Shi Yang hurriedly raised his hand to wipe his eyes, and after stabilizing his mood, he raised his head and answered the door: "Coming." "

Get up and open the door.

"It's time to eat." Fu Jingchuan said, when he raised his eyes, he saw the wet red in her eyes, and his gaze paused slightly, looking at her.

"What happened?" He asked, his voice slowed down, his arms lifted, and the back of his long fingers gently fell on the corners of Shi Yang's slightly wet eyes.

When the skin touched, he instinctively shrank and took a small step back.

"I'm okay." She spoke softly, her soft voice still a little nasal, "Chasing dramas."

Fu Jingchuan glanced at her, he remembered that she never had the habit of chasing dramas, she only watched movies, all types of movies, domestic and foreign, drama films, suspense films, literary films, all kinds of genres will be involved, but romance films are relatively few.

Documentaries are also her favorite to watch, especially humanistic and historical documentaries, TV series occasionally watch some, but mostly some workplace dramas or suspense dramas with strong plot logic, and there are not many places that can poke her tears.

He glanced at her phone on the table, did not dismantle her, and raised his hand to wipe the corners of her eyes.

"Let's eat first." He said softly.

Shi Yang nodded gently: "Yes."

During the meal, Fu Jingchuan obviously felt that Shi Yang was not in a high mood.

She still had a poor appetite in the first trimester, and she was still thinking about things, and although she could barely stuff something into her mouth, she couldn't eat much after only a few bites.

Shi Yang couldn't force himself, and the harder he tried to stuff something into his mouth, the heavier his stomach feeling.

In the end, Shi Yang had to put down his chopsticks and look at Fu Jingchuan: "I'm full, you eat slowly."

Fu Jingchuan glanced at the bowl she still had left, did not persuade her to do anything, but nodded gently: "Good." After

eating the food in the bowl, Fu Jingchuan also put down the bowl and chopsticks and got up to clean up.

Shi Yang remembered that he hadn't eaten a few bites, and looked at him in surprise: "Don't you eat more?"

"It's okay, I had dinner with the customer in the afternoon." Fu Jingchuan neatly put away the dishes and chopsticks into the kitchen, threw them into the dishwasher, washed his hands, looked up at the window that had darkened, and looked at Shiyang in the living room.

"Going for a walk?"

Shi Yang looked at him in surprise: "Don't you have to be busy?"

She felt that the words "go out and walk" came out of Fu Jingchuan's mouth very strangely

When she was still in marriage before, every time after eating, she and Fu Jingchuan went back to their rooms, they had their own study and their own jobs, so the rest time after dinner was mostly busy, did not disturb each other, and there were not many opportunities to go out, and it could even be said that there were almost none.

Fu Jingchuan is a person who can't wait to break his time in half, he has arranged a fixed fitness time for himself, and walking is a waste of time for him.

He also never wasted time on walking, so when he suddenly heard him say that he was going out for a walk, Shiyang was more confused than anything else.

Fu Jingchuan had already walked towards her: "No need.

Still answering simply and neatly, the person who spoke had already walked up to her, he raised his eyes to look out the window into the night, then looked at her, and repeated: "Go for a walk?

Shi Yang hesitated, and then nodded: "Okay." ----------------------

two walked downstairs of the hotel.

Not far downstairs is the square, connected to the lake park, this point is the lively time.

The surrounding residents love to come for a walk, the elderly with children, and students from nearby schools, mostly small couples, making this quiet night look lively and unfamiliar with the fireworks of the world.

In the past, Shi Yang was also a person who did not walk after dinner, and she, like Fu Jingchuan, went back to the study after dinner and was busy, so she rarely had the opportunity to feel such a human fireworks.

She had the impression that this was the first time she and Fu Jingchuan had come out for a walk after dinner, and her eyes were fresh as far as she could see, and her stuffy mood had dissipated a lot because of this freshness.

Fu Jingchuan has been paying attention to Shi Yang's expression, and the person is standing beside her, and from the corner of his eye he pays attention to the young girls who are skating in the square, and when they are about to rush over, he reaches out to block Shi Yang.

"Do you usually go out for a stroll?" Seeing her eyebrows calmly looking around, Fu Jingchuan asked, and by the way, he raised his hand to block the crowd that was squeezed over for her.

"Nope. I don't shop much. Shi Yang replied softly, turning his head to look at him, "You shouldn't have come out to shop either, have you?"

Fu Jingchuan nodded lightly: "It's been busy lately."

Shi Yang also nodded and did not answer again.

Fu Jingchuan didn't speak again, just walked aimlessly with her.

Shi Yang felt that this feeling was very strange, she and Fu Jingchuan had obviously been a husband and wife for two years, obviously had many intimate moments, and they were unreservedly indulgent.

But as soon as he got rid of the control of lust and his reason returned to Qingming, he was always like a stranger he had just met, there were not many common topics, there was not much intimate contact, and even holding hands was few.

Shi Yang didn't know whether it was her problem or Fu Jingchuan's problem, she couldn't be presumptuous in front of Fu Jingchuan.

She didn't know if this restraint was unique to Fu Jingchuan or the same for all men.

Before Fu Jingchuan, she had never been in love, and after Fu Jingchuan, she had not had a chance to start a new relationship, she couldn't compare whether the problem was with her or Fu Jingchuan, but looking at the pair of little couples holding hands and laughing and playing by in front of her, Shi Yang was envious.

She and Fu Jingchuan had never laughed so presumptuously and without scruples, and they had never dared to be so presumptuous during their previous marriage, and now they had returned to the relationship of friends, and it was impossible to be like others again.


Fu Jingchuan noticed the focus of her gaze, and also glanced at the little couple who were holding hands and laughing and playing, and then looked at Shiyang.

He saw envy and a self-reconcending relief in her eyes.

Fu Jingchuan is usually busy with work and never notices what passers-by are doing, especially small couples, in his opinion, the flirting and laughter between those little couples are all hypocrisy.

He did not go through this period.

From childhood to adulthood, his life has only been how to become bigger and stronger.

Whether it was studying or working, he was working hard with twelve points of concentration, and rarely distracted in other aspects.

Even if he met Shi Yang in his third year of high school, the part of his thoughts about her was only about her study and life, and he would care about whether she was suitable for the new environment, whether she could keep up with her studies, whether she looked so simple and harmless, whether she would be bullied, and so on.

He would worry about her tardiness and be distracted by her leave, and would pretend to pass by her house casually to see if she was still there, but he never thought deeply about what kind of thinking was behind this concern.

Later, after graduating and losing contact, Fu Jingchuan entered the pressure of studying and working.

He often thinks of Shiyang.

But after thinking about it, I immediately remembered her non-farewell, and that longing turned into hidden anger, and then accumulated little by little, and finally completely turned into gambling that I never wanted to see again, if not for the reunion at that class reunion.

That day's party was actually a coincidence.

After graduating from high school, in fact, there are annual gatherings in the class.

Fu Jingchuan knew that Shiyang never participated, and he never went.

The one two years ago was an accident.

He happened to be talking business with customers at that restaurant, and when he went out, he happened to meet a former classmate who came to have a dinner, and he was pulled over to say hello to everyone.

Then in a group of familiar faces that had faded their youth, he saw Shi Yang, just like back then, sitting quietly and low-key in the corner, quietly watching everyone laugh, and not participating in the topic.

That time, he stayed and sat down in the empty seat beside her.

He could feel her restraint.

Although they sat side by side, they didn't talk much to each other.

She's not a talker, and neither is he.

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