99/Seven Streams

Lu Yan found the way to the room under the guidance of the system.

The square is cramped and cramped like a mouse hole. The surroundings were full of filthy mud and a foul stench.

In the face of a powerful and unknown enemy, Lu Yan never thought of retreating.

In the face of external pressure and need to lend a helping hand to the weak, he never thought of backing down.

But at this moment, he really wanted to turn around and leave.

Lu Yan made mental preparations for a long time, and endured the nausea and got in. I feel like I really sacrificed so much to save the world.

The system comforted: [It doesn't matter, it will be fine at most. ‌The ‌merman in the waterway is also a classic film and television image. ]

For some reason, Lu Yan wanted to turn around and ran away.

System: [All come, come all come. Brother Lu, brother. Just bear with it! I call you dad. ]

Lu Yan: "..."

After a difficult ideological construction, Lu Yan finally saw Michael.

Michael wielded a heavy sword, swearing and slashing at the wall in front of him.

There is no way here, and there is no way up the stairs. Being separated from his teammates made him extremely irritable.

 When he saw Lu Yan get out, Michael's face was obviously stunned: "How can you get out of such a small waterway? Oriental bones are always so small that I am shocked. Or What is this kongfu?"

Lu Yan shook the dirty water on his body, his expression gloomy as if he was about to slash people: "If possible, I don't want to get out of it."

At the entrance of the room, the mechanism is in a sculpture covered in seaweed in the corner.

Lu Yan inserted the key into the plaster statue's eyes, and the statue made a clicking sound.

Soon, the wall in front of him slowly unfolded to the side.

The end of the room revealed its true appearance.

It's like a flooded garage. A few dim little lights overhead gave the bottom a little more visibility than nothing.

‌Because it has not flowed for a long time, the water here is green and exudes a pungent odor.

[‌‌The room is very close to the lake outside. Over the past few years, a lot of water has seeped in from the lake outside, and the deepest water is 3 meters. ]

There are **** floating on the green water, like fishing floats.

In the turbid water, occasionally something like an eel flashed by.

[Parasitic fish. ‌The city of Chuk was polluted by this thing, and it looked like a lamprey. After biting people, it can **** blood on the skin, like a leech. It will also drill into the body. ]

[But don't worry, there is a king fish. They dare not come. After all, it is blood suppression, but I suggest that you still use fish scales to protect yourself. Where they grow, there will be many parasitic fish eggs in the water. ]

Michael once again thanked himself for actually being able to fly.

He picked up Lu Yan and tried to find a foothold on the water.

It's just that the further you go in, the darker the light and the lower the ceiling.

To the back, the degree has not allowed Michael to fly.

 When he had to land, his tone was very melancholy: "Are we considered civil servants to be forced into the sea?"

Lu Yan was 1.8 meters tall, and the water was just right on his crotch.

Michael was 100 meters away, and the water only submerged to the base of his legs. Even if half of the feathers on the back are wet, if you want to fly for a while, it will definitely be affected.

Before it was over, Michael talked about the businessman's diary he saw in the study.

He concluded: "This sister is really miserable. The family is so rich, what is wrong with her, she has to get married."

Lu Yan took it seriously. After a while, I remembered that Tang Xun'an seemed to be quite rich, so he said, "Maybe it's marriage and love."

Michael said earnestly: "The love in a man's mouth does not last as long as the eggs in the refrigerator."

The system nodded: [Yes, that's right. It is! ]

Lu Yan was lost in thought.

Forget it, I can't figure it out, I don't want to.

Michael: "According to the information, the last pollutant we have to solve should be the hostess of this manor. I speculate that the pollution value is around 8500, and it is weak because of pregnancy. After all, there are no humans here, and no other pollutants can Provides energy to devour evolution. Contaminants should have kept the human form."

Michael has been in the business for more than six years, and he has killed more pollutants than Lu Yan has ever seen. The analysis is straightforward, and the parts are accurate.

"You forgot one thing." Lu Yan reminded, "My wife is still pregnant with a child."

Michael remembered the last painting he saw in the book, and nodded slightly: "That child has a lot of hands, what kind of aggregate is that."

On mobile phones, the displayed pollution values ​​are getting worse and worse.

‌After the data exceeded 7000, Michael put away the phone directly to avoid the light from attracting anything.

Now it's very close to the final instance boss.

The water here has almost reached Lu Yan's neck. If the water is not too dirty, worry about choking. Lu Yan had already switched from walking to traveling.

Otherwise, it would be a pity that Bai evolved a fish tail.

As they walked, there was only the sound of the water swaying slightly in the silent room.

Soon, another sound came from Lu Yan's ear. It was the heavy breathing of the monster.

After turning the corner and crossing the corridor, they finally caught a glimpse of the monster.

[Jennifer, who began to eat human growth after becoming a pollutant, finally ushered in her childbirth moment. ]

[This stingy mother doesn't allow any threats to interrupt her delivery, not to mention the fact that over the years there have been a lot of people watching over the baby in her womb. Pregnancy does spark her maternal love, even if she doesn't actually like children that much. Jennifer likes to settle all dangers in the cradle. ]

A dim light shone dimly in the delivery room. Jennifer turned her head and stared at the person who came.

Lu Yan had seen many monsters.

Of all the deformed monsters, Jennifer is the most disgusting.

Its belly is bulging, like a hill, and the whole person crawls on it like a beast, and the limbs that grow out can't tell whether it is an arm or a leg. Five are on the front, four are on the sides, and the thickest remaining ones are the hind legs.

Except for the abdomen, the wife's whole body is thin and only bones are left, no skin, only a mass of wriggling meat. Its head has long lost the human facial features, like a monster intertwined with a mass of sarcoma. The ‌ is covered with spikes. There is a slender tail at the tail, and the bristles reflect a cold light.

When it smelled the unfamiliar breath, it showed its ferocious fangs, like a meat grinder.

Viscous water dripped on it.

The system asked disappointedly: [Do you like this kind of tail? Or do you only like **** tails? ]

Lu Yan: "..."

The monster's body is incomparably large, at least five meters long, but its movements are exceptionally fast.

It roared forward, and Michael raised the holy sword in an instant, blocking its attack.

The monster's body slammed into the sword, making a harsh collision sound.

[The only thing that is a little bit cumbersome for it is the fetus that keeps shaking on its belly. You better find a way to kill it early. You only have 15 minutes left. ]

15 minutes later, 5am, just before dawn.

From a scientific point of view, at this point in time, the angle between the planet and the sun is the smallest, so the air reflects the sunlight the weakest, and the brilliance of the moon disappears. So, this is also the darkest time of the day.

Several years into her pregnancy, Jennifer's belly was bulging and almost translucent.

There was a tiny slit in the very center of her abdomen. A few slender hands peeled off the mother's belly like a bird pecked open an eggshell.

The little monster in its belly also has no human form. It is a combination of a businessman and a wife, not only has a strangely deformed body like his wife, but also has eyes full of eyes.

[Physical damage and mental damage are fully charged as soon as they are born, as expected to summon the evil **** in five minutes. ] The system issued a high-level evaluation, [If you didn't come, the mother would have been its first dinner after birth. The wife is the appointed vessel. ]

Michael's holy sword lit up with golden light. Wherever the Holy Light goes, it cleanses the world and suppresses evil.

But the monster didn't flinch, but roared forward, ignoring the hand eroded by the Holy Light, and grabbed Michael.

It has nine hands in total, one for grasping the sword, and the other for Michael.

Michael soared into the air, dodging its attack.

The monster's strength was incredible, and the stone wall behind it was forcibly cut through by its tail.

Lu Yan clenched the dagger tightly, lurked into the water, and spared no effort to find an opportunity to stab Jennifer in the stomach.

‌Infernal wounds are far less wounded than the Holy Sword, but they are more numerous and difficult to heal.

The monster was full of annoyed emotions, it wanted to step on the golden mermaid on the side with one foot, but Lu Yan moved extremely fast in the water.

Jennifer could only make a huge splash, incompetent and furious in the original.

The skyrocketing disease severity made Michael's attack more impatient, and he let out a heavy breath.

The smell of blood spread in the delivery room, and Lu Yan was slightly injured, which inevitably attracted restless parasitic fish.

At this moment, the king fish opened a mouth and let out a low, menacing moan.

The tubular parasitic fish were in a pond not far away, hesitating to come forward.

Jennifer's tail swept into the water heavily, and the aftermath splashed a huge wave of several meters. Lu Yan's shadow appeared in the waves.

It snapped forward and bit, but Lu Yan changed his form in an instant, and escaped from Fang's mouth in a dangerous and dangerous way. The barb-like nails penetrated deeply into the lump of flesh on the monster's face, slashing several bloodstains.

Lu Yan's blood flowed out and splattered on Jennifer's body, and the monster's movements paused for a moment.

Michael seized the gap and slashed at its mango-like head with a sword.



At the beginning, the battle here can still have some rules and techniques, but at the end, the battle is only the most primitive instinct.

The monster's body was heavily scarred, and several of its arms were broken. It was poked several times in its stomach, its **** flesh rolled, and the severe pain during childbirth made it difficult to concentrate on fighting, and it could only let out a groan.

‌Hellfire's dagger stuck in its belly. Twenty-six years ago, the dagger had plunged into her head. Let her and the child in her belly be forced to recuperate.

Others weren't much better either.

Michael's arms have begun to degenerate, and feathers have grown on one arm, turning into bird wings. The other hand is barely holding the sword, and the bird feathers on the arm need to be continuously drawn to reduce the distortion.

Lu Yan's fish scales had grown to his neck, and four of his fingernails were broken. Regeneration can repair his original hand, but not the newly grown minions.

In the end, this monster, as huge as a hill, knelt on top of it. ‌The body can no longer support the weight of the belly.

Michael's expression was a moment of joy: "It's over?"

But it turned out that he was too happy too early.

The baby's cry rang out.

The gap in the mother's belly finally cracked enough to let it burst out.

Without hesitation, Lu Yan pulled the dagger out of his mother's body and shot out the lump of meat in it.

On the piece of meat, a few eyes wilted. The baby's movements were not affected in any way.

He watched as a sticky lump of meat squeezed out of the gap.

The sharply rising pollution value made Michael's mobile phone sound like a loud alarm when he fell into the water!

The system has produced detailed data: [King fish, maturity. ]

[It stands to reason that it's only half eyes and shouldn't be so strong. But after a few years of incubation, it has been integrated with the monster. It takes the form of a combination of a wife and a businessman, but it is stronger than the sum of the individuals. ]

[Talent: Spiritual Reshaping, Delirium, Proliferation]

[Lesion direction: Alienation, Evil]

[Pollution value: 12000. ]

The baby is just born, but its pollution value has exceeded its own mother.

The surrounding water quickly froze.

Since becoming the Apocalypse, Lu Yan has not known what it feels like to be cold for a long time.

But at this time, he felt a cold air rush into his body, and his limbs were instantly stiff and unable to move.

The little monster croaked, crying while searching for food.

Although it was crying, there was a terrifying smile on its face, and no tears could flow from its completely degenerated eyes.

[Talent 111-Delirium]

Lu Yan himself has this talent and can barely resist. And Michael, who was seriously injured, covered his ears in pain and coughed up blood from his mouth.

Michael was crawling on top, no longer a majestic archangel, but a house sparrow with broken wings.

The little monster moved to Michael's side in an instant, bit his neck, and made a sucking sound of eating.

The pain made Michael's body twitch.

It had eyes on its body, but it stared at Lu Yan closely, and it made no secret of its greed and malice.

Michael's pupils dilated. He turned his head and looked at Lu Yan with difficulty, his voice was small as if he was whining: "...Come on."

Lu Yan's chest was warm. An extremely warm force dispelled the chill in his body.

This is another gift, a gift, of Michael. You can borrow your talent for a short period of time.

Michael borrowed the talent of Shengguang from Lu Yan.

Lu Yan regained his energy, he thought of the little red flower in Yanbei's bag, but this idea was quickly rejected by him.

If you don't have the ability to deal with the child in front of you, it's useless to have another little red flower.

But he couldn't go either. Lu Yan has seen several pollutants with a pollution value of over 10,000, and the possibility of escaping from these pollutants is 0.

This is pure force suppression, and the baby in front of him, just a god, can make it difficult for him to move.

Lu Yan's tone was unprecedentedly calm and quick: "You must have a way."

The system replied: [Yes. But you should be able to guess what I will say. ]

Yes, Lu Yan knew what the system wanted to say.

This is also the last trump card that the system allows him to frequently risk.

Lu Yan asked, "You made a plan to let him out?"

The system was a little anxious and retorted: [No, this is not the result I hoped for. ]

Lu Yan took a deep breath.

at a very young age.

Lu Yan heard his voice, he said, "If you are tired, you can leave everything to me."

Despite the temptation, Lu Yan never compromised.

Only once did he lose consciousness due to the heart-wrenching pain, causing his brother to accidentally come out for a moment.

Without warning, Lu Yan began to cry.

It wasn't that Lu Yan wanted to cry, but that his body couldn't control the instinct of fear.

Lu Yan called out his name: "Lu ... Yan."

It's his own name.

But in an instant, Lu Yan heard his brother's chuckle.

Lu Yan knew very well that this was an illusion in his mind, but his self-consciousness could no longer resist this illusion.

After a moment, "I'm here."

A smile appeared on Lu Yan's calm face. Obviously smiling, but not the slightest warmth.

He said to himself, "Then leave it to me, it's alright. Brother."

The dark clouds dispersed at this moment, revealing the moon that had been obscured for a long time.

The last bit of white halo on the moon is engulfed by red light.

This is an extremely rare red moon.

"Kaiyuan Zhanjing·Yuezhan Chapter" once wrote: The blood moon is now, and the stars and rivers are exhausted, like falling into prison. *

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