"Have you seen that bracelet?" Fu Jingchuan asked.

Shi Yang returned to his senses and shook his head blankly: "No."

Fu Jingchuan's black eyes were still staring at her tightly: "But your eyes tell me that you know it."

Shi Yang returned his expression still dazed.

Fu Jingchuan had never seen such an empty look on her face.

He subconsciously grabbed her arm: "Shiyang? The

feeling of pain made Shiyang come back to his senses slightly.

She looked at Fu Jingchuan, whose face was full of worry, as well as a trace of imperceptible anxiety, a kind of anxiety eager to find the truth.

Shangguan Lin, who was in a rage, saw that no one took care of him, and he got angry and approached the two:

"What are you doing?" In the end, are you looking at the road carefully, what should I do if I hit someone?

Shi Yang's attention was recalled, and he apologized to Shangguan Linlin:

"I'm sorry, we were negligent. You're not hurt, are you?

Shangguan Lin saw Shi Yang clearly, and recognized her at a glance as the girl who was almost knocked down by her at yesterday's exhibition, and was a little surprised: "Huh? Are you?

Immediately shook his hand angrily: "It's okay, I'm not injured, you guys drive next time and watch the road, don't hit people again."

After speaking, she found that Fu Jingchuan, who was staring at her, was the man who grabbed her wrist at the door of the hotel that day, and his eyes were immediately guarded.

Especially seeing that Fu Jingchuan's gaze fell directly on the bracelet she was wearing on her wrist, she immediately opened her other palm to block the bracelet with alertness, and took a small step back.

"What do you want to do again?" She asked nervously, "It's all said that this is my thing, and it has been following me since I can remember, you don't want to fight it."

Shi Yang couldn't help but glance at the hand string she was protecting, the person was still empty, but his gaze couldn't help but look at Fu Jingchuan.

She saw Fu Jingchuan's eyebrows twisted slightly, and glanced at Shangguan Lin thoughtfully.

"Do you have memories that have followed you since the beginning?" He asked.

"Of course."

Shangguan Lin didn't think about it, he hid that hand to the side like a baby, and looked at Fu Jingchuan's eyes with a little curiosity and look, "Who are you?" Why are you so interested in this bracelet?

Shi Yang didn't know why, he didn't like Shangguan Linlin's eyes looking at Fu Jingchuan very much, and he didn't like Fu Jingchuan's eyes when he looked at Shangguan Lin.

She didn't know if this was because of the lack of residual feelings for Fu Jingchuan that led to this kind of heart-stuffed mood similar to looking at a love rival, or just because the other party might be Shen Yu, the girl who might make her a Qing-like existence in Fu Jingchuan's heart.

She didn't like this feeling, and she knew that she was not qualified to care and care.

She raised her wrist and glanced at her watch, and then looked at Fu Jingchuan: "Or you guys talk first, my class time is almost up, I'll go first."

Fu Jingchuan's attention turned from Shangguan Linlin to her: "I'll send you over."

"No thanks." Shi Yang rejected him, "I'll just go over by myself, it's close." After

saying that, turn around and leave.

Fu Jingchuan took her hand: "I'll send you."

Shangguan Lin glanced at the two in puzzlement, did not disturb again, and lowered his head to pick up the work card that had been knocked off the ground.

Fu Jingchuan also swept the work card on the ground, and his eyes paused when he saw the name, phone number and grade major on the work card.

Shi Yang also saw a pause in his gaze.

Intellectually she knew that there was nothing wrong with this, Fu Jingchuan was looking for Shen Yu, and finally someone suspected of her appeared, and there was nothing wrong with him paying attention to her personal information.

Moreover, she and Fu Jingchuan have divorced, and they are two individuals who are mutually free, even if he and Shangguan Lin are together, there is no problem.

But emotionally, she will still have some unhappy emotions because Fu Jingchuan cares about the girl who has been hidden in his heart for more than ten years.

She did not show this emotion on her face.

Fu Jingchuan's eyes swept over for only a moment, and he quickly took it back.

"Let's go."

He sent Shiyang downstairs.

"I'll pick you up after class."

As usual, he whispered.

Shi Yang also nodded gently as usual.

But during class, Shi Yang's mood was somewhat affected by this matter, and her attention was frequently distracted in class, especially when she saw that Shangguan Lin was also in the same class as her.

Shi Yang was halfway through the class and found out that he was in the same class as Shangguan Linlin.

Today I am taking a public university course, and several classes are taking it together.

She habitually sat in the front row, not paying attention to who was sitting behind her, and she noticed her only when Shangguan Lin raised her hand to answer the question halfway through the class.

The feeling of this coincidence is subtle.

There is a feeling that the stand-in meets the main master, and the fate is getting deeper and deeper.

Yan Yao sat next to her, and it was obvious that she was absent-minded and frequently distracted, and she didn't even hear the teacher call her name.

The pen in Yan Yao's hand quietly tapped twice on the table.

Shi Yang looked at him blankly.

"The teacher asks." Yan Yao half-covered his mouth with his palm and whispered a reminder.

Shi Yang then found that everyone's attention fell on her.

Fortunately, she has always been sensitive and has solid basic knowledge, and quickly scanned the big screen to roughly guess what the teacher asked, and completed the teacher's question smoothly.

At the end of class, Yan Yao was rarely the first to go first, but instead looked at Shiyang, who was still cleaning up.

"Did something happen?" He asked, "You're a little out of shape today."

"Maybe I didn't sleep last night." Shi Yang was a little embarrassed, but also grateful, "Thank you just now."

The corner of Yan Yao's mouth moved: "You're welcome." But

he didn't go first, still waiting for her to clean up.

Everyone else had left in pairs, and the classroom was empty.

Shi Yang has always been a person who is used to leaving late, and in the past, she used to slowly clean up, and now seeing that Yan Yao was waiting for her, it was not good to delay for too long, quickly put away the notes and books, and got up to leave with Yan Yao.

Shangguan Linlin, who had been grinding and packing things, took the opportunity to come up and take the initiative to talk with Shiyang.

"What a coincidence, it turns out that you are also from the Department of Architectural Design."

She was also surprised to see Shiyang in class being named to answer questions, only to find that she was in the same department as Shiyang.

After two contacts, she had a good impression of Shiyang, and couldn't help but step forward to take the initiative to get acquainted.

Shi Yang was a little surprised by her initiative to make friends, and also smiled politely: "Yes, what a coincidence."

But Shangguan Linlin is obviously an active and lively personality, and when her eyebrows curved into a shallow crescent bend, she had already generously stretched out her hand towards Shiyang: "Get acquainted, my name is Shangguan Linlin."

Shi Yang had to stretch out his hand and shake her hand: "Hello, my name is Shi Yang."

Shangguan Lin immediately praised Shiyang after listening to it: "This name is really good, it is very in line with your temperament."

Shi Yang also smiled back: "Thank you." Your name sounds good too.

"My name is not good, the soil is dead." Shangguan Lin pouted in disgust, and asked her curiously, "By the way, where are you from?" Listening to your accent feels a bit like ours, we won't be a city, right?

Shiyang: "I grew up in Xicheng.

Shangguan Lin opened his mouth in surprise: "It's really a place."

Shi Yang was also a little surprised: "You are also from Xicheng?

"Sort of." Shangguan Linlin was very happy, and there was a sense of intimacy of meeting fellow villagers, "I also lived in Xicheng when I was a child, but then my parents did business, and our family moved to Lin City next door, but many of my relatives and friends are in Xicheng, and I will often go back there to see when I have time."

Shi Yang couldn't help but smile: "What a coincidence."

"yes, that's a coincidence." Shangguan Linlin was also very happy, and after being happy, he was a little regretful, "I heard that I was originally from Xicheng, if I hadn't lost my family when I was a child, I wouldn't have moved to Lin City with my current parents."

After speaking, he swept away the haze: "But my current parents and brothers are very good to me, and there is nothing to regret."

Shi Yang's mind fell on the words "lost with his family", and looked at her hesitantly: "When you were a child... Lost with family? "

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