Age of Dreams

Chapter 191: Country Music Queen

() The stunning girl struggled away from Xiao Qi's arms, Xiao Qi who was slapped also stood up in a daze, only then did he see the girl's pink face clearly.

Compared with the big faces of most European and American women, the girl has a slightly narrow face, under the slanted golden eyebrows, the blue eyes are big and round, full of pure light, and the nose is straight and firm , with pink lips and moderate thickness, at first glance, it looks a bit seductive and seductive like a fox spirit in Huaguo mythology.

The girl in a simple plaid shirt and jeans is very tall, at least about 1.75 meters tall. The blond hair tied behind her head is smooth and natural, and the soft golden bangs attached to her forehead add to her beauty. A pure and pure beauty.

If there is any shortcoming about her, it is that she is a bit thin, and her breasts are about the shape of a B-cup, which matches her height very well, but she looks a little delicate.

"What are you touching?" The girl's personality was very pungent, her eyes were shining with anger, her finger almost pointed at Xiao Qi's nose, "Bastard pervert! I'm going to call the police to arrest you!"

Looking at the pedestrians passing by all looking at him strangely, Xiao Qi quickly explained: "I just didn't know what I was touching, so I checked it, it was really not intentional."

"I think you are!" Although the girl was wearing sneakers, she actually looked a little taller than Xiao Qi, so the condescending feeling became more and more obvious, "Brat, I want you to see how powerful I am!"

"If there is anything you need me to compensate, please tell me." Xiao Qi spread his hands helplessly, "Or if you think it would be more comfortable to beat me up, then come, I will not resist."

talking. Xiao Qi closed his eyes.

Anyway, it was his own fault, and he deserved to be beaten.

Although American women are very open, in fact, in the United States, the crime of molesting women is not light. Don't wait until this little woman really reports to the police and arrests herself, that would be a tragedy.

After waiting for a while, the expected slap did not come, Xiao Qi tentatively opened his eyes to take a look, but there was no girl in front of him. Turn around and take a look. She happened to run in the direction where the young man disappeared just now.

Thank goodness!

Xiao Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As he continued to walk towards the hotel, recalling the dramatic scene just now, he inadvertently remembered that he seemed to have seen this beautiful and innocent girl somewhere.

Xiao Qi doesn't care about any entertainment news, and he hasn't chased after any celebrities. Even Qiao Guoer got to know her a little bit because she went to eat the Sichuan food in her chain store.

So the puzzling boy didn't remember who this pungent girl was until he saw the logo of the Hilton Hotel.


Xiao Qi stopped suddenly, and took a few steps back. Back to the entrance of a pastry shop that I just passed.

The bright yellow light illuminates the window of the pastry shop with a warm feeling. There are various cakes, breads, and pies inside, which are colorful and delicious.

But the focus of Xiao Qi's eyes is not these delicious pastries, but a girl who almost puts Fen Zhen in the window.

Looking at the girl's slender pink face from the side, a name suddenly appeared in Xiao Qi's mind.


Taylor Swift! !

I said why is it so familiar, it turns out to be the little country music queen!

Looking at that face that was more beautiful and tender than what he saw in his previous life, the young man smiled to himself that the world is really small. There are so many celebrities in New York, and I accidentally met this super talented girl who combines lyrics, music, and singing.

Although Xiao Qi doesn't care much about the entertainment industry, such as Avril Lavigne, Beyoncé, Taylor, etc. are the most famous new generation queens in Europe and America. I also occasionally see it on TV.

It can be said that in the next few years, the music world will almost be dominated by these three girls. They will directly surpass their predecessor Britney Spears and become the new generation of pop queens in Europe and America.

The three girls all have their own talents and their own personalities.

Among them, Taylor, who is the youngest and tallest, has at least half of the songs on almost all albums. They all arrange the lyrics and music by themselves.

One of Taylor's most outstanding talents is that he can write all his experiences and views and attitudes on many things into songs, and the first songs are good to listen to.

However, although Taylor is prosperous in her singing career, she has not achieved much emotionally. Various scandals are flying everywhere. I heard that several boyfriends she dated broke up with her in the end. This is also Xiao Qi's deep impression on her. place.

As a very traditional oriental, Xiao Qi has the virginity and purity that countless orientals have, so although he recognized Taylor at this time, he remembered Taylor's many failed love lives reported by the American media. , even though the girl in front of him was still so pure and pure, but there was no charm in his heart at all.

However, recalling that it might be Taylor who was robbed of his bag just now, and Xiao Qi just happened to make a disrespectful move, so he felt that he should express some apology.


Walking to the side of the girl, Xiao Qi greeted her.

Taylor was startled suddenly, like a frightened rabbit, his delicate body trembled.

After seeing Xiao Qi clearly, a confused look appeared on her face, "Who are you?"

Xiao Qi was choked when he was ready, and then he realized that in the eyes of Europeans and Americans, Chinese people, even Asians, look alike, and often cannot be distinguished.

Coughing lightly, the boy said in a harmonious voice, "I am the one you knocked down just now."

"'s you!" Taylor rolled his eyes at him, and said with some disgust: "Why are you following me? It's kind of me to let you go, don't force me to really report to the police!"

Xiao Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly raised his hands: "Relax a bit, I didn't mean anything malicious... I didn't follow you, I just went back to the hotel where I was staying, and I happened to see you again... No, I'm coming to the Hilton Hotel in front of you." where America lives."

The pure and pure girl looked back at the Hilton logo not far away, but still did not relax her vigilance, "No matter what, stay away from me, bastard!"

Xiao Qi had no choice but to bluntly said: "Are you the one who was chasing after you just now?"

"Yes! What? Do you know where he is?" Taylor suddenly lifted his spirits, "He snatched my satchel, and my mobile phone and wallet are inside! Take me to catch him!"

Excited, the girl spoke very fast, with a Pennsylvania accent, if it weren't for people living in the United States, almost no one could hear it clearly.

Xiao Qi shook his head, "I don't know where this guy is, I just saw him run away...Hey, don't go...I just came over to tell you, if you are willing to accept my apology, I think I want to treat you to some pastries from the pastry shop."

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