirit tree not only absorbs nutrients from the ground, but also absorbs energy in the air.

Even an ordinary tree in a thousand years has long been turned into an iron tree by energy.

Not to mention the even more special spirit tree.

There has never been a fire in the Elven Forest.

Spirit trees have spirits, and before the fire breaks out, they will spontaneously resist the fire and will not let them break out at all.

Just like elves use trees to hide and kill enemies.

Violet soldiers can also be defended with forests.

But when it comes to the forest, in the end, the elves are more familiar with it, and slowly adapt to the dodging rhythm of the violet soldiers.

A new round of arrows arrived immediately.

Shout! Shout! Shout!

Soldiers kept wailing and falling to the ground.

Willie Violet, who was in the forest, held her big sword in both hands and slashed at a big sword.

The spirit number fell to the ground in response.

Great Martial Sect is a great consummation.

Like Windsor, Willy’s strength is also a top martial arts sect.

Although Willie is reckless, he is known as the martial arts genius of the Violet family once in a thousand years.

He became a top martial artist at the age of less than forty, and if he was given thirty years, maybe a martial saint powerhouse would really appear in the Violet family.

Once a family produced a Martial Saint powerhouse, as long as that Martial Saint survived in the world for one day, his family would not be destroyed.

But now there is no chance.

If the Violet family is destroyed by the Third Prince, he will be the number one target of the Third Prince.

After all, a strong person who has the potential to become a martial saint is quite terrifying.

These damn elves, why don’t they obediently tie their hands and feet and become their slaves!


A herald of the Violet family ran to Willy and handed Willy a letter.

“This is a letter from the new owner.”

Willie is weird, Harry’s guy is dead?

Willie unfolded the letter and read it carefully, and only halfway through it, Willy angrily tore the letter in half.

“Hugh! I will never surrender to the Third Prince of the Empire! ”

For the sake of his own little life, Willy must not surrender to the Third Prince.

“Todd, this little bastard, actually wants to use me to please that shit third prince!”

Willy slashed the family herald in half with a single sword.

Of course, he could see that Todd, the new head of the shit, wanted to take his head to ask the Third Prince’s forgiveness.

But is it really that easy?

On the wrong side, it is not easy to be loyal to the new king.

Willie didn’t believe that the Third Prince would forgive them easily.

Killing them all is the imperial means.

The third prince is not as loyal and honest as he seems.

“Damn it!”

Willie was a little embarrassed, and now the situation was in a dilemma, and he had no way back.

These lowly elves are indeed hard bones to gnaw.

But his only hope was these elves.

Capture the elves for reinforcements, this is his only chance to survive.

But even if he didn’t ask for help, he caught the elf and handed it over to the Black Rock Empire, he could also exchange it for shelter, at least for the rest of his life, and he didn’t have to live hard.

Having thought everything through, Willie immediately lifted up his greatsword, and he was ready to go into battle himself and catch the lowly elves.


The tall trees that blocked Willie were split in half.


After Li Zuo and Sha Wei returned to the forest, they were in no hurry to return to their own team.

The forest is too big to find for a while.

Might as well try your luck and see if you can encounter some small violet troops.

Ten minutes later.

The Lingmu Divine Bow in Li’s left hand had already eliminated thirty violet soldiers.

Whether it is a warrior or a great martial king, in front of his bow and arrow, it is a one-hit kill.


The sound of footsteps is approaching.

Ten men wearing violet military uniforms walked out.

Sharp soldiers!

Violet Spikes.

Li Zuo and Sha Wei saw that blood was still dripping from their knife edge, and they knew whose blood it was without thinking.

“Just the two of you? Not enough to kill. ”

Ten thousand-year-old gradually emerged from the darkness, one by one, full of flesh, they should have killed quite a few people.

Sha Wei was a little worried, he and Li Zuo were just a Martial Sect Great Consummation, a top Martial Sect.

Two against ten.

The situation does not look good.

The gap in strength between Martial Sect and Great Martial Sect before was actually not that big.

It is true that some great martial sects can even be tough with martial saints.

But Sha’s only skill points are all archery, which is a disadvantage in such a melee environment.

Li Zuo closed his eyes and bent his bow to take the arrow.


The arrows move with the wind.

The sound of wind and thunder gradually sounded in the forest, and the breeze drifted in the forest, gradually getting bigger, and the wind was fierce

The thunder, combined with the fierce wind, formed an arrow field similar to the field around Li Zuo.

The wooden arrow was not fast in the eyes of the Violet Tip Soldiers, and even surprisingly slow.

But when the wooden arrow actually reached them, no one could resist it.




The arrow method is intrigued, and one arrow kills ten people.

Ten Martial Sects, Li Zuo was killed with one arrow.

After two hundred times the gravity and a layer of wind and thunder power strengthening, let alone ten, even a hundred Li Zuo can be killed with one arrow.

The bodies of the ten Martial Sects had already exploded into blood droplets.

Li Zuo glanced at the top of his head, and the whistle sounded, which was the summoning whistle of the blood eagle.


The blood sculpture above the forest echoed Li Zuo.

A figure was thrown by the blood sculpture from the top of the tree and flew to Li Zuo and the two.

It was Old Scar, a member of Violet’s private hunting party.

Li Zuo glanced at the old scar, and the Lingmu Divine Bow in his hand shot towards the corner of the forest, and several figures fell to the ground.

Now only Old Scar is left alive among the members of the hunting party.

“Don’t kill me, my lord, don’t kill me, I can be a cow and a horse for you!” Anything! ”

Old Scar is really afraid of death.

But it is the old scar who is afraid of death that has survived to this day.

He firmly believes in one truth, only living is true, everything else is bullshit.

“You’re Violet too?”

“The Violet Hunting Team.”

The Violet family has prepared double insurance, and if Willie encounters difficulties, then another hunting team will replace this Willy.

Now it seems completely useless.

“Your head is dead, then you don’t seem to be of much use.”

Li Zuo looked at the old scar, and he couldn’t see what use this guy had.


Li Zuo smashed this guy’s head with a punch.

Harry is dead, so you lackeys should follow.”

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