Age of Collapse

Chapter 72: The end of the hero

Zhang Zhongguo silently watched Luo Chi, who was slowly sent up. He has a good ability to read people. From the eyes of Luo Yao’s swaying eyes, he can see that this boy has been convinced, and in fact he has no deception. Luo worry, if Luo worry and he returned to the rebel headquarters, it is very simple, Luo worry to prove his worth for the rebels, the rebels for him to find lost relatives, a win-win deal, as for finding no That is another matter.

As for the dawn team on the eastern highlands, Zhang Zhongguo thinks that Luo worry and they are only half-faced. They just hold the group together to complete the task. There is no feeling, let alone the word "emotion" is basically destroyed in the era of the collapse of the era. Extinction can be quickly deducted from the dictionary, and there is no psychological burden to abandon those people.

When Luo was lifted to the top of the head by the insects, the boy suddenly raised his head. In the confrontation with Zhang Zhongguo, he showed a mysterious smile. This smile is very complicated and complicated to read countless people. Zhang Zhongguo can't see through, and there are even some chills in the vagueness.

Looking at Luo’s smile, Zhang Zhongguo’s pupil gradually began to spread, and the cigarettes in his mouth did not fall consciously. The horrified look gradually appeared on his face. He forced himself to start “blood boiling” for the fourth time at the cost of shortening his life. "In the sound of the muscle tearing, the whole person took the majestic internal force to attack Luo.

At the last moment, Zhang Zhongguo understood the meaning of Luo Wei’s smile, but he was a late step. Before the Luo worries, the boy had picked up the desert eagle and looked at the head of the insect. Three shots were fired, and the hard shell was broken. The other hand held the grenade that had been pulled out of the fuse and stuffed it along the gap in the top of the insect.

"Boom!" The dull explosion sounded like a rhinoceros in the underground acupoints. As the insects screamed, the behemoth crashed to the ground, and the pale brain was mixed with blood, but this monster The vitality is extremely strong. Even if the head is blown up, half of it still does not die. It is still waving huge limbs and sweeping indiscriminately. At one time, the rock wall is cracked and the ground is shaken.

Because of the riots of the insects, Zhang Zhongguo accidentally fell from his back. In the midair, if he had the ability to pass the sky, he could not move without any borrowing power. At this moment, Zhang Zhongguo prayed for himself to hurry.

However, just as Zhang Zhongguo watched as he was about to land, he could immediately resume his action, and a black shadow suddenly rushed out and slammed into his arms.

Zhang Zhongguo looked down and saw only the eyes of Luo Wing who were shining with the beasts of the beasts. The next second, with a negligible metal collision, Zhang Zhongguo’s heart was completely cool, and this voice was clear. This is the sound of the grenade pulling the fuse, and it is the glorious bomb that I carry with me...

Just when Luo worried to pull out the gleaming bomb of Zhang Zhongguo, Luo worried that he would kick Zhang Zhongguo to the head of the insect mother. He himself used the reaction force to open the distance, the next second, the violent The explosion sounded again and the fire splashed!

At this moment, the remaining half of the worm's head was finally completely shredded, but the physiological structure of the worm is very similar to that of human beings. Even if the whole head is gone, it can still live for a few days and nights. Luo worry knows this, let alone The sound of killing the insect mother has not yet sounded in my mind.

Luo worry's day erupted like a beast, showing a sharper fangs than the blade, screaming at the headless body of the worm, he tore open the mouth of the worm's broken neck, crazy The ground bite, the blood and the broken meat splashed under the fangs of Luo worry, and he was dyed into a blood man in a short time.

At first, the headless body of the insect mother was still struggling wildly, dragging Luo Zhi into the hard stone wall, and even killing several insects to defend, but under the bite of Luo worry, its struggle is getting weaker and weaker. At the last moment, I fell to the ground, and there was no movement.

"The mother died, the second stage of the task ended early, the team battle won! The first stage of the task won 1 level reward point, the second stage of the task participation is low, no reward points. Individuals complete optional tasks, get 1 A-level reward points."

"The statistics of the group's casualties are being counted. The total number of individual enemies is 2, of which non-evolutionary, evolutionist 1, get a C-level reward point, a B-level reward point. The number of enemy accidental deaths is 5, and the number of accidental deaths is 5. The number of people is equal, no rewards or punishments. The number of non-accidental deaths is 1, of which non-evolutionary 0, evolutionary 1, and 1 deduction of all reward points."

"The phagocytic activation is activated, the sequence of the worm gene is absorbed, and the integration is completed... and the A-class Zerg lineage is obtained."

The cold and mechanical sound of the cube continued to sound in Luo’s mind, but Luo’s worry did not put his attention on the sound of the cube. After he killed the insect, he glanced around and there was no leader of the insect. A few worms have fallen into a state of madness, and even lost their senses to kill each other, and did not threaten him for a while.

Luo worry silently went to Zhang Zhongguo, this man has been smashed by the glorious bomb half a chest, even if the phoenix serum can not be saved, but now it is still lingering, but has no ability to act, not far from death .

"Ha ha ha... I saw your eyes at that time, I knew that this game would be full of losses..." Zhang Zhongguo’s lungs were blown up half a time, every time a word was said, there was blood from the nose and mouth. Coughing out, he smiled It seems that you have found your way to go, or, even if there is no hope, try to go on. ”

"Is there any hope that you won't have the final say." Luo's voice is very low, and the teeth in his mouth are looming.

"Ha ha ha... maybe... maybe you can create a miracle that I can't think of..." Zhang Zhongguo's consciousness has begun to be somewhat vague, "but I still hope that you can join the rebels... there are many things.. You can't imagine it now... you don't understand... the truth of this world... you don't understand what we are facing..."

After saying this, Zhang Zhongguo’s eyes are faint, and the color of life is also stunned. But at this moment, he is showing a happy smile that he has never had before: “It’s so tired... I can finally rest. .."

When Zhang Zhongguo swallowed his last breath, Luo’s sharp teeth tore his throat and swallowed up his IPS stem cells and the internal forces of genetic evolution.

Just when Luo was ready to leave, he suddenly found something in Zhang Zhongguo’s military uniform pocket. He took it out and saw it. It was the epaulette of the old Red Blood Empire army. It was already buried in the historical river, but it symbolized Epaulettes of great sentiments.

Luo worry silenced for a while, put this glorious badge on the chest of Zhang Zhongguo, carefully arranged for him to dispose of the military, cleaned the dust stained above, buckled each button, smoothed Every wrinkle made it fresh, and finally got up, looked down at the lost veteran, and said in a low voice: "Repose, once a hero..."


(Volume 1: The Lone Wolf in the Wilderness, Finish...)

(Volume 2: The sad song of dawn, Kai...)

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