Age of Dreams

Chapter 680 Chaos (640 Monthly Ticket Supplement!)

Just as the Spanish people have experience of violent protests and demonstrations, the Spanish government also has experience of dealing with violent protests and demonstrations.

On the one hand, they sent a large number of military police to disperse the fanatical fans of the dream pad. On the other hand, they lodged a solemn protest against the Chinese government, urging the Chinese government to order Fairy Company to stop this unfriendly behavior.

The Ministry of Commerce of Huaguo is also a little annoyed. You said that on weekdays, you said that we are dumping at low prices for no reason. Our country of Hua is a piglet, so how do you cut the meat?

So after receiving instructions from a deputy state-level leader, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce responded with a half-smile: This is a business dispute belonging to the company, and the government cannot intervene. In addition, Fairy Company has announced that it is not in Spain The dream pad is sold, can our government still order them to come over eagerly and be slaughtered? Also, please release the cargo ship detained at the port of Bilbao. Now that the dream pad is no longer sold in Spain, why are you detaining our docked ship?

Under Xiao Qi's suggestion, the dream pad website also came to add fuel to the fire. In the few days before the release, it announced the list of the second batch of countries that would have been officially released on January 5th. This time there are 25 countries in total. There are a total of 40 directly-operated stores in three countries and regions, but the first batch of Spain is deleted without any explanation.

However, some well-informed people spoke on the forum. It is said that Fairy Company is very dissatisfied with the bandit behavior of the Spanish government, but is still very grateful for the support of Spanish fans, so fans with Spanish passports can make a special case to go to the nearest Portugal, Italy and other countries to buy.

Everyone clicked on the Portuguese and Italian pages on the website, and sure enough, a few words "Welcome Spanish fans" were added to them.

Now it's the turn of fans from Portugal, Italy and other countries to be highly dissatisfied.


Our quota is running low. Is it reasonable to let the Spaniards come to grab it?

Strongly request the national government to strictly prohibit the entry of Spaniards! !

Spanish fans were originally reluctant to go to other countries to buy, and then heard the cynicism of people in other countries, and they were even more angry, so there were some riots that subsided. Suddenly, it expanded in size.

Especially the port of Bilbao where the dream pad was seized, more than 30,000 people gathered to protest in the blink of an eye.

Spain is a small place with a small population. The pressure of more than 30,000 people suddenly made the military and police a little overwhelmed. They wanted to forcibly disperse them but did not dare, because there are so many people, if there is any accident such as stampede , I am afraid that the government will be overthrown.

Fortunately, the Spanish government is not stupid. Immediately after Fairy Company announced that it would not sell in Spain, it used an excuse to temporarily detain the ship. Otherwise, if the ship was allowed to leave, I am afraid that the protests would not be limited to the current level.

The Spaniards always like to enjoy themselves. For such an interesting thing as the dream pad, it was originally a bright spot in their boring life, but now the government prevents them from enjoying it. That kind of hatred is really not small!

But a member of the French Congress is still adding salt and vinegar: "The Spanish government cannot ignore the law. How can the cargo ship belonging to the Fairy Company be seized? Let it come to France quickly, the French people are looking forward to more The dream pad has entered France!"

It is said that after this guy made his remarks, he immediately won a lot of public support and his reputation in France was greatly improved.

Members of the British Parliament took a look. How can you take the lead? We are coming too!

As a result, a group of members of the British Parliament cursed the corrupt and backward Spanish bureaucracy by name and without consideration for the public...

In any case, the Spanish government has been facing internal and external troubles recently, especially the Barcelona region, which has been pursuing independence. It is requested that if the Spanish government does not allow the sale of dream pads, let the ships come to the port of Barcelona, ​​and Barcelona is willing to provide the address of the direct sales store for Fairy Company to sell.

In any country, the most fearful thing is the internal conflicts in the country. They could not support it any longer. When they saw Barcelona say something, they were afraid that there would be some kind of moth in Barcelona. The government immediately changed its attitude. The ship is released, and the customs quarantine has passed, and it can be shipped to the warehouse of the direct-sale store in Madrid immediately.

But at this time, Fairy Company quit. Once the ship was released, it immediately turned to sail to the sea, which made the cheering dream pad fans on the pier dumbfounded.

"Asshole Cabinet!"

"Incompetent guy!!"

From extreme joy to extreme disappointment, dream pad fans began to frantically attack the military police who had already begun to disband.

Anyone can see that Fairy Company is venting its anger.

Why do you not want to let us in if you want to, and detain it if you want to?

Softened now?


Grandpa is not waiting!

The officials at the scene were so frightened that they quickly called the cabinet officials. This group of officials, who were as stupid as pigs, finally had a little wisdom in the critical moment. The Chinese embassy asked them to find Huaguo officials to apologize to Xiannv Company, and asked them not to lose their temper and let the sales of dream pads return to normal.

To be honest, officials from Huaguo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Commerce rarely have such elated moments.

After several days of extensive reports in domestic and foreign newspapers, the Ministry of Commerce issued a statement with a red face: "In view of the sincerity of the Spanish government's apology and the concern for the innocent people in Spain, after urgent consultations between the Huaguo government and Fairy Company, we decided to resume Dream The scheduled sales of the pad in Spain, I would like to express my sincere apologies to the Spanish dream pad fans!"

Seeing the ship that had been moored at sea for several days, finally slowly docked and returned to the port of Bilbao, the dream pad fans who had been anxious all the time cheered and burst into tears with excitement.

There was also a group of Spanish government officials who shed tears like them. Their suffering these days has far exceeded that of the people.

It's not easy!

When did Huaguo's enterprises become so difficult to deal with?

It has completely ruined the national image of Spain! (To be continued..)

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