Age of Dreams

Chapter 551: The Lion Opens His Mouth

Compass was speechless.

At the end of July, after Xiao Qi visited the United States, Wade of Citibank once said Xiao Qi's words at a party.

At that time, people took it as a joke, because it is impossible for oil prices to plummet so sharply, especially in today's era of inflation, it is simply impossible!

However, nearly two months later, the truth hit everyone's cheeks one after another with an iron fist.

Since the price of oil fell below the psychological barrier of US$60 in early September, the price of oil has been falling steadily in the past ten days. Occasional rebounds have never exceeded one dollar, which really breaks the hearts of American oil futures practitioners.

Now the oil price is only 54 US dollars, which can be said to be an inch away from the lowest psychological bottom line of 50 US dollars for all oil futures traders.

In recent years, everyone has a consensus that if the price of oil futures can be above 70, it means that the economy is operating barely normal; If it falls to 60 in one breath, the economy will undoubtedly enter stagnation; if it goes further down and breaks 50, the global financial crisis will almost come!

Now that the price of oil is 54, everyone is so nervous. If it is really going to reach the $30 that Xiao Qi said, I don’t know how many people will be unlucky, and how much the global economy will be affected.

"Hehe, Mr. Xiao's words are serious." Compass chewed on the beef, his mind spinning rapidly: "30 dollars is a price that neither OPEC nor the United States will allow. In fact, we feel that by the end of the year, As major companies change their forecasts for the amount of oil they will use next year, that should lead to higher oil prices."

Xiao Qi smiled lightly. I buried my head and ate something.

His refusal to accept the move made it impossible for Compass to use a series of countermeasures that he had planned, and he felt a little helpless.

Even if Xiao Qi's sense of smell is very sensitive, Compass is sure that this young man's foundation in oil futures is absolutely inferior to his own.

If so, discuss this. He is very sure that he can deceive Xiao Qi into the circle, and finally achieve a series of goals.

what a pity.

Xiao Qi wasn't fooled at all, which made Compass even more afraid of Xiao Qi.

After five full minutes, Compass was re-planning his plan, but he still didn't dare to speak in advance.

Seeing his serious face, Xiao Qi took a sip of his drink and changed the topic to another aspect, "By the way, Mr. Compass is here this time. Is it for the purpose of terminating the VAM agreement early?"

"Oh, yes." Compass reacted very quickly, and nodded slightly: "Mr. Xiao, we at Merrill Lynch feel that we have lost the bet this time, and we are willing to settle the settlement with you in advance. Congratulations on winning this Victory in the bet."

When saying this. Compass's face was burning with pain.

Danzi from the investment management department, because of this matter. Go home early and eat by yourself.

Feeling the sadness of the rabbit and the fox, Kompas felt for the first time that Merrill Lynch was still being tricked by others in what he was best at. It seemed that there were so many smart people in the world.

"There is no problem with paying in advance." Xiao Qi ate the mutton chops and asked vaguely: "However, on what terms and what price are you going to settle in advance?"

"Adi's wireless communication department naturally belongs to you. As for the amount of the bet, when you sign the agreement, it will be settled according to the average price of the day. We are very disciplined, Mr. Xiao, please don't worry." Compass thought that Xiao Qi was worried that they were playing tricks in this regard, and it also formally showed the excellent reputation of a major international investment bank in this regard.

"The average price of the day?" Xiao Qi couldn't help laughing: "I already know that the price of oil will continue to fall, and there are still three months before the end of the year. Why don't I earn more and insist on paying the bill now?"

Compas, known as the candidate for the next deputy general manager and director, took a breath when he heard the words: "Mr. Xiao means..."

Looking at him, Xiao Qi said in a flat voice: "I said 25 dollars, you definitely don't want to, then calculate according to the conservative 30 dollars, and the wireless communication department of adi will also belong to me."


Compass stood up abruptly, causing all the knives and forks around him to fall to the ground.

The four foreign men next to them were watching this side all the time, and they were also very nervous when they saw this. They knew that something went wrong in the negotiation, but this was not a group fight, so they couldn't jump over to help.

It was past 12 o'clock at noon, and there were a lot of people coming to eat. Suddenly, a foreigner blushed and shouted "Impossible", and everyone looked at Kompas in unison.

In the western restaurant, there is usually very little noise, and with the roar of Compass, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly becomes quiet.

Being watched by so many people, if it was an ordinary time, Compass would bow and apologize in a gentlemanly manner, but now he only has anger and can't see anything else.

A foreign old man in his fifties, with a "manager" nameplate on his chest, came forward and asked softly, "Sir, do you need help?"

"Oh, no need, I'm sorry!" Compass took a deep breath and said with a smile.

"Then I'll change a set of tableware for you." The manager smiled and turned to leave.

What he wanted to make sure was whether the two were going to fight. Since it was just a general quarrel, it would not affect the normal operation of the restaurant.

At the girl's table on the other side, the boys, girls and children also noticed Kompas's anger, Yan Shanchong and Guan You naturally spared their efforts from revealing themselves, and by the way, attacked Xiao Qi a few more words.

But the ethereal and tender girl felt proud in her heart: Xiao Qi is truly worthy of being a genius with everyone's demeanor for being able to force foreigners like this!

Sitting down again, Compass's face has become calm.

It wasn't that he couldn't help being angry, but because he had never met such a Chinese person.

On weekdays, companies from Huaguo went to seek Merrill Lynch, and his attitude of hospitality made Compass look down on Huaguo people in his heart. Suddenly, a tough and arrogant person like Xiao Qi came, which made him Not at all.

But he is an extraordinary person after all, restraining his anger, he showed apologetic expression to Xiao Qi: "I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao, I was too impulsive."

"It's okay, losers have the right to vent their emotions."

Xiao Qi's words almost made Compass go berserk again. He clenched his fists and said to himself repeatedly in his heart: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, he just wants to see you lose your mind in a rage. Don't be fooled!" (To be continued...)

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