But the inner ghost is good at disguising, and goes there easily, so whoever is around him is no longer a real person.This kind of magic scene, he was really tired of dealing with it.

Just as he was about to leave, Lin Tianyao's eyes suddenly lit up.The old man didn't believe him, not because everyone was in this dark room now.

What Master Class is most proud of is his mechanism, his darkroom.Presumably it is also conscious that no one can break it.So if you can find the dark room and find him, there is absolutely only the inner ghost who started.

If he leaves this dark room and takes Master Class out, he will definitely believe it.

Without any hesitation, Lin Tianyao immediately gave Gai Nie a wink, and the two of them were left and right, regardless of whether he wanted to or not, they directly picked up Master Class.

After leaving the dark room, Lin Tianyao stretched out his hand and pointed at the door: "Master Class, if you still think we are pretending, you should go out and call for help."

This trick is hard to grasp, and Master Class can see it more.He was not fooled by Lin Tianyao at all, he really rushed towards the door.

But just as he grabbed the door handle and was about to open the door, he suddenly turned his head and said, "There is an inner ghost who has already pretended to be an old man. I can't tell even if I go out with a hundred mouths, in the end, I'm still a fake. It's gone!"

"Then how can you believe that Mr. Gai and I are real?" Lin Tianyao frowned.

From the appearance and appearance to the appearance, these can be disguised, and it is really difficult to explain.

However, Master Class stretched out his index finger and said, "It's not difficult to convince me of you guys. Come back to me with a question!"

Chapter 792

"Say something!"

This old man is really annoying.Why haven't I seen him chirping like this before?

Master Class took a few glances at Gai Nie and said, "Mr. Gai, why did you come to the Mo Family? Is it just to send Tianming over?"

When he asked this question, Genie was taken aback.The old man identified his identity and asked this question.This answer, now he has never mentioned it to anyone.

But now, in order to identify his identity, even if he didn't want to say it, he was still on the ropes.In desperation, I had no choice but to say: "Actually, I just wanted to fulfill my old friend's entrustment. I originally sent Tianming here, so I'm about to leave."

Saying this answer at this time, the authenticity of which no longer needs to be pondered by others.Besides, Genie himself is not the kind of liar.

Seemingly satisfied with this answer, Master Class showed a smile on his face, and then his eyes turned to Lin Tianyao.

Lin Tianyao was also a little uneasy at this moment. If the old man asked the same question, would he also say that he came for non-attack?But what does this have to do with identification?In other words, this old man has foresight, has he actually seen through something long ago?

Before the class master could ask, Lin Tianyao answered first, "Okay, I actually came to the Mo family..."

Before he finished speaking, Master Class suddenly waved his hand and said, "Lin Shaoxia, I didn't say I wanted to ask you this question. The old man was just curious. When you came to Jicheng that day, you were alone with Miss Rong on the white bird. What have you done?"

The moment this question appeared, Lin Tianyao understood that this damn old guy actually believed them for a long time.Now these questions are just asked by him deliberately pretending to be, just to take the opportunity to satisfy his curiosity.

Just as Master Class was satisfactorily waiting for Lin Tianyao's answer, a figure suddenly flashed in front of him, and the next moment he felt the pain of being torn from his chin.

Lin Tianyao stood in front of him, grabbed his snow-white goatee with his hands, and said fiercely: "Damn old man, it's already this time, you still have the heart to make us happy. How old are you? Are you still interested in this?"

Above the white bird, a man and a woman, anyone will be cranky.This old man is not cultivating, he is so old, and he is still the same as everyone else. He really deserves to be beaten.

In addition to mechanical techniques, Master Class is most concerned about his goatee that he has cultivated for many years.Something like a lifeblood was grabbed by someone, and there was a danger of being pulled out at any time, so he couldn't help but panic.

Immediately begging for mercy: "Lin Shaoxia calm down, this old man's questioning is just to test whether you are real people, and there is no other meaning. Don't shake your hands, this beard is more important than my life!"

"Hey, you brought it on yourself!"

Lin Tianyao snorted coldly, and with a slight pull on his hand, he pulled out a small moustache and threw it in the air.

Watching the roots of white hairs fall in the air.Master Ban's heart was bleeding, and in his eyes, those beards were like a miser seeing his banknotes suddenly fall from a cliff.

The old man's face was aching, but the two people present showed no sympathy for him, and even Genie turned his head and stopped looking at him.This old guy, being so down on the rocks, doesn't deserve the sympathy of others.

Jokes aside, Lin Tianyao still lingered in the ears of the words that Master Class called when he suddenly woke up.

He asked in a hasty tone: "Old man Ban, you said before that Miss Rong is in danger. What's going on? Also, how many internal ghosts have invaded?"

When he asked this question, Master Ban did not continue to hide it. He confessed: "When I was attacked, there was only one murderer. And that guy was pretending to be Miss Rong. At that time, I had some doubts that Miss Rong was preparing an antidote. Why did he come to me suddenly? But that person started too fast, and I didn't have time to react at all."

Speaking of which, he suddenly paused, as if he was hesitating.

Then, he said, "It's already dark, so if something happened to Miss Rong, it would have already happened. Since you can come to save me, you must have found something?"

Lin Tianyao nodded and said: "Yes, we suspected that the inner ghost was going to attack the central control room before, so we went to investigate in advance. There, when I saw the inner ghost disguised as you, the situation was a bit sudden, and I couldn't rashly attack. So I'll save you first."

"Central control room?"

Hearing this word, Master Ban's face instantly turned pale, and he stammered: "Oh, this is really bad. If there is a mistake there, the city will definitely be destroyed."

"Lin Shaoxia, do you think that inner ghost can guess that you will come to save me?"

Master Ban's eyes gleamed with inquiry, but he knew very well that that thought might have become a fact. At this time, this kind of inquiry was just looking for a psychological comfort.

Lin Tianyao touched his chin with his hand, and said strangely in his tone: "I've been thinking about this idea all afternoon. I was looking out the window and thinking about it all the time. Fortunately, I already thought about it. pass."

Gai Nie thought it was a little strange before that Lin Tianyao stood at the window and didn't move all afternoon, so he was thinking about this.

A truly wise man considers all possibilities before something happens.Then make full preparations, such an ability is simply impossible for ordinary people to have.

"Then what did you think of?" Gai Nie asked, he really wanted to see what Lin Tianyao planned.

Lin Tianyao said: "Weizhuang has stopped attacking since the afternoon. If I guess correctly, he is waiting for the action of the inner ghost. In other words, he may have arranged for other people to sneak in secretly. Geographically, although it has been poisoned, it is still very difficult to attack from the real face. The only way is to smash it from the inside."

"According to what you said, the central control room has fallen?" Master Ban's body trembled involuntarily.

Chapter 793

No matter what, Master Class couldn't accept that a small inner ghost could actually smash the Mo Family's fortress, which was absolutely impossible.

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