In the realm of God.

Su Han arranged for the three girls. As a rule, the two holy spirits have their own palaces, while the remaining Xiaonan lives in the palace complex in the God's Attendance District.

Of course, on the way to meet Su Han this time, Medusa was very vigilant throughout. The heads of the three were pressed tightly, preventing them from seeing Su Han's true appearance... This made Su Han a little bit dumbfounded.

Well, in fact, even if Medusa didn't hold their heads, they really saw Su Han... Even if they were as bold as Xun'er and Medusa, and touched them in the middle of the night...

Su Han wouldn't do anything to them, and They will be knocked unconscious and sent back directly.

They are still at the age of Ninja World Academy, so they are too young.

Although Su Han himself is not that old... he still feels that it is really a crime and evil to do something like that to a girl of this age...

Anyway, the time of the gods is unlimited, and it is enough to raise her in the divine realm for a few years.

Well, at the same time, Su Han did not give them the secret this time. Instead, let the two of them follow Yun Yun and the others to plant medicinal herbs in the God's Realm for a period of time...

Again, I can't directly give them too many gifts, although Su Han gives them, it is equivalent to turning them into his own workers......It is quite beneficial to him, but he cannot act recklessly for the sake of immediate benefits.

"Although, this really makes no sense"-Su Han sighed quietly.

After all, he didn't plan to let the two work together for a long time... Although it was for the sake of rules, he was more of just doing a cosmetic project.

"Forget it, don’t think about it so much."Su Han put aside his messy thoughts and turned his attention to the chat group again.


Chat group of all worlds.

Miaomushan Sage:"I have mixed feelings! A little happy, a little nervous, a little melancholy, a little entangled, and a little painful.……"

Liu Peiqiang:"?"

Ye Hei:"Did you suddenly change your profession and become a poet? Oh, by the way, you seemed to have said before that your secondary profession is a novelist. That's okay!"

Miaomushan Sage:"I can't be a novelist in the future."

The strongest man's deputy:"???"

Great Qin Zulong:"What happened to you... weren't you fine before?"

Miaomushan Immortal:"I became Hokage."

Liu Peiqiang:"!!!"

Yao Lao:"Hiss!"

Ye Hei:"I remember this from your previous introduction... Naruto, seems to be the leader of Konoha Village, right? Awesome. You seemed to be just an ordinary ninja before, this is a light speed upgrade ?"

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"An ordinary ninja? How is he ordinary? He is obviously the apprentice of the previous generation of Hokage, and this is clearly the apprentice inheriting the master's career! Wait, your master seems to be still in his prime... Could it be said.

" The Moon Worshiping Leader:"You stabbed your mentor in the back and then ascended to the throne?"

The Moon Worshiping Leader's eyes lit up for a moment. He is familiar with this plot! He didn't expect that this new immortal who joined the group would actually be of the same mind as him.

Miaomushan Immortal:"……"

This has something to do with him! He was still confused the whole time. The guy who stabbed his mentor in the back was obviously Orochimaru, okay?

Myobokusan Sage:"I actually don't want to become Hokage! I yearn for a free life... I got to this point by mistake, but now that I have become Hokage, I should also shoulder my responsibilities."

Myobokusan Sage:" Unification, conquest, assimilation, development, progress!" Shui Yehei:"I think you are showing off, and I have proof.jpg",.Great Qin Zulong:"It seems that you have already sacrificed to the gods. And the sacrifice was very successful?" The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said,"Congratulations." The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"So, where is the video?"

The Strongest Man Deputy:"In addition to pretending to believe in God every day, the leader of the Moon Worshipers only asks for videos."

The leader of the Moon Worshipers:"I……"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult had a sentence stuck in his throat, not knowing whether to say it or not.

Fortunately, Jiraiya's next move saved him from the embarrassment

"Ding! Miaomushan Sennin has uploaded a video, please download it to watch."

Soon, many members of the crowd had finished reading, and their expressions changed.

Yao Lao:"Huh? Medusa actually went to your world? Shocked! Yao

Lao:"And...she grew up so horribly." That kind of aura has made me unable to see through it! Liu Peiqiang:"

?" ? ? What the hell? According to your statement, wasn't she at the level of a sage when she went to heaven? Didn’t you say that you are the emperor of the third heaven? Yao Lao:"


Liu Peiqiang:"?!"

Liu Peiqiang:"Is the cultivation method in your world so easy to become stronger? Give me a set, and I will become an emperor in three days, and then break the void."

Liu Peiqiang suddenly became interested. Although he is now in his own world, able to control the power of the sun and the moon, coupled with the second stage of the Destiny Magician...the offensive he launched with deliberate preparation is very terrifying... but he feels that this power and great power ultimately belong to him. There is a difference.

Destiny magicians have too strict requirements on the surrounding environment, at least in the second stage... And even if the environment allows, it still takes time to arrange it in advance... Needless to say, the power of the sun and moon can only be used on the earth...

Ye Hei:"You broke a big-headed ghost! The cultivation method in Yaolao's world is even more hellishly difficult than that of the Moon Worshiping Cult Master."

Ye Hei cursed. He had tried to figure out Yao Lao's technique before, but his mentality suddenly exploded...

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said that the technique was too mysterious and he couldn't understand it... Yao Lao's technique He can understand everything...the key is that he can't get in.

Great Qin Zulong:"……The power system in your world is higher than Dou Qi, right? What are you looking at that for? You might as well practice more Jingdao."

Da Qin Zulong:"There is also the man named Liu in front of you. If you want to practice, you should also practice Jingdao. In my opinion, the skills given by God are beyond the methods of many worlds within the chat group... and they are far transcendent and have unlimited potential."

Liu Peiqiang:"……Been taught a lesson. Yao

Lao:"The fighting qi cultivation in our world, especially the saint realm backward... is calculated based on thousands of years." As for Medusa, why Xun'er is like this... I can only say that it's because they are serving God! Maybe this is life.

Ye Hei:"It's so real that it makes me cry.""

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Why are you crying? Mr. Holy Body who can destroy the planet."

Miaomushan Immortal:"@神. Lord God, don’t worry, I will do my best to build the kingdom of God on earth."

Miaomushan Sage:"When I finish building, I will not wait until I die, I will commit suicide directly, and then go to see you! Let me tell you, I have lived up to your instructions."

Great Qin Zulong:"?"

Ye Hei:"???"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"……Are you too cruel? There is no need to commit suicide."

Huang Rong said that her scalp was numb.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said:"Maybe this is a fanatic believer... Oh, by the way, there is also a fanatic believer in the group who is the deputy? Why didn't he say anything about the Kingdom of God on earth? Well, it seems that the spread of faith in his world is not going well, so that’s okay"......................,.

Ye Hei:"I'm an old hermaphrodite."

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"I feel that sooner or later, the deputy and the leader will develop into fighting each other due to verbal conflicts, and eventually fight to the death."

Liu Peiqiang:"Picture.jpg"

Liu Peiqiang directly Posted a screenshot of what Su Han said before, that believers love each other.

Ye Hei:"Tsk, tsk, the war has ended before it even started. In the future, they can only chat with each other! This is really disappointing. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Su Han glanced at the chat history. I scanned Jiraiya's chat emphatically and felt a bit toothache.

He was really surprised...because he felt that these words didn't sound like what Jiraiya said!

"Did this guy... have he been stimulated by something just now?"Su Han rubbed his eyebrows with a headache. After thinking for a moment, he responded in the chat group.

God:"@美木山仙人. It doesn’t have to be this way! When I recite the sacrificial injunctions, I am watching you... I am with the believers! No matter life or death, no matter past or future.

Miaomushan Immortal:"Okay.""

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"The customary worship to God! Every time I see God and worship Him, I feel that I will have good luck today. Ye Hei:"

+1."", the deputy of the strongest man:"God is my light, my God, the aggregate of all the virtues I can imagine, and the end of life that I long for."

Ye Hei:"……There is no problem with what you said! But I don’t know why, I always feel something strange when I look at it. It’s really a day!"

Before Ye Hei could complain more. The next moment, two crisp notification sounds suddenly sounded.

"Ding! The Prince of the Zhu family has successfully joined the Wanjie chat group"

"Ding! Chen Xiaoyu has successfully joined the Wanjie chat group pill."

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