52/Seven Streams

Fish scales that come directly from the meat cannot be faked.

Lu Yan's face is also quite convincing.

Xu Guanyue's eyes suddenly filled with sympathy: "Then you are worse than me."

"For so many years, the boss has always wanted a real, evolved mermaid.

"The mermaids in the current mermaid club are actually made by murlocs injected with mermaid genes..." Xu Guanyue said, "I don't know what you saw in the brochure. Anyway, real mermaids don't have reproductive organs. , is a complete fish tail. Because it is a pollutant, it does not need to be excreted, and even the cloaca is degraded. Those reproductive cavities, like mermaids, are artificial."

The boss is a pervert and likes to call handsome and strong mermaids to pull out their scales.

Xu Guanyue worked in the Mermaid Club for 30 years. The scales on her body were broken and broken, and she had witnessed Xu's secrets.

"The reason why I choose a good-looking human as a mermaid reserve is that the boss thinks that a perfect skin will be closer to a 'god'. It is probably easier to become a real mermaid."

"He thinks that a real mermaid can live forever and has a strong power." Xu Guanyue said slowly, "According to the boss's own statement, he was in a shipwreck and was rescued by a golden mermaid. Later The boss used his personal wealth to set up a mermaid club, and it has grown to this day. He said that he was waiting for the golden mermaid to swim back."

Of course, many people think that this is a story made up by the boss to cheat money.

"Now, the selected mermaids are all human. The mermaid genes will be secretly added to the water sources used daily. After 15 days, the mermaid genes will completely occupy the peak, and 20 reserve mermaids will be shut down in the aquarium. In the box, according to the color of the scales, the auction will be held. The boss himself will also participate in the auction... The prepared mermaids will eventually degenerate into real mermaids."

"These mermaids, although they are pollutants, can often sell for sky-high prices because they are too beautiful."

[Just a bunch of failed aberrations. ] The system sneered, [Perfect evolution is not so easy to come by. ]

There is no monitoring in the sea.

Xu Guanyue said that she would also go to the beach to feed the mermaids.

At night, when the boss falls asleep, the mermaid's control is weakened, and it is easy to attack people. After a breeder died, the job of feeding the mermaid every day fell to him and other mutineer murlocs. .

The merman's feed comes from the slaughterhouse, which is minced human flesh mixed with something else.

The slaughterhouse produces countless pigs every day, and it is unknown where they found such raw materials.

"The boss himself is just an apocalypse with a spiritual threshold of around 3,000." Xu Guanyue said, "Therefore, he rarely leaves the seventh floor."

"Why do these mermaid pollutants listen to the boss?" Lu Yan couldn't help but ask.

Xu Guanyue shook his head: "I don't know."

The system smiled: [I know. Because the mermaid's genes are extracted from the boss himself. ]

According to the system. Mermaid Island is a relatively closed space, people inside can't get out, and people outside can't get in either.

There is no cell phone signal, and there are surveillance cameras everywhere. The boss stayed on the 7th floor and couldn't come out. There was an Apocalypse security team and a pool of obedient mermaids.

‌Find a way to get rid of the boss and those security guards.

Lu Yan was a little lost in the sea. He and Xu Guanyue went to the bay where the mermaid rested. The ten mermaids, like sea otters, slept on their backs on the sea surface.

After smelling the **** smell from the wind, the mermaids opened their eyes one after another, and let out a howl that was completely different from the daytime, like a wild beast.

No matter how beautiful they are, they are just low-level pollutants without intelligence.

"Be careful, don't get too close." Xu Guanyue said to Lu Yan. After a while, he still felt uneasy and let Lu Yan hide behind the reef.

He threw the feed into the sea, and the mermaids opened their mouths and ate greedily.

The bloodshots squeezed out of the feed overflowed along the gaps between their white fingers.

[For pollutants, cannibalism is instinct. ] The system said, [It is as normal as a human being to eat. ]

"People will die if they don't eat, so will pollutants?" Lu Yan said, "High-level pollutants can preserve human intelligence. If Tang Xun'an's disease severity exceeds 100, will he eat people soberly?"

[I think, yes, yes. If you don't eat all the time, pollutants won't die, but you will become weak. And hunger...how can it be so bearable. ]

[But what do you suddenly ask this for? ]

Lu Yan hadn't figured out how to answer the system's question, but a sudden flash of flashlight made him alert.

He dived to the bottom of the sea.

The two security guards held up their flashlights and passed by him carelessly, not realizing that there was still anyone here.

"It's a new comer, you've been holding it for a day. It's cool that my brother will take you to find two mermaids."

"Brother, these are all pollutants..."

"What are you afraid of, these pollutants have a pollution value of four or five hundred in the sky, and you are afraid of someone with a spiritual threshold of more than a thousand? Did you really commit something before being rejected by the Special Operations Department? You have no courage at all. "

"I... I was arrested for the crime of indecent assault. I kept the case on file." The security guard said, "Damn, the person who checked me into the Ministry must be a stinky woman, not rape. I just went to the subway. Come on, rub it twice."

Lu Yan dived to the bottom of the water and followed behind the two of them.

When the two security guards saw Xu Guanyue, they were not afraid, they greeted cheerfully, and picked a blue-tailed female mermaid.

They dragged the mermaid to the side of the woods, one was responsible for holding the mermaid, and the other was responsible for loosening his pants.

Lu Yan came out this time without a knife.

Fortunately, after several evolutions, his physical strength is much higher than that of the Apocalypse of the same level. Not to mention the fighting class in the headquarters training center, Lu Yan learned a lot of skills to kill without a knife.

The two security guards didn't even come and make too much noise before Lu Yan twisted their necks.

The blue-tailed mermaid lost its shackles, but did not attack the only living person in the field.

She looked at Lu Yan with her blue eyes, and soon burst into tears. Tears fell to the ground and became pearls.

As if to vent, she let out a cry of grief, jumped on the corpses of the two security guards, and bit her angrily.

The faces of the two security guards were quickly bitten and blood dripped.

Not only is Lu Yan not afraid, but he also thinks that this blue-tailed mermaid's **** face is also pretty.

The mermaid dragged the two corpses back to the bay. From the beginning to the end, they never attacked Lu Yan.

Lu Yan said to the system, "Sometimes, I think people are more scary than pollutants."

West of the sea. A frigate sails on the vast sea level.

The sea breeze is a bit noisy today, and the sun is also very warm.

Bai Qiushi narrowed his eyes and watched the drone flying in and out of the frigate.

"Still can't find the island?" he asked.

Behind him, there was a fine cold sweat on the forehead of the director of the logistics department of the city's prevention and control center.

"At the same time, Mr. Lu reported to us that he was traveling to Mermaid Island. According to the location, he finally disappeared at the junction of the Ao Nang Islands and the high seas."

"We have obtained satellite images and expanded the search area," the director continued. "We have dispatched people to search for nearby islands by helicopter, and now we have not found any trace of Mr. Lu."

Bai Qiushi's eyebrows furrowed in displeasure.

His household registration is in s city. ‌After graduating from the headquarters training center, he successfully joined the special operations department of s city. The area number is 2. After working for several years, he is now the second group of the Special Operations Department.

Bai Qiushi is responsible for solving pollution incidents in the numbered area of ​​​​2‌‌ on weekdays. He is occasionally recruited by the headquarters to work in other places to solve pollution cases that are difficult to solve locally.

For example, Bai Qiushi was also responsible for the pollution of parasitic fish in K City.

"What about the information about the Mermaid Club?"

The director took out the document: "It has been completed. The Mermaid Club is a private club founded by wealthy foreign businessmen, registered in Ao Nang, and recruiting tourists from the mainland. The location is on an island."

"The membership fee is 1 million yuan. In the business district, the membership of this club seems to be very popular... Boss Xu will use it as a favor."

Bai Qiushi: "So, your opinion is. A problematic clubhouse related to pollution diseases has been in the sea for forty-seven years. It departs from the port of S city every month, from We set off under our noses. We don't know what's going on? We don't even have any information?"

The director's stance dropped suddenly.

Bai Qiushi patted the director's shoulder, smiled and said, "Forget it. How can I blame you, it's all too strong of pollutants. What's more, this mermaid club is obviously isolated. Otherwise, we will not As for the good days, I haven't found it."

"I heard that the director invested in the stock market, and he has made a lot of money recently. He has bought a large flat in Jing'an District, which is really enviable. It seems that your son was born in Ao Nang Bo. Cai had a finger cut off."

"No, it's my dereliction of duty..." I don't know why, but the cold sweat of the director got even worse.

‌ On the morning of the 15th, Lu Yan sent a message saying that when he was going to the Mermaid Club, he had already noticed something was wrong.

At that time, Lu Yan had already boarded the cruise ship bound for Mermaid Island.

The director has suppressed the news as much as possible, and prayed every day that Lu Yan would come back smoothly in 15 days.

The boss had assured him that the returning tourists would have vague memories in the siren's singing, only remembering that they had a pleasant vacation on the island. After so many years of observation, the director found that this is indeed the case, and he has let go of his high-hanging heart.

But he didn't expect that Bai Qiushi would come to the Pollution Disease Control Center just the day Lu Yan disappeared. And he controlled everyone, starting with the person in charge.

"I know very well. As a logistics director, you are always lucky, and you don't know exactly what you are dealing with. After all, a high-end clubhouse should use a pollutant to make it fun. When someone is killed once, you know that you have no way to go back."

"To be honest, if it wasn't for my colleagues in Yanjing who asked me to ask, why Mr. Lu didn't answer the phone. I don't know yet, he is no longer in the city." In Bai Qiushi's eyes, four silver His eyes fluttered around, looking coquettish and unusual.

A smile appeared on his face: "You'd better pray that Lu Yan is fine, otherwise I'm really worried about your relatives. Or do you think you can just sit back and relax by sending your wife and son abroad?"

"I won't do it. You are an ordinary person, and I have a lot more than yours. I will control my emotions and not let my power be above the law." He was not very tall, so he tiptoed He got up and touched the director's ‌, "But if it turns into pollutants, it will be fine, right?"

The director's knees softened and he knelt down on the deck of the ship.

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