Age of Dreams

Chapter 731: Going back

In fact, Tong Wencong didn't come to find Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi was planning to find a Wall Street fund company to do this matter.

In the memory of his previous life, Paulson also started his own subprime debt selling this month. Tong Wencong did it later than him, and also entrusted Goldman Sachs to do it. Goldman Sachs naturally did it with ease, and there was very little trouble.

After being dealt a severe blow by the two enemies, Xiao Qi was in a happy mood. After returning home and having a sumptuous dinner with Sister Beauty, he resumed what he had been doing for the past few days, working hard to cultivate Feng Kexin's fertile fields .

The final result, naturally, was that the delicate, elegant and beautiful young woman was defeated, screaming and accepting Xiao Qi's essence.

With a beautiful young woman in his arms, Xiao Qi caressed her while whispering nasty love words.

"Heck... I hate it~ You are so disgusting~~"

Feng Kexin slapped Xiao Qi's evil big hands away, and a pair of soft and trembling hands on his chest were very charming.

The beauty scolded softly: "You stupid lord~~ It's not dark yet, you just toss people like this~~ Sooner or later, they will be ruined by you~~"

Although it was scolding, Feng Kexin's face was full of smiles, and his whole body exuded the charm of a young woman.

It is said that a beautiful young woman after being happy is the most charming, Xiao Qi finally realized it now.

The boy unceremoniously threw her down, buried his head between Feng Kexin's two towering nephrite balls, felt his wife's plump breasts, and unconsciously had the urge to fuck again.

"Ah... no more?" Feng Kexin's pink face showed a trace of horror, "I have been here five times, if this continues, I will die~~"

"How is it possible? Haven't you heard that there are only exhausted cows and no plowed land?" Seeing the fatigue of the beauty's wife, Xiao Qi naturally wouldn't be so self-centered. Not enough, he was still scaring Feng Kexin.

"Heck~~ Don't lie here! I know you won't!" Feng Kexin is also a beauty with a delicate mind. She has been acting for many years, but she can tell from the eyes of her lover since she was a child that Xiao Qi is teasing herself. .


At this moment, Xiao Qi's cell phone rang suddenly, interrupting Xiao Qi's thoughts of continuing to tease the beauty.

Looked at the screen. It was Yu Shanshan calling.

"Xiao Qi, what are you still doing in Hong Kong? Come back soon!" Vice President Yu said very fieryly: "I just received the news that the chairman of Samsung, Li Jianxi, will officially visit Fairy Company tomorrow!"

"Li Jianxi is coming?" Xiao Qi was slightly taken aback.

"Nonsense! They made a request to us through formal diplomatic channels." The tall and sexy beauty was also very excited.

As one of the top super conglomerates in Asia, and as the number one contemporary management king in Asia, Li Jianxi personally led a team to come to make an official visit. This is definitely the first time in the history of Huaguo enterprises!

For the fairy company that has just risen. Definitely a great honor.

Because, the leader is Li Jianxi!

Even if the Xi'an Samsung City Science and Technology Park project involving tens of billions of dollars is involved in the future, Li Jianxi has never been to Xi'an, let alone directly visited a Huaguo company.

After Jin Chengrong and Jiang Zuyong returned with regrets, Xiao Qi has been waiting for Samsung's second offer. Unexpectedly, until he came to Hong Kong, it has been more than ten days now, and there is no news.

Xiao Qi was still self-reflecting for a while. Was it so hard on Samsung that it scared them off?

I didn't expect it to happen in the blink of an eye. Li Jianxi actually gave such a big surprise.

"Okay, I'll come back by plane at night, and I'll contact you later."

After Xiao Qi hung up the phone, he realized that Feng Kexin had already got up from the bed, put on her favorite silk underwear, and started to help Xiao Qi pack his luggage.

The teenager put the luggage in the Peninsula Hotel. It was sent over by Ashin and the others two days ago, but it was actually just a few changes of clothes.

But Feng Kexin thoughtfully prepared some food for Xiao Qi, and a set of clothes she bought for Xiao Qi, which was not expensive, but it was very suitable for Xiao Qi to wear.

Look at her busy look. Xiao Qi was a little crazy.

Having a good wife at home is really something that makes people feel comfortable and warm.


Feng Kexin zipped up the suitcase, got up and sat on the bed.

The beautiful young woman who was a bit tired, looked back at Xiao Qi, saw him staring at her obsessively, and then understood after a moment.

Ever since she took the initiative to sacrifice herself, Feng Kexin abandoned all superfluous thoughts and devoted herself to loving Xiao Qi wholeheartedly.

The delicate and beautiful young woman is a traditional woman who regards the chastity of her body as very important. Even if she is divorced, she never thought of exchanging her body for glory and wealth like Guan Meimei and Li Jiaxin. She gave her chastity to Xiao Qi , which means that she regards Xiao Qi as her husband.

Since it was between husband and wife, it was normal for her to take care of her husband's daily necessities, so just now when she heard that Xiao Qi was going back to Rongcheng, she hurriedly packed his things for Xiao Qi.

Feng Kexin's heart was sweet, but she said coquettishly, "Husband~ why do you look at others like this? You are so stupid, you really look like a little fool~~"

Xiao Qi laughed, stepped forward and put his arms around her slender waist, "Sister Kexin, I didn't expect to get such a good wife by doing a good deed, it seems that God has taken care of me!"

"It should be my luck~~" Feng Kexin leaned back against Xiao Qi's chest, closed her eyes, and enjoyed the warm embrace of her lover.

Without Xiao Qi's help to pay back the money, she might have been tricked into making a third-grade movie, and even became a plaything for Sheng Lunyu and others.

If Xiao Qi hadn't subdued the despicable and shameless Hu Yan, I'm afraid Feng Kexin and her family would live in fear and trouble for decades to come, and even their daughter wouldn't be able to get a moment's peace.

Although repaying kindness does not necessarily require physical promises, Xiao Qi's gentleness time and time again, and his unreserved and distracting help time and time again, have already engraved Feng Kexin's heart with the figure of a boy.

Love does not mean that two people have been together for a period of time before they are called true feelings, and then think that other feelings are impure.

In fact, this kind of feeling of being grateful for a long time is also a very natural feeling, and it is more testable than the feeling that has not experienced wind and rain.

"Promise me~~" the delicate, elegant and beautiful young woman murmured, "Come and see me when you have time~~ My only support is you, don't give up on others~~"

"Fool!" Xiao Qi heard the weakness in her tone, and hugged her a little tighter, "Why am I reluctant not to love you?"


Feeling the deep affection of the little lover, a sweet smile bloomed on Feng Kexin's delicate dimple~~(To be continued...)

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