Shi Yang nodded gently: "Yes." She

wasn't actually cold, and the beanie she was wearing still had his temperature on it.

She has always had no resistance to Fu Jingchuan, especially such a considerate and gentle Fu Jingchuan.

Fu Jingchuan did not notice her mental fluctuations, raised his hand to cover her ears, and looked at her: "You didn't eat much at home just now, do you want to eat more outside?"

Shi Yang hesitantly glanced at him and nodded.

There is a night market snack street behind the square, and there are many Chinese restaurants.

Although it was the first trimester, Fu Jingchuan did not strictly limit what Shiyang could eat and what he could not eat.

On the contrary, Shi Yang restrained a little, did not dare to eat indiscriminately, just a wonton.

The place to eat is also a small table set up in front of the store.

The smell in the store is heavy, and Shiyang can't smell too strong a smell of oil smoke at this stage.

Fu Jingchuan also asked for a wonton and sat down opposite Shiyang.

This is the first time the two have eaten out like this, and it feels like a roadside stall.

This feeling is very novel in Shiyang, especially Fu Jingchuan on the opposite side is still wearing a suit, which is a little out of place with the simple dining environment.

Shi Yang thought that Fu Jingchuan would not get used to it, but saw him pick up a disposable chopstick and break it and eat it.

Shi Yang couldn't help but look at him.

Fu Jingchuan took the time to look at her: "What's wrong?"

Shi Yang shook his head: "It's nothing. He

added: "I just didn't expect you to eat in such a small shop."

Fu Jingchuan glanced at her: "When I was in college before, there was a whole food street at the back entrance of the school, all of which were shops like this, and I often went there."

Shi Yang was a little surprised: "I thought you would be more particular about life." "

It's a matter of starting after work." Fu Jingchuan's chopsticks were lightly propped up in the bowl and looked at her, "When I was a student, I would be more casual, I took over the company in recent years, I was busy with work, and I also had to take care of the company's brand image, so I haven't been to these small shops."

After that, he asked her: "Have you ever been to this kind of place before?"

"Of course. When I was a student, there were a few good restaurants, usually roadside stalls that were affordable and delicious. Shi Yang couldn't help but smile as he said, "When I was in college, there was also a food street at the back door of the school, and I used to go with Lin Shanshan often, and I missed it a lot.

Fu Jingchuan also smiled, he also missed it.

At that time, the food street was full of student couples, and when he looked at them, he would often think of Shiyang, what university she was in, what she was doing now, whether she was also in love, and the mood of thinking about eating would go down.

He knew which university Shiyang was in.

Although Shiyang chose not to say goodbye after the college entrance examination, after all, she was admitted to a key university with a high score, and her name was hung on the school's college entrance examination honor list, and she was very close to him.

The two even hold networking events between the two schools in the same city, the same college town.

In the big slap place, they never met each other.

Fu Jingchuan has been to Shiyang School more than once, but he has never met by chance.

"I've been to your school before." Fu Jingchuan said.

Shi Yang was a little surprised: "Huh?

Fu Jingchuan's chopsticks in his hand gently stirred the wontons in the bowl, and he tilted his head slightly to look at her: "When I first entered the university, I was not busy, and occasionally I would go to your school to take a look." Fu

Jingchuan actually didn't know if he had such a little bit of caution when he met them in the past, although he never got his wish.

Shi Yang smiled: "If I knew you were coming at that time, I would have invited you to dinner."

Fu Jingchuan also smiled and did not answer.

He didn't think that Shi Yang would really invite him to dinner when he knew that he had passed, and with her nature, it was estimated that even if he met him on the road, he would just say hello politely and pass.

Shi Yang also knew that his words were not convincing.

She used to be taken care of by Fu Jingchuan when she was a student, she hid her love for him carefully, always respectful and afraid and dependent in the face of Fu Jingchuan, and she was also restrained in front of him, even if she really met, she was pleasantly surprised, but probably couldn't take the initiative to ask him out.

Fu Jingchuan didn't debunk her, but just filled her with some sauce and vinegar and pushed it in front of her: "Let's eat first."

Shi Yang nodded slightly, and she didn't know whether talking to Fu Jingchuan for the first time made her feel a little relaxed, or if Fu Jingchuan suddenly showed his less distant side to relax her, or the wontons and sauce were good, Shi Yang's appetite that was not very good in the afternoon unexpectedly improved.

She ate all the ravioli in one go.

Fu Jingchuan quietly watched her finish eating, he was actually not very hungry, but he didn't eat much when he saw that Shiyang didn't eat much, so he couldn't rest assured to accompany her out on this trip.

This was almost impossible in his previous life.

Whether it's a walk or a late-night snack, it's an extremely wasteful of time for him.

But looking at Shiyang who was satisfied with eating, Fu Jingchuan also vaguely felt a sense of satisfaction.

He didn't regret taking the time to accompany Shiyang on this trip.

Watching Shi Yang put down the empty soup bowl, Fu Jingchuan drew a tissue and leaned over to wipe the corners of her lips.

When the tissue touched his face, he froze obviously, obviously not very accustomed to this kind of intimacy.

Fu Jingchuan didn't wipe her mouth before, but at that time it was during the marriage, maybe there was a husband and wife relationship to protect, although she would also have a faint unaccustomedness, but she would not show much resistance.

Now that the relationship between the two has returned to strangers, her sense of boundary has also come out, so she froze at the sudden action of wiping his mouth, and then took the tissue in his hand.

"I'll just come."

Fu Jingchuan let her take the tissue away, quietly watching her without speaking, a little nostalgic for the way she was undefensive when she was chatting just now.

Shi Yang only remembered the sense of boundary he had inadvertently shown after wiping, smiled uncomfortably, and slowly rolled the used tissues into small balls.

Fu Jingchuan watched the small white paper ball unconsciously fold between her fingers, looked at her, and looked at her: "What happened in the afternoon?"

Shi Yang was slightly stunned, and then remembered that he had said that she had cried when she asked her to eat.

Probably feeling a faint guilt for the sense of boundary that he inadvertently showed in his heart, Shi Yang pursed his lips and smiled at him embarrassedly: "Actually, it's nothing, just called home, and the family was a little unpleasant."

Fu Jingchuan immediately thought of the money she called back to him before boarding the plane: "It has something to do with the money you called back?"

Shi Yang was not surprised that he could guess, and nodded gently: "Forget it, they just occasionally drill a little bit, just after that, don't get used to them."

Fu Jingchuan looked at her: "When they looked for me before, you were all blocking me?"

Shi Yang didn't nod or shake his head, just smiled awkwardly: "They should have caused you a lot of trouble before."

"It's okay. It's all a small favor. Fu Jingchuan looked at her and said, "It's you, aren't you a family?" Why are they still treating you like this?

"Probably..." Shi Yang thought for a moment, "My mother is a bit patriarchal."

Fu Jingchuan smiled, didn't answer, just looked at her, and slowly spoke: "Shiyang, are you really their own child?" "

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