Chapter 670 Reverse?

Lin Tianyao just glared at the guard captain for a while, but his expression did not change in the slightest.

But the squad leader was really frightened and his body kept shaking, as if this was not a person, but a demon from hell!

In fact, in the opinion of the team leader, it is not too much to say that Lin Tianyao is a devil.

He saw everything that happened in the prison that night!Until then, he was just a little guard on the wall.

It was because of Lin Tianyao that he slaughtered all the guards outside the prison, and the last remaining ones were the little guards on the fence!Therefore, he is now promoted!

Being a team captain, among the people serving in the prison, is simply the pinnacle of life!Unfortunately, the results seem to have changed now!

Although the outside world has been rumored, the night attack has been destroyed, and both the leader Najeta and Lin Tianyao have been captured alive!

But in their opinion, even if these two were caught, their prestige would still remain undiminished.Such close contact made them even more horrified!

"Didn't you see it clearly last time? Are you planning to let the two of us stand here for you to see?" Lin Tianyao asked coldly, seeing the squad leader staring blankly at him and Najeta.His tone also began to rise slightly!

When the team leader heard this, he was shocked, and his body trembled for a while!

How could he not see what Lin Tianyao meant?This clearly means that he treats people like monkeys!

If such charges are placed, then he will be finished!Although it was said that they were in prison, Lin Tianyao and Najeta couldn't escape!However, accidents are always unavoidable!As long as these two don't die, emergencies will definitely happen!

"You, please come in!"

The team leader hurriedly stepped aside, stretched out his hand to Lin Tianyao, and motioned for him to go in!

Seeing him being so eloquent, Lin Tianyao was too lazy to write ink, and instead walked towards it with Najeta.From the beginning to the end, Nadetta did not say a word, and even her expression was so serious that there was no room for relaxation!

Looking at her like this, she seems to be very sensitive to this place!

"Master, since you have already failed, can you be calm! It's not easy to find an errand in the imperial capital these days, can you please stop tossing me?" , as if he was a criminal!

"Shut him up!"

Najeta didn't know what was wrong. It seemed that the moment she entered the prison, her mood became worse and worse. She whispered to Lin Tianyao, as if the small captain's broken thoughts made her even more annoyed. !

Although this was said to Lin Tianyao, the coldness in the tone made the team leader's body seem to be frozen!

His body suddenly froze in place, and a look of shock appeared on that face full of begging!

Seeing her in such a bad mood, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but ask, "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

Nadetta sighed softly and said softly, "Every time I come here, I hear the screams inside, and my heart clenches! These people are all revolutionary soldiers and my companions! In my heart, they all exist just like you!"

When she said that, Lin Tianyao understood it very well!Before going from the night raid camp to the imperial capital, on the way, I encountered a lot of situations!Without knowing it, countless revolutionary soldiers came to the rescue, and finally died under the knife of the hunters!

If they just die at the hands of the enemy, then they die well too!The key is now that they are all companions, and they know they are going to die, but they can't tell!

Although, this is part of the plan.It is to sacrifice their people in exchange for a new peace!But no one's heart can be cold, or ruthless to that extent!

Understanding Najeta's meaning, Lin Tianyao's voice also became soft: "Boss, think about it! Isn't we here this time to help them free? In other words, those who came to rescue them. The death of the revolutionary soldier, in exchange for the life of the entire prison comrade, they are also worth it!"

Although these explanations are a bit tough, listening to other people's ears really has a different meaning!

I have to say that this explanation is very effective. After listening to it, Nadetta's mood has improved significantly.

The hands clasped by the shackles clenched tightly into fists.That iron fist, even faintly saw sparks emerge!

"What are you going to do in this prison rescue operation?" Nadetta went straight to the topic. As a BOSS, she was still able to maintain her sanity.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid I can't wait to kill the Quartet to save people now!

Lin Tianyao shook his head lightly and said, "Wait for the night! Chi Tong and the others have been waiting outside the city for so long, so they are not in a hurry! Besides, there is no news from the imperial capital yet, I don't know that Niwu guy, rely on Unreliable!"

For Niu, this chess piece is extremely critical, and his every move also represents the success or failure of this operation!

If he can deceive Osnet, then the actions of Lin Tianyao and others can be unexpected.

By that time, no one can resist such a large-scale raid!

And Esdes, she took the hunter to the palace to be sealed!That would be the perfect opportunity for a chaotic courtroom!

Najeta frowned and said in a serious tone, "I'm starting to have some doubts! Do you think Esdes is just a planner? From what I know about her, she won't be the one who surrenders so easily!"

"Boss, although you said so, but you didn't think so in your heart, right?" Lin Tianyao smiled and said, "If you really doubt Esdes, how could you agree to this plan? In my opinion, Your anxiety now is probably after the success of the revolution, right?"

No matter who you are, you will work hard for your goals!But when you see that you are about to succeed, that kind of anxiety is better than living like a year!

Chapter 671 Chaos in the Imperial Palace

Osnet seems to have found a new way, or rather, an opportunity!

If you can seize this opportunity!Then Esdes will be ruined from the empire!

But success or failure is once again. If this plan is unsuccessful, then the relationship between him and Esdes will be completely broken!

This woman, Esdes, is not the kind of courageous Bud that can compare!That guy Bud, it's not that he can't play tricks, he is too rigid.Many things, he does not participate in!

But Esdes is different. She acts on her own will.Fortunately, this woman is not an emperor, otherwise, this empire may be even more miserable than it is now!

A banquet is about to be held in the evening. At that time, the emperor will seal Esdes in person and make him the general of the empire!

If at that time, announce the hole card left by the original one.It will definitely give this woman a fatal blow!

Thinking of this, Osnet can't help but feel extremely proud of his foresight!Only a strategist like him can become the ruler of this empire!

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