Shi Lin seemed to realize what he said, waved his hand and denied: "No, nothing, how can the maid of my own family pick it up, you heard it wrong, I said that when her mother gave birth to her, I didn't think that her mother might not like her, I don't have much ability, I am busy with work, working outside all day, and I can't take care of her, so she couldn't suffer a lot when she was a child."

He denied it with a natural expression, without the slightest panic and wandering eyes, and his calm and relaxed appearance made Ke Chen almost wonder if he had heard wrong.

He smiled awkwardly, and gave Shi Lin another glass of wine: "Look at my ears, I can't do it at a young age, I thought you just said that Shi Yang was picked up by you."

"How is it possible, it is estimated that my mouth is scooping, and I have drunk too much wine this morning, and my mouth is not good." Shi Lin "hehe" smiled and tried to bring this topic over.

Ke Chen was in hot pursuit: "Shi Yang is so painful now, he must have been very well-behaved and cute when he was a child, right?"

"But isn't it... She has been well-behaved since she was a child, but it hurts, she looks beautiful, pink and tender, at that time she looked five or six years old, in the big winter, a person in the wild was frozen with a small blue face, and did not cry, just hugged her knees and curled up, opened those big black and white eyes, looked at me with horror, and did not shout. I don't know if it was the effect of alcohol, Shi Lin fell into a nostalgia for the past, took a sip of the wine glass, and continued, "When I walked over, I still asked me in a weak voice in a low voice, Uncle, are you here to take me home?"

Ke Chen's eyebrows moved, did not remind him of the loophole in his words, but picked up the wine bottle, continued to fill him with a glass, watched him take it and drank it, and then asked him in a soft voice: "What later?"

"Later, I saw that the child was really pitiful, so I quickly sent her to the hospital." She was obviously very uncomfortable along the way, but she didn't cry at all, so she hugged me tightly, for fear that I would throw her down and look strange and pitiful. Shi Lin picked up the wine glass again and drank it, "Her hypothermia caused a series of problems, and then pneumonia, fever for several days, woke up muddy, didn't remember anything, just remembered me, I was afraid everywhere I was going to clutch the corners of my clothes, for fear that I would leave her, it was so uncomfortable to be sick at that time, three days and two heads were pricked with needles to draw blood, every day to inject, drips, she didn't cry at all, every time she obediently cooperated with the doctors and nurses, no matter how uncomfortable the pain was, at most just let the tears roll in the eyes, just don't cry, It's distressing to look strange.

After Shi Lin finished speaking, he seemed to remember something, and looked at Ke Chen with an embarrassed smile and said: "Blame me, she was still so young at that time, she didn't take a good look at her, she was lost, she looked for a few days and nights, but fortunately she still found the person back."

Ke Chen also smiled, did not point out the inconsistency in his words, but said while pouring him wine: "It sounds really pitiful, such a young child has suffered such a great sin, I feel distressed just listening to it."

"Not really. And so well-behaved, so obedient, what a child, why do you say her mother doesn't like her? Shi Lin sighed, picked up the wine glass and took another sip, "It's all to blame for my cowardice and lack of ability, her mother had a big temper when she knew each other, and she had big ideas, and she made a tantrum and broke things at every turn, making the family uneasy, I was afraid of provoking her, and I couldn't calm my ears."

Ke Chen smiled and filled him another cup: "Maybe the aunt is also short-tempered, and the daughter born in October is not painful."

Lin didn't answer this sentence, he just shook his head helplessly and smiled: "Xiaoke, you don't understand." The family has a scripture that is difficult to read.

Ke Chen followed his words and smiled: "Yes, yes, it's the same, each family has its own difficult method."

Then he asked him, "What about later?" Where else has Shiyang been since she brought it home?

Shi Lin: "Where else can I go, in those days, my family was poor, my mother and I were laid off, it was difficult to raise a child, not to mention two children, and then there was really no way, I couldn't find work in my hometown, so I could only take their brothers and sisters here to seek a living." But Yangyang is a well-behaved and sensible person, knowing that the conditions at home are not good, he has been considerate of us since childhood, all kinds of help for the family work, never complain, study hard, junior high school was admitted to the city's key junior high school, but unfortunately her mother and I have no money, did not let her study, but this child is also contentious, so bad school, and let her be admitted to the key high school, I discussed with her mother at that time that I wanted to read for her, her mother did not let me, I couldn't help it, and then I could only let her study in the school near where we worked, and studied for two years, I transferred to Xicheng with her mother's work, I didn't worry about letting her study there alone, so I thought of transferring her to Xicheng, she had good academic performance, and when she went to school, she was willing to let her transfer over, even the Xicheng high school she studied later, as far as the best high school in your Xicheng, as soon as I heard that her family conditions were not good, they were willing to let her come and study for free tuition, and then we transferred to her, don't say, the principal and teachers of her original school were reluctant to let her go. Shi

Lin mentioned that there was an unconcealable pride on his face.

Ke Chen also listened with a smile, this experience sounds very similar to ordinary people, there is not much specificity, if you really want to say that there is something special, it is the section where she transferred to Xicheng High School, Ke Chen remembered that Fu Jingchuan also graduated from this high school.

"What about her as a child?" Ke Chen tried to bring the topic back, "Just you guys picked her up..."

When he wanted to say "pick her up", he was afraid to arouse Shi Lin's suspicion, and he coughed lightly and changed his mouth: "Before you accidentally lost her, how was she then?" Is it just as well-behaved and sensible?

Shi Lin "hehe" smiled and brought it over: "That's for sure, this child has been very well-behaved since birth, she has not loved to cry since she was a child, she is very obedient, and her neighbors and teachers and classmates like her tightly."

"Hehe, beautiful and well-behaved and sensible, who can not like this." Ke Chen "hehe" smiled, "Do you have a picture of her when she was a child here?" I'm curious about what she looked like when she was a child.

"No, in those days, I couldn't even eat, so how could I have spare money to take any pictures." Shi Lin waved his hand, picked up the wine glass and drank it again, "You see you like her too, right?"

Ke Chen smiled, not daring to follow his words and say that he also liked Shiyang, his mobile phone was secretly recording the sound, if he presented it for Fu Jingchuan to hear, maybe Fu Jingchuan would torture him.

Ke Chen did not forget that Shi Yang called Fu Jingchuan after calling him after calling him to tell Fu Jingchuan about Kari before departure, and Fu Jingchuan at that time looked at him and wanted to kill, and the yin and yang strange tone was enough for him to drink a pot.

Shi Lin didn't care if he should respond, just cared about borrowing wine to complain about his bitterness: "It's obviously the nature that people love, why don't you say her mother doesn't like it, is there really such a thing as living together in this world?"

Ke Chen smiled and poured him another cup: "Maybe there really is such a thing as an eye." Drink

after cup of spirits, Shi Lin also drank a little high, and didn't care what Ke Chen should do, and vented to himself: "You said how good the family is and how harmonious, Yangyang has not been a life-loving nature since childhood, but quite filial and sensible, but your aunt loves to come to things, so you have to make this family uneasy." Just the money they took back a while ago, Yangyang had to send it back to your President Fu, your aunt still remembers hatred, and argues all day long to break off the mother-daughter relationship with Yangyang and prevent her from going home. Ke

Chen looked at him and didn't answer, he remembered this, he only knew that Shi Yang returned the money, but he didn't know that there were so many twists and turns behind it.

"Although, I also know that our family should not take your Fu Zong's money, which will make it difficult for Yangyang to be a person caught in the middle, but I don't care about this family, no one listens to me." Shi Lin finished nagging bitterly, picked up the wine glass and wanted to pour it directly.

Ke Chen raised his hand to stop him: "Uncle Shi, come and eat some food, don't drink so much, alcohol hurts your body."

While talking, he gave Shi Lin a dish, and chatted with him for a while, until Shi Yang's brother Shi Fei came back, and then handed the person over to Shi Fei and left Shi Feng's house.

On the way back, Ke Chen made a video call to Fu Jingchuan.

Fu Jingchuan was busy in front of the computer.

This weekend, he didn't go to work, but worked in the study of the presidential suite of the hotel.

When Ke Chen's video call came, he pressed answer smoothly, and his gaze did not move from the computer screen to Ke Chen in the mobile phone, but simply replied: "Say." "

The slender fingers are also deftly tapping on the keyboard.

Ke Chen looked at Fu Jingchuan's serious and busy handsome face: "I went to find Shiyang's father today and talked to Lin for a while.

Fu Jingchuan: "Say the point." Ke

Chen: "He accidentally missed something, Shiyang was picked up by him from the wild."

Fu Jingchuan's hand on the keyboard paused and looked at Ke Chen in the phone: "When?" Ke

Chen: "He said that Shiyang picked it up in winter when she was five or six years old, and she was alone in the wild, and she was frozen purple."

Fu Jingchuan's black eyes suddenly looked into Ke Chen's eyes: "Are you sure it's winter?" "

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