Age of Dreams

Chapter 2972 ​​Increase production!

The popularity on the Internet is directly reflected in reality.

Not only foreign TV stations have reported various scenes of DreamStars3 smashing walnuts, even CCTV also broadcast related news for half a minute at 7:00, praising Fairy Company as a pioneer in the electronic industry in China, which greatly increased the popularity of Chinese people. ambition.

Now that smart electronic products have appeared for more than 3 years, people feel that they have become accustomed to the release of smartphones, but they did not expect such a shocking release.

For a while, the enthusiasm for smartphones that had disappeared in people's hearts was rekindled.

Of course, young people are eager to grab a DreamStars3 as soon as possible, so as to show off in front of their friends. It is best to smash walnuts to show them, winning applause and surprise.

Even some middle-aged people who don't like popular products on weekdays have begun to pay attention to DreamStars3, thinking whether to let their children buy one. After using it for three to five years, the cost will naturally come.

The number of middle-aged people in this part is the largest.

It's not that they don't want to spend money, it's just that they don't want to spend money that isn't worth it.

But if a mobile phone can be used for three to five years, is so strong and beautiful, has many functions, and everyone likes it, there is no reason for them not to buy it.

It's a pity that when these uncles and aunts told their children that they wanted them to help buy them, the young people laughed.

"Please, we have to be very lucky to get it ourselves. God knows when we will be able to buy it for you."

"Is it selling well?"

"The sales are beyond your imagination, and the DreamStars series only sells 13 million units every month. Up to now, there are still people who have not been able to buy a DreamStars or DreamStars2."

"Since it's so popular, why doesn't Fairy Company produce more? Could it be that they don't have enough production capacity?"

"No, Xiao Qi is unwilling to produce so many."

"Oh why?"

"Because Xiao Qi thinks that a good mobile phone needs to be polished carefully, and it doesn't rely on quantity to hit the market... and there is also a hunger effect in it, that is, we all want to grab it... He is really a villain!"

"I think so too...but if it's really so popular, then you can grab as many as you can, then help me and you. Mom grab one!"

"I will do my best!"


The above dialogues have appeared in many families, so that in the past two days, in addition to Fairy Company’s walnut-smashing advertisements and experimental results, the news has also reported that the demand for DreamStars3 has greatly increased, and it is very likely to usher in The era of severe undersupply.

Although the previous DreamStars were very popular, as long as the luck is not so bad, you can always grab them after three to five months.

But looking at the current situation, the number of people who need DreamStars3 has at least doubled. If everyone rushes to grab it without increasing the total supply, DreamStars3 will inevitably usher in a faster sell-out, and it will be sold out again. Raise the price on the black market.

Therefore, Guo Taiming rarely invited Li Xiaochao and Yan Chenglong together, and was going to lobby Xiao Qi, asking him to increase the shipment of DreamStars3.

There are two OEMs for DreamStars3: Red Sea Factory and Star Electronics.

Among them, the Red Sea Factory has the most, and Star Electronics is second, and Yinhuang Electronics has no orders for the DreamStars series at all.

But Guo Taiming knew that Yan Chenglong had the best relationship with Xiao Qi among the three.

Xiao Qi's two wives in Hong Kong were all introduced by Yan Chenglong, and Yan Chenglong knows how to behave, so the two of them have a good relationship with Yan Chenglong, and the relationship between Xiao Qi and Yan Chenglong is also very good .

Although there is Ling Shuangshuang on his side, Ling Shuangshuang is too young after all. In terms of means and considerateness, he is far inferior to the two beautiful women in Hong Kong who have matured to the point of dripping water.

So if he wants to increase the production of DreamStars3, he doesn't mind letting Yan Chenglong take a share.

Li Xiaochao was somewhat reluctant to pull Yan Chenglong in.

But Li Xiaochao is not the domineering Xiaochao he was back then. After so many years of ups and downs, he has already cultivated his mind, knowing when to be tough and when to compromise.

He has a good relationship with Xiao Qi, but most of the time it is Li Xiaochao who is in charge of Xiao Qi's company. It cannot be said that Li Xiaochao is Xiao Qi's subordinate, but Li Xiaochao does rely on Fairy Company for his livelihood, so Xiao Qi is his God of Wealth Lord.

The eldest brother is definitely going to take over the old man's company. For this reason, he has worked hard and finally succeeded in adding a son, which can be regarded as stabilizing the morale of the army, so that the old man has no other ideas.

But elder brother really underestimated me too much, I, Li Xiaochao, can earn a family property with my own hands, definitely no worse than my father.

Isn't that what it is now?

My personal assets, Li Xiaochao, are 17 billion US dollars. In a few years, it will definitely double. Among the richest people in Hong Kong, I am directly ranked in the top three by virtue of my own ability, which is definitely better than you ranking first in inheriting the wealth of the old man Much prouder!

With such an idea, Li Xiaochao became more and more serious about what Xiao Qi explained. The recent significant increase in the yield rate and production efficiency of Star Electronics is related to the fact that Li Xiaochao spent three or four days a week in Nanwan to supervise. .

Another thing is that Li Xiaochao's girlfriend, Ms. Liang, was originally enough for Li Xiaochao to let her have a child, but Ms. Liang has a good relationship with Li Shaozhi and Feng Kexin. Li Shaozhi made a special call to Li Xiaochao, explaining that Liang Miss wanted to have a few more babies, many children and grandchildren would be a blessing, Li Xiaochao also thought about it and agreed.

No, in June this year, Ms. Liang gave birth to another pair of twins, and then Li Shaozhi and Feng Kexin both came to celebrate. For this reason, Li Xiaochao had already told Ms. Liang that they would get married next year.

His decision was very purposeful, and the result was as expected. The last time he had dinner with Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi also mentioned that Feng Kexin and Li Shaozhi praised him as a good man who cared about his family and was responsible. Xiao Qi had a high opinion of himself, and Li Xiaochao finally felt that his decision was right.

But even so, Li Xiaochao dare not say that his relationship with Xiao Qi is better than Yan Chenglong's relationship with Xiao Qi.

If he let go and thought about it, with Yan Chenglong joining in, then he and Yan Chenglong could form a better alliance, and even get more orders and better business from Xiao Qi.

After all, if he helped Yan Chenglong this time, it is impossible for Yan Chenglong to miss Li Xiaochao if he does something good next time—if Yan Chenglong is such a ignorant person, how could he be where he is today?

After figuring this out, Li Xiaochao and Guo Taiming asked Yan Chenglong to come out with a smile. After discussing for a while, the three of them approached the door.

"You mean that you want to expand the production of DreamStars3 again?" Xiao Qi asked directly after hearing their intentions, "Then how much do you think is appropriate?"

"I think at least 20 million units can barely meet the needs." Guo Taiming first said, he is very familiar with the products of Xiannv Company, and he has worked hard to study, "In fact, according to the current surging trend, two Within a year, 30 million per month would be normal, if no other smartphone has the means."

"Yeah, seeing such a violent advertisement of smashing walnuts, I want to buy it and smash it." Li Xiaochao continued, "Qi Shao, I understand your worry. Do you think this is good? Let's expand the production quantity first Up to 20 million units per month, if there is unsalable sales within three years, then we will cover the excess, and you will not lose any money.”

Xiao Qi was amused to hear it.

Li Xiaochao really had a good plan.

Now there are only about 200 Fairy directly-operated stores, and there are no Fairy directly-operated stores in many places. Only by selling a small part of smart phones and tablet computers to them every month can Fairy Company deal with their own customers. .

In these places, the prices of DreamPad, DreamStars, and DreamSnow are usually about 30%-50% higher than those on the official website, but the supply is still in short supply. They only worry about the lack of supply, not at all.

Not to mention 3 million units per month, just give them another 5 million units, and these dealers will be able to sell them all.

In addition, there are those contract phones. Currently, DreamStars2, the highest-end product of Xiannv Company, only has some contract phones in China and Japan. Communication operators in other countries have no choice but to look forward to the DreamStars2 contract phones. .

So Li Xiaochao said that he was righteous, but in fact he can consume this batch of goods as long as he changes hands, and he can earn at least 10%.

That is to say, Xiao Qi's supervision is strict, and the parts are all accurate to single digits, and they also want to do business for a long time. Tens of thousands of unplanned DreamPads, DreamStars, and DreamSnows have been released.

Especially on Li Xiaochao's side, to be honest, Xiao Qi has always been worried about problems here, but unexpectedly Li Xiaochao has much more credit than before, and he has overcome his inner greed. This is also the reason why Xiao Qi and his cooperation continue to increase one!

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