Chapter 130 Kronos!!

The matter of the Night King is temporarily over, as long as their IQ is okay, they should not come again.

Kyoko is also estimated to be a pawn in the Night King’s plan, and he will not allow the pawn to cause accidents in his plan due to personal feelings.

Mo Yu didn’t see through the other party, however, he knew that this would happen.

The chess piece is the tool, and if the tool is out of control, it will make people feel ~ headaches.

“Is it really all right?”

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”

For Medusa’s worry, Mo Yu gave an affirmative answer.

“Besides, I live upstairs, and you can hear something when you shout.”

“Okay, that’s it, tomorrow’s breakfast won’t have to be mine.”

Feeling tired enough today, he yawned and went upstairs, ready to sleep until noon tomorrow.

Looking at the back of him walking up the stairs, Lily Bell suddenly remembered something, and looked ahead: “! Remember not to do strange things with that ability! ”


Hearing this, Mo Yu turned his head and looked resentful: “Who are you and me?” How can it take time to stop peeking under a girl’s skirt! ”

“Do you want to see it?”

Mo Yu nodded and replied in a serious tone: “I don’t want to, I don’t want to at all.” ”

Lily Bell: “Your body is really honest. ”

“It’s just a habit, and I personally despise it.” It seems completely unbelievable. ”

However, Lily Bell believed that her instincts would not be wrong.

“Hey~ then I’ll go back to rest.”

Seeing that he had already gone upstairs, Lily Suzu also said to the other two: “Then let’s rest too, Medusa, don’t worry, we’re all here, we’ll be fine.” ”

“Well, thank you.”

For everyone to care so much about themselves, Medusa is very touched in her heart.

“Speaking of which, Minos seems to have mentioned that he will come to the world after a while.”

“Nani?! Minos! Is she going to come to earth too?! ”

Hearing this, Evil God-chan excitedly grabbed Medusa’s shoulders: “Great! Just have Minos help! So it’s great that she can come and play! ”

Phew~ almost said it, but fortunately I reacted quickly!

The relieved evil god-chan subconsciously fattened his eyes at Lily Bell, and suddenly froze in fright.

Yuri Suzu’s face was gloomy, revealing a dangerous look: “Evil God Sauce, what did you just say to kill?” ”

“Kill, kill? What kills? Did I say that? Ahahaha~”

Evil God Sauce scratched his head, so nervous that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and in order to fool through, he hurriedly wandered home.

“It’s so late, let’s go home early, take a shower first!”

Lily Bell: “This guy.”

She knew that the other party must be planning to kill her again. However, this kind of thing happens from time to time, so it can be regarded as an everyday event.

Just mentioned Minos, what kind of demon is he?

“Medusa, can you introduce me to Minos?”


If Minos can be friends with Lily Bell, Medusa will be happy

So I will introduce this Minoan in detail.

“The matter is settled for the time being, it seems that the Lord of the Night rescued Kyoko.”

Lying in the bathtub soaking in a hot bath, Mo Yu thought about what happened tonight.

Probably Kyoko belongs to the more important kind of chess piece, otherwise there is no need to rescue it.

After all, snatching someone from Elle is not an easy task.

In this case, it is even less likely to come to trouble later.

Important chess pieces are generally not discarded at will, and it is a pity that those grenades did not kill her.

More powerful weapons are either not easy to get their hands on or are too large.

Otherwise he would have to find an opportunity to get some nuclear bombs.

Cough! Of course, this is just for collection, and as a person with a hobby of collecting, it is also very reasonable to want to collect hundreds of thousands of nuclear bombs.

He leaned his head against the edge of the bathtub, looked at the misty ceiling, and couldn’t help but sigh: “Well, this city is really lively, if a Godzilla comes out one day, it doesn’t seem to be surprising.” ”

“Demons, angels, other worlds, he~ interesting, the desire to know more people will not be satisfied.”

After taking a bath, Mo Yu looked up the information about Kronos by the way, at least to know which god’s spiritual base this was…

Because he had never heard of this name in those popular myths, there was a man named Kronos, but it was the father of Zeus in Greek mythology.

Moreover, he remembered the power of the gods corresponding to the other party, and it was not time.

“Yes, Kronos, I’ll take a look, huh? Is it ancient Greek mythology? ”

After reading the information recorded on the Internet, he probably understood about the god Kronos.

The primordial god of ancient Greek mythology, the power of the gods is time, the first cause.

There is nothing to say about time, it is literal.

The first cause refers to the initial cause of the entire chain of cause and effect, which is the original cause if there are many causes and effects after the birth of the universe.

“Does this kind of divine power really exist?”

The power of time can also be said to be understandable, but the first reason is not too outrageous.

And the Lingji that he draws only has the power of time.

Either the first cause is just added by later human fantasies, or the power is divided.

He is too lazy to think so much, time is already strong enough, the first reason is that kind of power involving cause and effect, even if it is given to himself, it is estimated that it cannot be used at this stage

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