Age of Dreams

Chapter 368 Happy International Students

() The fierce confrontation between Xiao Qi and Gang Leader Qiao did not attract much attention.

Even Gang Leader Qiao didn't pay much attention to it. Others regarded this confrontation as an innocuous war of words, which could neither change Gang Leader Qiao's strength nor change everyone's impression of Huaguo.

If you want people to change their views, you can't just rely on your mouth, let alone ask them to suddenly enlighten you.

Only by relying on facts and strength to slap their mouths again and again can they completely defeat the enemy and gain the respect they deserve.

There is no doubt that Xiao Qi is moving towards this goal.

The long-term goal is to build his own electronic commercial empire, and the short-term goal...of course it is to accompany Xiao Xianger well!

Young people always have inexhaustible energy.

From the first day in New York, Xiao Qi let go of all other things, and concentrated on being with his little beauty wife. They were in pairs all day long, and they left their photos at various scenic spots in New York during the day. At night, she sweated on the bed again, feeding Miki to her full.

Of course, apart from being at home, every time Xiao Qi and Tang Mingxiang went out, they could vaguely see Linda and Lucy, which made Xiao Qi very satisfied with the $50,000 monthly checks he wrote to them.

While enjoying the world of the two, Xiao Qi also took the charming girl to Mario's law firm and officially introduced Tang Mingxiang to Mario. What Tang Mingxiang wants to do in the future, legal issues, It can be handled by a law firm.

If a Chinese wants to live well in the United States, then a good lawyer is indispensable. If there is a strong team of lawyers standing behind him, then basically he can go horizontally in the United States.

In fact, Mario and the others did a very good job.

With Xiao Qi's decentralization, Mario focused half of his work on helping people in need for free or at a reduced cost, and the other half was on commercial lawyer operations.

If it is said that Koreans cannot do without Samsung. Americans cannot live without lawyers.

Especially in New York, the largest city in the world, there are so many lawyers and law firms.

Mario's law firm was originally one of these humble cows, but unexpectedly, when Mario was full of energy and continued his desire to "help the poor", he was inadvertently obtained because of a case. Received warm praise from the police. This caught the attention of journalists again.

When they dug out Lawyer Mario's persistent work on public welfare cases, they naturally made a lot of publicity, which not only made Mario's law firm famous, but also attracted more lawyers to join it.

For a time, Mario's law firm had reached a scale of more than 30 lawyers and more than 50 employees, and it could basically enter the top 100 in New York.

After learning about how Xiao Qi and Mario got acquainted, Mei Ji couldn't help but smile, and felt extremely proud of the man she loved so much for being kind to others. He even became more enthusiastic on the bed, his waist almost became an electric motor, squeezing the boy dry time and time again.



The cut pork was put into the frying pan, and Xiao Qi, who was wearing an apron, skillfully fried the vegetables.

After eating at several so-called Chinese restaurants, Xiao Qi finally understood why the little beauty's wife would rather eat American hamburgers, hot dogs and steaks.

At least those tastes are more novel and authentic. Most of the Chinese restaurants in New York are opened by people from eastern Guangdong, and they are mainly sweet and light. It doesn't have the spicy taste of Sichuan cuisine at all.

There are one or two high-end authentic Sichuan restaurants, and the prices are ridiculously expensive. It is not surprising that a portion of twice-cooked pork can be sold for one hundred dollars.

So Xiao Qi decided to cook for Tang Mingxiang by himself.

Not to mention other things, during the seven or eight years in the United States, Xiao Qi took care of himself for so long, cooking Sichuan cuisine was not at all stressful, and he had the time to constantly think about it. Xiao Qi's craftsmanship is really good.

After eating a meal, Tang Mingxiang brought a few of her friends to her home and let them taste Xiao Qi's dishes... Then, every day on average, Xiao Qi had to prepare a big meal for this group of children. In the blink of an eye, Boss Xiao became Chef Xiao, spending two hours a day in the kitchen.

It's the same today, boiled pork slices, braised pork trotters, sweet roasted white, spicy cold chicken, fried pork...

Well, most of them eat meat, but Shuchuan people are naturally carnivorous animals, especially young people, who rarely say that they don't like meat. People like Fairy are definitely a minority among the minority.

Hmm, but when it comes to eating meat, it seems that the whole of China is about the same?

Most of the vegetarians are monks and Taoist priests in the temple.

Today is the same, tomorrow a group of boys and girls will follow the teacher to travel to Lake Ontario in the northwest of New York. Before leaving, the proud classmate Meiji naturally invites everyone to have a full meal.

Tang Mingxiang is a carefree girl, but she is also very cute. She helps Xiao Qi chop vegetables and lay hands, etc. The couple are very busy in the kitchen.

The five companions outside played mahjong in style, and they also brought the quintessence of Huaguo to the United States. When they were free on weekdays, they also liked entertainment, and Tang Mingxiang naturally participated in it.

This kind of entertainment is already very gentle for overseas students. Those racing cars, crazy parties, exciting games, etc. are the biggest poison to the children of rich families. Many rich second-generation official second-generation Ultimately ruined on this.

They put away the mahjong and sat down at the small table smiling.

"Archie, why don't you leave?" Among Tang Mingxiang's friends, Wang Lei, who is the quietest, ate the spicy and delicious cold chicken, regardless of the smear of red oil on her mouth, with a pitiful look: "You If we leave, how will our stomachs be fed in the future?"

"That's right!" Zhu Lanlan, who was the most carefree, pinched the face of classmate Meiji next to her, "If you agree, I will clean up my little Xiangxiang every day, and pack it up and send it to your bed... "


Tang Mingxiang's cheeks turned red, "Xiao Caigua, stop talking nonsense! Xiao Qi still has work to do!"

"Okay, I haven't married into the Xiao family yet, so I'm starting to protect your Xiao Qi."

It was He Li who spoke, but this time Tang Mingxiang didn't follow her, and grabbed her chopsticks, "Forget it if you don't eat, if you dare to bully this girl, believe it or not, I will kick you out immediately. My husband and I will enjoy tonight alone." A sumptuous dinner?"


A group of boys and girls hurriedly begged for mercy, but after a while they laughed together again.

They are strangers in a foreign land, and they come from the same place. They have known each other since they were young. Under various conditions, it is easy for them to get together. (To be continued..)

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