Age of Dreams

Chapter 3005 The young man who runs the train with his mouth full?

Because Qiao Guoer was pregnant, there was no boudoir fun at night, but holding his wife and chatting with her, she fell asleep while chatting, this kind of warm feeling was quite good.

Qiao Shui'er is too young to sleep well, and her mother is pregnant with a younger brother or younger sister, so she sleeps in a small room by herself at night, but of course she is accompanied by a Japanese aunt.

The next morning, after breakfast, Xiao Qi was going to fly back to Rongcheng.

It's not that Xiao Qi doesn't want to spend more time with the Queen's sister, it's just that he's too busy recently, otherwise he wouldn't have come to the capital when he was about to have dinner with the Tsar, no matter what, he could have come a day or two earlier.

If Cheng Yunyan was in the capital, Xiao Qi would have gone to see her the night before, but the students in her class happened to go to the Northeast a few days ago to study in a two-player troupe, and it would take a week to come back, so he had to give up.

With an identity like Xiao Qi, usually if there is no scheduled itinerary, naturally he will not rush to book a ticket long in advance before going to the airport.

The executives of Fairy Company are all diamond card VIPs of major airlines. With just one phone call, they can immediately book the first class or business class on the nearest flight. If there are some flights that don’t even have first class but only business class , even if it is because there are not enough ordinary class air tickets for the bodyguards, then just change to another flight. Anyway, there are so many airlines and so many flights now, so there is no delay.

If it doesn't work, Xiao Qi can also directly use the passenger plane of Qiwen Airlines as a charter flight. With his relationship with the General Administration of Civil Aviation, it is very easy to apply for a temporary route.

Come back.

Saying goodbye to his wife and daughter, Xiao Qi got a call from Yang Yuzhong before he got out of the reservoir area by car.

"Xiao Qi, are you still in the capital?" Yang Yuzhong asked.

"Yes, Uncle Yang, do you have something to do?" Xiao Qi asked in a harmonious voice.

"It's like this. My comrade-in-arms is a little troublesome. He was tricked by someone in his business. Now that the creditor is looking for him, I wonder if you can ask someone to help you." Yang Yuzhong said, "He really He was deceived!"

"Oh, that's how it is……"

Xiao Qi looked at the time, and it was only 2 hours before the plane took off. Although he could go through the VIP channel, if he went to help solve the problem, he would not be able to catch the plane.

"Okay, Uncle Yang, tell me the location, and I'll come right after you." After pondering for a while, Xiao Qi said.

"Ah? Come here yourself..."

"Anyway, I have nothing to do."

"Oh, okay, okay, the location is..."

Yang Yuzhong and Xiao Qi said a few words and hung up the phone.

When he raised his head and walked into the noisy office building again, his face was already full of smiles: "Everyone, listen to me!"

Seven or eight middle-aged men were yelling something around Duan Yougu. Duan Yougu was sweating profusely, angry and anxious, but helpless.

Hearing the words, their noisy voices stopped, and when their eyes looked over, Yang Yuzhong smiled and said, "I have found someone to deal with this matter, don't worry, sit down for a while, the matter will definitely be resolved this morning !"

"Blow it! Just blow it!" A short and fat boss sneered unknowingly: "Your friends can't do anything, what can you do as a foreigner? Tell you, I have seen such scams a lot, although I have recovered a little It’s a loss, but it’s absolutely impossible to do it in three to five days, unless you ask the Big Nine to help, but do you have that ability?”

"If the Nine Giants are required to do such a trivial matter, don't you underestimate their strength?" Yang Yuzhong was originally in business, and retorted when he saw this: "You have also stayed in the capital for a long time, and you always point at officials. The biggest one said, it seems that you think they are omnipotent, and you can’t do without them. Any problem is in the specific responsible department, so there is a natural way to deal with it. As long as you can find the right person, you can solve the problem quickly , wouldn’t that be all right?”

The chunky boss paused and was speechless for a while.

Another very fat boss smiled, "Okay, Boss Qin, don't yell, let's see who they invited! Anyway, the problem needs to be solved today, otherwise we can only go to the court to sue our old friends ...Old Duan, don't blame us for being ruthless, the brothers have all the materials ready, and the production preparations are ready, if you stop suddenly, our loss is too great, we can't bear it."

"Yes, our profit is already meager enough, but now suddenly the order is canceled like this, how can I do it! My years of hard work have been ruined like this?" A thin middle-aged man sighed, "Bi The boss is right, don't blame me for being ruthless, there is really no other way!"

"I know, I didn't expect this thing, but since it happened, I don't want to run away, I just want you to give me a few days to sort it out and save it. Money, okay?" Duan Yougu said with a wry smile.

"We can't wait any longer. Who knows if anyone else has been deceived? It's best to get compensation as soon as possible." Another middle-aged man with glasses muttered.

Needless to say, that was their idea.

Even if Duan Yougu couldn't make full compensation, they had to get the most compensation as soon as possible.

Therefore, no one was willing to leave, so they forced Duan Yougu to think of a way early, and if it didn't work, he would use his assets to pay off the debt first.

Originally, Duan Yougu invited Yang Yuzhong to his office to have a look today, not to show off, but to let the old comrades see his current achievements.

Unexpectedly, he just came to the company, and his subordinates told him that the company that entrusted him to sign contracts with several parts companies had suddenly gone empty.

When Duan Yougu heard this, his expression changed.

He opened a trade intermediary company, which specializes in receiving orders from large companies, and then finds someone to complete them by himself, and earns profits after acceptance.

This company started to cooperate with Duan Yougu last year. It mainly deals in the spare parts business of the pipeline sector in the petroleum industry. Get paid for profits.

After several cooperations, Duan Yougu earned about 3 million yuan, which is very good.

This time, when placing an order over there, they placed an order of more than 80 million in one go, but asked Duan Yougu to pay a 20 million deposit first, saying that the above group head office has new regulations, and the money will be paid when the order is completed. Time to return to Duan Yougu together.

Since the previous cooperation was very pleasant, and because the order this time was too large, it could earn at least 5 million yuan, so Duan Yougu paid the money after carefully checking the contract.

Now it's all right, if someone goes to Loukong, it means that he has been fooled, which is not the worst.

The most ruthless thing is that Duan Yougu’s orders were also placed with the bosses of these factories. They have all the materials ready, and even two of them have started production. But you suddenly called this morning to say that the order was not produced. Well, how do they calculate this loss?

After careful calculation, at least Duan Yougu would have to lose another 10 million from them.

Originally, Duan Yougu's family property was 30 to 50 million, including his two houses. Now that the 20 million defrauded deposit has been removed, he can only sell one house to compensate the losses of these factory owners. He wants to guarantee For the normal operation of the company, he had to sell the second house.

Otherwise, even if the company goes bankrupt, he will end up sitting on nothing.

After Yang Yuzhong heard the ins and outs of the matter, he was quite anxious at first, but he suddenly remembered that Fairy Company seemed to have a good relationship with Three Barrels of Oil, and last time he bought tens of billions of dollars worth of oil with them. As for the connections, I dare not say that this fraudulent incident should be solved immediately, but it should be no problem for one of the three barrels of oil to take these orders.

As a result, when he called Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi not only readily agreed to help, but also came here by himself, which made Yang Yuzhong very happy: the son-in-law is indeed half a son, and he is really reliable at critical times!


Xiao Qi arrived at Duan Yougu's office not long after.

A group of factory owners thought that Duan Yougu and the others were looking for someone, but when they saw that it was a young man, they immediately showed disappointment without concealing it.

But when Duan Yougu saw Xiao Qi, he suddenly became overjoyed. The prestige of Xiao Qi's friend the night before yesterday was vivid in his mind.

The person named Tang Quan must be at least the director or something, at least this shows that Xiao Qi's relationship is very good,

Here, Yang Yuzhong explained the matter in detail, and finally said: "The most important thing now is to recover the money cheated by these scammers, and the order is also very important. Can you find friends from PetroChina or Sinopec to solve it?"

"it is good."

Xiao Qi readily agreed.

Boss Qin frowned and said, "Little brother, you can't talk big. Our business has a large order of more than 80 million. You can solve it casually? Don't brag too much."

Xiao Qi also ignored this person, picked up his mobile phone and made a call, "Boss Jiang... is he busy? I have something to do here... Well, yes, the pipeline construction parts, more than 80 million... Okay, call They'll just make the call."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Qi dialed another number, "Secretary-General Chen, I, Xiao Qi, have something to trouble you... I'm in office 3306, xx building, xx street, let them come directly Bar!"

After dialing these two calls, Xiao Qi put down the phone, not looking for anyone else.

Several factory bosses looked at each other.

Who is this?

How can you pretend to be better than us people in the capital!

Who does he think he is, someone who can go straight to the heavens? Such an understatement, with a tone of command! ? (~^~)

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