Chapter Seventy-One: This.... How can it be?

Her mind suddenly couldn't turn.

Although Zheng Rong is despicable for many evils, he is a real veteran powerhouse, and he also belongs to elite trainers

The presence of the midstream.

Even she couldn't resist!

This little owner, who looks so young, can actually compete head-on?

Doesn't that mean that he is stronger than himself?

Li Manli felt a little unacceptable for a while.

can become the investigator of the Elven Alliance, she is also a little confident in her talent, and she can be half of it

A genius.

Even so, she barely became an elite trainer only last year.

She knew how difficult it was.

Lin Hao's age looks several years younger than her, and he has actually reached this level?

Li Manli's gaze gradually became complicated.

While she was shocked, the battle did not stop.

Zheng Rong was a little surprised that his attack was defused, and glanced at the fanged land shark, but he was not too present


He didn't see the scene where the attack was defused, so he didn't plan to pay attention to it, but just put it impatiently


"Drill horn rhinoceros!

He didn't want to waste any more time and decided to do it quickly.

The horned rhinoceros spun in place again, its horn like a drill, slamming into the fanged land shark.

"Be careful!"

Li Manli's face changed slightly, and she couldn't help but remind her.

She knew that this move was powerful, even if Lin Hao's previous strength shocked her, she was also sincerely worried.

And Lin Hao himself was indifferent.

"Fanged land sharks!

At his command, the fanged land shark quickly burrowed into the ground, and moments later, suddenly burrowed from behind the unicorn

came out.

"Use the Dragon's Claw!"

Lin Hao ordered again.

Under Zheng Rong's gradually stiffened face, the fanged land shark raised one of its claws high and slashed at the unicorn from behind.

At this time, the unicorn is still spinning, and there is no way to avoid it.

"Wishful thinking, do you really think you can break through my unicorn defenses?"

Zheng Rong snorted coldly, and there was not much worry.

Unicorn has far more defense than the average elf.

What's more, his unicorn has reached level 46, and he doesn't believe that the fanged land shark can do much to it

Less damage.

But the next moment, the truth quickly turned his face red.

The fanged land shark's claws glowed with a faint sheen, pausing only slightly after landing on the unicorn


Then, it easily broke through the unicorn rhinoceros defense like a knife cutting tofu, and easily submerged into it.

It's as if the unicorn has a layer of armor made of paper.

The fanged land shark was extremely powerful, and the claws left the strength after leaving two hideous wounds on the unicorn rhinoceros

It shook its body away.


The hulking body smashed against the rock wall, knocking down a cloud of rubble.

After a while, the unicorn staggered to its feet, but its eyes were a little glazed, as if it was been

I was stunned.

"It's... How is this possible!"

Zheng Rong let out a cry of anger, his facial features were twisted together, and the scars on his face became more and more hideous.

"Nothing is impossible, do you really think you are invincible?"

Lin Hao shook his head and stepped forward slowly.

All eyes were on him.

"Pavilion Master Lin... That's too strong, isn't it..."

"Damn! I thought we were dead, but luckily the owner was here. "

"I almost forgot that Pavilion Master Lin was also on our team, and I was worried about it if I thought about it. "

All the trainers breathed a sigh of relief, and their eyes looking at Lin Hao were full of shock and gratitude.

If Lin Hao wasn't here, they might really have to explain everything here today.

The best-case scenario, I'm afraid, is to escape one or two people.

Li Manli's eyes were also filled with joy.

Judging from the current situation, they may really be able to escape from the Ascension.

As for the arrest or something, she didn't dare to hope for it.

It's good to be alive.

She didn't expect that there would be a senior cadre of the Black Wings here in this branch department.

This is a dereliction of duty on the part of the Alliance, and a dereliction of duty on her part.

If something happens to the people she invited, she will be to blame.

Even if you are lucky enough to survive, it is a psychological burden for a lifetime.

She was very glad that she went to the gym to invite Lin Hao over, and did not completely deny it because of her slightest suspicion.

"Okay, you guys hurry up and get rid of the others, Yanran is still waiting for me in the gym. "

Lin Hao suddenly turned around and said to everyone.

The trainers reacted, and all of them turned strange.

"This dog food... I'm full. "


"Handsome than me, stronger than me, and goddesses waiting at home, my life has lost its luster. "

"I don't want to live anymore, don't stop me, I'm going to die here today!"

The faces of several trainers turned red, and one by one the battle intent actually reached the peak and took the elves who could get their hands on them

All summoned.

For a while, the huge cave became a little crowded again, and there was a duel between elves everywhere.

It's just that the strength of the trainers in Nancheng is obviously much stronger than these ordinary members of the Black Wings, fighting

It's almost a one-sided crush.

Zheng Rong's face gradually became gloomy, and his murderous eyes stared at Lin Hao.

"Boy, you don't seem to be taking me seriously!"

Two Poké Balls appeared in his hand, and red light poured out of them.

Big flower-eating

Grade: 45

Attributes: Grass, poison

Potential: Elite


Acanthus shells

Grade: 42

Attributes: Water, Ice

Potential: Rare


"In that case, Charizard, Fossil Pterodactyl, come out too. "

Lin Hao snorted coldly and summoned the two elves.

Charizard slowly flipped its wings three or four meters above the ground beside Lin Hao, and the fossil pterosaur went straight to battle

The center of the field is constantly circling.


"Fossil pterosaurs! Use rockslides on scarab shells!"

"Fanged Land Shark! Use quicksand hell on the horned rhino!"

Lin Hao gave three orders in a row.

For a while, flames, sandstorms, and boulders appeared in the field one after another, attacking Zheng Rong's three elves.

Zheng Rong's heart was shocked, and he was taken aback by this fierce offensive.

But after all, it was the old rivers and lakes that had been mixed up for many years, and he quickly stabilized his mind.

"Big Flower Eater! Use Raid!"

"Use a water cannon!"

"Drill horned rhinoceros!

As he gave the command, the three elves began to unleash their skills.

The Great Eclipse Flower suddenly rushed towards the direction of Charizard, very suddenly, and it was impossible to guard against it.

But no matter how fast it is, it can't shoot flames faster.

Before reaching the front of Charizard, the Great Eclipse Flower was completely enveloped in flames, and only a black shadow could be seen struggling in it

Tie the twist.

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