Chapter 18: Explore Meteor Falls!

Although the consumption of AFK points is fast, the good news is that the gain of experience is also real.

Lin Hao thought in his heart, and suddenly in front of him, he appeared in a huge cave.

Faintly, there is also the sound of a huge waterfall.

[Ding!has entered the AFK map Meteor Falls].

If the host encounters force majeure, the system will automatically teleport the host and the elf away, and the host can also leave by itself at any time

The system prompt sounded, which was regarded as an insurance for Lin Hao's safety.

With this protection, Lin Hao also completely relieved himself and began to look around.

The cave is large and seems to have been formed naturally, and the sound of the waterfall is constantly coming from the depths, echoing inside the cave

There is also a river on the side, flowing outside.

Lin Hao immediately walked along the river towards the depths, wanting to find out.

In the river, black shadows flashed from time to time.


With a clear sound, a figure leaped up from the river, and then quickly fell into it and disappeared.

"Horned goldfish. "

Lin Hao's expression moved slightly, and he quickly recognized it and looked towards the river.

Dark shadows galloped by.

"And loaches. "

"That's a big-mouthed bat. "

Lin Hao heard the movement and looked up at the depths of the cave, where two or three bats with big mouths were hanging upside down on the rock wall, stretching their wings twice from time to time.

It's full of elves.

It's a paradise for elves!

There are even quite a few rare elves!

Lin Hao found a Sun Rock in a hidden corner.

Sun Rock

Grade: 18

Attributes: Rocks, superpowers

Potential: Rare


Its body is a round orange rock, with eight rock thorns sticking out from the sides of the body, and a number of small yellow stones forming patterns on the front and back.

This kind of relatively rare spirit generally only appears in the place where meteorites land!

There was a small hole above the sun rock, and it was absorbing the sunlight from the outside through the hole.

Lin Hao didn't bother it.

Although Sun Rock's ability was not weak, Lin Hao was not very satisfied with it.

Maybe it's because of the existence of fire dinosaurs and round land sharks, and now he looks down on elves and some people below the elite level.

With the existence of the system, his speed of cultivating elves will be much faster than that of ordinary trainers.

In this case, it is natural that the elves with higher potential are more suitable for him.

Elves with rare-level potential, the achievement ceiling is a little too low after all.

Even if he catches it, it won't be of much use to him, so he can only sell it.

But this kind of behavior is no different from that of elf hunters, and has always been disgusted by Lin Hao.

With this thought, Lin Hao continued to wander leisurely in the cave.

He didn't need to rush anyway.

In the AFK map, the experience of the fire dinosaur and the land shark is increasing every minute, and the battle and subjugation of the elves are only incidental.

Because of this, even though Lin Hao encountered several rare elves in the cave one after another, he didn't catch them.

Elves with potential below the elite level are not on his acceptance list.

After wandering like this for more than half an hour, Lin Hao finally reached the depths of the cave.

The sound of the waterfall becomes particularly clear here.

The space inside the cave did not gradually shrink as you went deeper, but became more and more spacious, and even the light gradually brightened.

As we walked on, the waterfall finally appeared.

The waterfall was large, very high, as if it were falling from the sky, and a huge opening appeared above the cave, from which plenty of light shone in, making the cave clear.

In front of the waterfall, there is a small stone platform, as if it was deliberately made, which looks very abrupt.

A small wooden box lay quietly on the stone platform.

"What's that?".

Lin Hao had doubts in his heart.

Why is there a chest in this kind of cave?

There was a path on the side of the stone platform, and Lin Hao immediately walked over to the front of the box.

With the protection function of the system, he didn't have anything to hesitate about, and immediately opened it.

Inside the box, a thumb-sized, some delicate candy was lying quietly, which seemed a bit overkill.

[Magical Candy]: After use, the elf level will be directly increased by level 1.

Lin Hao was stunned for a moment, and then became pleasantly surprised.

Another magic candy!

This thing is not a precious existence, but it is also very useful, and it can save him a lot of time to upgrade the elves in the later stage!

You can still get random items in the AFK map?

This was somewhat beyond Lin Hao's expectations.

However, when he thought about it, he was relieved.

You can get props when you hang up, and he comes in with the elves to explore, so what's so strange about getting props?

Thinking like this, Lin Hao no longer doubted.

He brings the magical candy into the system space and then continues to explore.

After walking forward for a long time, Lin Hao had come to the deepest part of the cave.

After confirming that there were no other things and elves here, Lin Hao walked towards the way he came.

Out of the cave, everything in front of me suddenly became wider.

A road that is not wide winds through the dense forest, surrounded by a lot of flowers and plants, and the water is murmuring, and even has the taste of a paradise.


But at this moment, a loud noise came out not far away.

Lin Hao's expression suddenly moved, and his eyes looked in that direction.

Soundly, it seems to be the sound of a fight.

"Could it be that there are some rare elves fighting?

Thinking like this, Lin Hao immediately took the fire dinosaur and the round land shark and rushed in that direction.

Since you are not afraid of danger, there is no need to restrain your curiosity.


As the distance closes, the sound of the fight becomes clearer.

Soon, Lin Hao arrived nearby.

Not far in front of him, three men dressed in costumes similar to pirates were confronting a woman in a police uniform.

Lin Hao only glanced at it, and the identities of several people appeared in his mind.

He's all too familiar!

Those men, if they guessed correctly, should be members of a criminal organization that is not weak, the Water Fleet.

And that policewoman is Miss Junsha!

Seeing this, Lin Hao was a little surprised.

He didn't expect to see these characters from the original anime here!

This was a bit more than he expected.


Judging by the situation of both sides, it should be that Miss Junsha is preventing the water fleet from doing something against the law.

"With me here, you water fleets don't think about it..."

After getting closer, Lin Hao listened for a while, and quickly understood the ins and outs.

The people of the water fleet had come here to poach elves, and Miss Junsha had gotten the word and followed them all the way to stop them.

"Katy Dog....."

When Lin Hao was thinking like this, the two groups of people in front of him were already ready to make a move.

I saw that the catty dog was dead in front of Miss Junsha, glaring angrily at the three people of the water fleet, ready to pounce at any moment.

The three of them had no fear, and each summoned his own spirit.

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