87/Seven Streams

One of the benefits of cold weapons is probably not to worry about the sound of gunfire disturbing others.

Dawn is coming.

Lu Yan wrapped the bow in newspaper and carried it away, so as not to scare the pedestrians on the side of the road.

The roadside breakfast stalls have already come. There was Gao Shengsheng who was riding a bicycle to the subway station, leaning on the curb and waiting for the steamed buns to be cooked.

The chubby boss opened the steamer, and the steaming hot steam brought the sweet aroma of the dough.

Lu Yan had no appetite for food for a long time. He wanted to buy a bun, but when he touched it, he found that he had no money in his pocket.

Perhaps his eager eyes were too obvious, so Gao Sheng came over and handed him a half-cage soup dumpling: "The boss who sold the dumplings gave it to you."

Lu Yan raised his head, and the uncle who sold the buns waved: "Young man. There are no obstacles in life! Be strong!"

Lu Yan asked the system, "Does it look like a rice cooker to me?"

System: [Why don't you look in the mirror? ]

Lu Yan couldn't find the mirror, so he looked at the glass in the window.

In just a few hours, Lu Yan swam in the water, ran over the ground, and lay down in the woods.

Looking at it now, he is really embarrassed, making him want to find a nearby hotel to take a bath. Conditions are not allowed.

Despite this, Lu Yan still accepted the boss's kindness.

The steamed buns are stuffed with chicken and pork, and the ingredients are very solid, and the pork belly with a little bit of fat is delicious.

At 6:30 in the morning, the small shop next to it was broadcasting the local morning news.

"Last night at 22:00, our city was attacked by strong pollutants..."

In the news, the anchor methodically told the surface of the incident. For example, the living dead were resurrected in the cemetery, and the Qinglong Reservoir and the First Underground Research Institute were attacked. After many efforts, the pollution disease has been brought under control. Citizens can travel safely.

A passerby has lingering fears: "It turns out that the pollutants, the place has been shaking yesterday, and I even thought that there was an earthquake, which scared people to death."

Lu Yan thought about 03, and Yu asked, "Where's the Gu Master?"

[The Gu Master was rescued by the city master. There is a high-tech network industrial park near the cemetery, and there is a game company that the city owner likes. ]

"What about other experimental subjects?"

[01 I had a fight with Tang Xun'an. How should I put it? The fight was terrible. The hounds had phoenixes, which were difficult to kill, so they were barely even. The first research institute was destroyed. 07 took away two experimental cabins, ‌04 and 09. ]

[The rest of the subjects have been transferred to the headquarters of the Prevention and Treatment Center. ]

On TV, the news has already aired at the end: "In this operation, 7 apocalypse pioneers gave their precious lives for this, let us remember their names: Gu Zheng, Zhan Yihan, Zong Yan, Ye Liangshan…”

The defected experimental subject, in the narrative to the outside world, has become a sacrificial person.

This is probably a little bit of compensation.

[Researchers who are still alive are now being held at headquarters, awaiting interrogation. ]

[The outcome of the matter won't come out so soon, but it won't just pass by. ]

After all, the price is really terrible.

The original intention of the establishment of scientific research institutes is not to create gods, but really for the future of mankind. Unfortunately, it gradually deviates from the established direction.

No one has suspected it for so many years, but the underground research institute is isolated from the world, and most people have no news. What's more, there is an informed consent form registered before each experiment.

[The headquarters will send people to inspect and condolence every once in a while. Although the dog's foundation failed in 01, it was more or less effective in other experimental bodies. ‌This creates surface peace. What's more, the institute itself has casualty indicators. The particularly disobedient experimental subjects have already died in the transformation experiment. ]

Lu Yan finished eating the last bun and said, "I like humans."

[you said before. ]

Lu Yan thought for a while, and replied, "It's not the same as the last liking."

Lu Zhi leaned on the side of the car to smoke and waited for a long time, but he didn't wait for the time to pick up the pork on the road.

She said to the bald driver beside her, "Men are unreliable. This is different from what Lu Cheng said."

At the beginning, in order to trick her into joining, Lu Cheng made a lot of hype. Fortunately, he had no money, otherwise Lu Zhi would have been hooked.

The bald driver also had a pollutant. When he was still a human being, a language teacher with a high occupation in a small county found out that his classmates were deserting below, so he was nicknamed "clairvoyant". ".

Recently, the school was attacked by pollutants, and the bald driver covered the students to evacuate, but unfortunately he was infected. And really evolved clairvoyance.

His eyes are like snails, with two thin whiskers connected to each other, and they rotate freely. Because of their low degree of evolution, they seem a little dumb: "The dragon and the dog are fighting. "

"Who won?" Lu Zhi asked.

"The dragon wants to kill the dog, but the dog can't. The dog also wants to kill the dragon, but it can't."

Lu Zhi: "It's normal, after all, there's a keel. A dog would be choked up when it bites."

"The firebird encountered the ice crow, and the crow's wings were injured. The firebird ran away with the iron box."

Lu Zhi thought for a moment: "I know the Ice Crow, Odin. Who is the Fire Bird?"

The driver couldn't answer her either, because he didn't know him either.

"Dog, also ran away."

Lu Zhi only cares about one question: "Is the dragon still alive?"

"..." The question made the driver hesitate for a long time, "I can't tell, he's bleeding a lot."

"Also, 10,000 to 16,000, it's not bad if you don't die." Lu Zhi slowly exhaled a smoke ring, "It would be good if you died. My slaughterhouse has always wanted to open a slaughterhouse. City factory. All these years, it has only been expanding overseas, which is very worrying.”

She glanced at the bustling city A, her eyes fascinated and greedy: "I started the university here at the beginning, and I like it here. Go back."

After he finished speaking, he shoved a fresh strip of meat into the driver's mouth.

The driver chewed it and replied dumbly, "Okay."

It's half past six in the morning.

Inside the Third Research Institute.

In order to prevent the escape of contaminants and the limitation of the site, the locations of the major research institutes have always been isolated from the world and far away from people.

At this time, the guardianship area of ​​the institute was in chaos.

Researcher A ran to the warehouse: "Sedative—Sedative!"

Researcher B: "What about the special medicine?! Just take out the phr-a3 special medicine! Don't get close to him, take the anesthesia, anesthesia, gun!"

"No! The side effects of this drug are uncertain! It has not been approved for use on the Apocalypse!" Researcher C turned over Tang Xun'an's case, anxiously, "Can't you just use the original one?!"

"Do you not contact the people from the Tenth Research Institute to come to prepare for euthanasia?!"

As soon as these words came out, he was stunned by several teammates of Tang Xun'an.

The person who spoke suddenly shrank his neck: "I...I...this is just in case!"

A line of cold sweat broke out on Ji Wen's forehead: "The No. 12 Research Institute has no power to euthanize an Apocalypse at this level. First, reduce the severity of Tang Xun'an's disease. Otherwise, the Third Research Institute will be gone, small, tyrant Become a Tyrannosaurus, City A may be finished."

Tang Xun'an's body had obvious distortion characteristics, just like he had just completed the fusion surgery back then.

It can be seen that he is already trying to control himself, but the distortion is still continuing without reversal.

His dragon wings were open, and there were bloodstains on his face, and there were even blood holes pierced by bone spurs. With tears in his eyes, several of his team members pulled the ropes in different directions, trying to calm him down.

Golden blood spattered on the ground.

The light of the data detector came on. Ji Wen glanced at it and found that it was already 99.4.

At the same time, the pollution value detector also began to fluctuate.

At the beginning, it only increased by dozens of dozens, but it soon became a beat of hundreds of seconds per second.

Ji Wen looked terrified.

Despite being accompanied by others, the researchers were afraid to get too close. The main reason is that Tang Xun'an's desire to eat is aroused.

Several shots of special medicine were loaded into the anesthesia gun and shot out, but with little effect.

Ji Wen gritted his teeth and said, "Give me the special medicine! I'll take it."

Oral is better than shot.

Xiao Bing stood up: "Teacher, I had the worst grades when I was studying, I'll go."

A said: "I eat six bowls of rice a day, let me come."

B said, "I have the fewest subjects, so let me go."

Tang Xun'an's team member Bai Ze pulled the chain and said angrily, "Hurry up and do it!"

Turning his head, tears flowed: "Team Tang! Calm down! My wife is 6 months pregnant, and I still want to be a father."

Chains are not metal, but tendons of deep-sea pollutants. Now the fish tendons have begun to break.

In the end, Researcher C rushed in without hesitation.

He opened Tang Xun'an's mouth, which was obviously not human, and poured the special medicine into it like mineral water.

Tang Xun'an let out a low growl from the depths of his throat. Xiao Bing Qiqiao, who had a low spiritual power threshold, was shocked to the point of bleeding.

Xiao Bing shivered and retracted his ‌, something flashed under the white protective suit.

next second. Tang Xun'an threw Cing to the ground. He didn't hold back his strength, and Xiao Bing was caught with a blood hole in his shoulder.

Xiao Bing screamed, and the reason for survival made him want to retreat frantically, but past research has proved that the harder he struggles in this situation, the higher the probability of death. Yu covered his mouth, tried his best to calm down, and gave up resistance.

Tang Xun'an didn't continue to attack, he just hooked his claws and tore off something hanging from Xiao Bing's wrist.

That little Bing's amulet.

The black dragon loosened its claws.

Xiao Bing was still in shock and left the custody area in a tumultuous manner.

Across a glass wall, the monster in the wall finally calmed down.

The black dragon lay on the ground, pressing the **** dragon claws under him, curled up and didn't move.

Like a dragon guarding a treasure.

In the isolation room, Heilong's heavy breathing was heard. Heilong closed his eyes and checked the detector. Although the degree of lesions has not decreased, the pollution value is indeed gradually decreasing.

The others let out a sigh of relief.

Researcher A patted hydrogen peroxide on C's shoulder, causing Xiao C to shiver in pain.

Ji Wen asked, "What did he get from you?"

Xiao Bing cried and said, "Uuu... Before, didn't our research institute also accept an apocalypse? It seems that he encountered God and suffered a brain injury.

"He was distorted during the coma. When I changed his dressing, I found that a piece of his scale had fallen off, and he just... felt golden and pretty. I took it for testing and found that there was no contamination. The value remains, but it is very hard, so I pierced a hole and used it as a talisman."

Although the rules do not say no, but this kind of behavior is always not good. There are even suspicions of being rich.

"I was wrong, teacher. Don't fire me!" Xiao Cing hugged Ji Wen's trouser legs, the rabbit's tail popping out from his butt, "I haven't paid off my mortgage."

Although he is an Apocalypse, his talent ranking is particularly high, he has no combat power, and his spiritual power threshold is not high.

Other than working in scientific research institutes, no other place has such high salaries.

Ji Wen rubbed his head and said lovingly, "Remember to write a review, and I'll add a chicken leg to your work meal tomorrow."

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