Came here for the second time this month.

The last time it rained was ten days ago. It rained for five minutes and eighteen seconds, washing the ground with dust.

"This ghost weather, I hope it will rain for a long time!"

Lin Fan muttered, then walked to his dormitory.


"Husband, are you alright there? I went online and saw that the S country seems to be fighting very fiercely recently. Are you alright!"

Back in the dormitory, Lin Fan called Kong An'an back, and the call was connected, and Lin Fan heard the obvious worried words from the girl opposite.

When she was out today, she made a few calls, but Lin Fan was outside at the time, and the signal was really bad, so she couldn't speak, so she could only go back to the camp and call her one.

"Hehe, it's okay, they beat them, we do our thing, the well water doesn't make the river water, we are neutral.

What's more, the lively fight is in other areas. We are fairly stable. There are only a few underworld forces and refugees who have a lot of troubles. It would be good to have soldiers to deal with it every day! "

Lin Fan didn't want her to worry, so he smiled and gave her a white lie easily.

"Really? You must protect yourself.

Husband, I... let me tell you something! "Suddenly, An An's voice became quieter towards her face, as if she was very shy and not easy to talk about.

"Huh?" Lin Fan was stunned. At this moment, Lin Fan thought a lot.

When is the last time you are with her?

Wouldn't it be that I have the next generation?

"An An, don't have it, right?" Lin Fan was trembling in such a tense tone for the first time.

To be honest, Lin Fan is not ready to welcome the next generation, but if there is, Lin Fan...

·0For flowers0··

Well, Lin Fan is upset...

"Ah! What are you thinking, what... there is... nothing... nothing, you... where do you want to go!" Through the microphone, Lin Fan seemed to be able to see Kong An'an abruptly Pretty face turning red.

"Hey, no! It makes me nervous!" I don't know why, but when I heard it, Lin Fan was a little disappointed. Of course, he was relieved at the same time.

Because if it was true that things were created to trick people, and now that Kong Anan had it, then Lin Fan might not be able to see the birth of his child at the first time, and he might not even be able to accompany him when he was born.

Although the peacekeeping time is only ten months at most, or even eight months in general, but the return of peacekeeping will not let you return to the army immediately, or go home on vacation.


When returning from peacekeeping, they need to be uniformly managed by isolation, quarantine for a period of time, observe whether they carry any diseases, and confirm their health before making further arrangements.

Although Lin Fan's immunity is amazing, he can guarantee that he will never get any disease, but there is no way to say such things, so when it is time to isolate, he must also be isolated.

At this time, Kong Anan spoke again: "I...what I want to say is, dad told me...said..."

"Huh? What?" Lin Fan was a little nervous, but at the same time he spoke eagerly.

"My dad... My dad said that I'm not too young, and so are you... So... So, ask when we're going to get married!" On the opposite side, Kong An'an's voice was getting smaller and smaller.

However, Lin Fan smiled when he heard it: "Haha, yes, we are not too young, so let's go, I will have a holiday when I come back this time, how about we get married then?"

"Really? When are you coming back?" Kong An'an was obviously surprised, and the speed of his words accelerated.

At this moment, she couldn't care less about being shy.

In fact, women place more weight on the ritual of marriage than men, and it is much heavier.

"Of course it's true, so let's talk to my husband, next year, I'll marry you when I come back next year!"

"Okay!" Kong Anan agreed very readily, a good word could clearly hear her joy... 2.

Chapter 590 Sudden shells! (Please order, please support!

On September 29, in the mission area of ​​Country Z, the Z government army and the reactionary army had been at war for nearly ten days.

However, the war still does not see the meaning of stopping.

Every day, people were beaten to death outside, which made the peacekeepers of country Z, especially Lin Fan's subordinates, as well as other logistics and medical staff, deeply feel the fragility of life.

Death can be seen everywhere here, but there is not only death in S country, but also beauty in refugee camps.

In the No. 8 refugee camp, Lin Fan was shirtless at the moment, wearing a pair of grey pants.

All over the body, mud and sweat were mixed, black and gray, and it looked dirty to death.

But now Lin Fan didn't care about this, wiped the sweat from his face, and shouted not far away.

"Come on, come on ashes, no more ashes!"

Lin Fan turned into a construction worker today, building walls and building houses here.

In fact, he's not alone here.

In the high temperature environment of more than 40 degrees, a large canopy was placed on the top of the head, and under the canopy, many peacekeepers from country Z were busy here.


In the No. 8 refugee camp, under the heavy rain the day before yesterday, the temporary school collapsed. The children here asked the peacekeepers of country Z to help them build the school.

This is not difficult. After the matter was reported to Lin Fan, Lin Fan immediately agreed.

In fact, it is the task of peacekeeping to help refugees as much as possible.

To promote the image of a big country, there is nothing more suitable than the education of dolls.

In these refugee camps, there was only one volunteer priest from country Y who led several believers to run back and forth in several refugee camps and act as teachers. Now Lin Fan decided to help them build and study them, and gave them from the army. Also find two teachers from country Z.

"Batch commander, go and rest, we'll do it here!"

A soldier, using the famous emperor's car in the country, came over with a cart of bucket ash, came to the front and back, and persuaded Lin Fan with a smile.

However, Lin Fan refused: "It's okay, stay in the camp every day, work hard, relax your muscles and bones, don't be lazy, this is also training, doing this kind of work is the most powerful!"

The soldiers who brought in to repair the house this time were not special soldiers, but all sappers.

Engineers of country Z can repair bridges, repair roads, and build wells and houses. They are omnipotent.

"Hey, battalion commander, how can we be lazy, look at this house, we can do it tomorrow at most!"

There are many people and great strength. There are more than 50 engineers and soldiers who come here to build houses. They work together. This school is not a commercial building, and its efficiency is absolutely high.

"Haha! I believe, hurry up and fix it tomorrow, and each person will be rewarded with a bottle of iced Coke!"

"Oh! Long live the battalion commander!"

"I'm motivated!"

"Coke! It's still iced, it's beautiful when you think about it!"

With Lin Fan's promise, the engineers and soldiers immediately became more motivated.

You know, maybe a bottle of iced Coke is nothing in China, but where is it?

This is Africa, this is the war-torn area of ​​country S, the peacekeeping camp, and one freezer is used in the cooking class to store ingredients.

Coke, there are very few deliveries every month. Now everyone has a bottle of ice cold. For the soldiers, this is something that will not be changed for the whole banquet of Man and Han!

It's really too hot in this ghost place, and there is a full banquet in front of everyone. Maybe they don't have any appetite to eat it, so they give it to iced Coke.

Well, this is an absolutely great temptation.

All the fighters were in full swing, and Lin Fan was among them.

Suddenly, Lin Fan, who was plastering and building walls, suddenly felt an itch between his brows, and an unpleasant feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.


Lin Fan frowned, then looked up directly!

In just an instant, Lin Fan's super eyesight discovered the source of the bad premonition.

In the sky to the west, a black shadow flew from the sky in a parabola.

"Fuck, lie down!"

Lin Fan let out a loud roar, and then he immediately slumped against the wall that had just been built less than a meter and a half high.


A loud bang came from the side, and immediately, the foundation was laid, and the wall of the school house that had just been repaired was lost by a third at this moment.

"Bah!" Lin Fan struggled from under the collapsed brick.

After spitting out a mouthful of mud, Lin Fan hurriedly looked around to see what other people were doing.

"What's the matter? Is anyone injured!"

"What's the matter, where did the shells come from!"

"Heizi, how are you? Battalion Commander, Kuroko was bombed!"

"Ah! My legs!"


There was chaos at the scene. The shell came without warning and landed directly on a wall of the newly built school house.

There, there were five or six sappers and three or four black children joining in the fun. Now all of them are lying there dripping with blood, and there are screams of pain coming from there.

Lin Fan shook his dizzy head and ran over quickly.

The situation is very bad. Of the few soldiers here, two have fallen in a pool of blood and have not moved. The remaining three also fell to the ground. While they were screaming in pain, blood was overflowing from their bodies.

Moreover, the situation of those children is not optimistic.

Even besides them, there were other fighters nearby, who were also injured by shrapnel and explosions.

There is screaming here.

"Bastard, hurry up, notify the medical team, don't move them, check the injuries, and bandage them on the spot!"

Lin Fan's face was ashen as he scolded, and quickly arranged to deal with the scene.

Right now, Lin Fan was not in the mood to find out where the shells came from.

However, the evil fire in Lin Fan's heart was surging upwards one after another.

The shell actually hit the refugee camp, and it hit him right next to him.

Lin Fan was very annoyed, but now is not the time to get angry. He will deal with the wounded first. After the arrangement is complete, Lin Fan will contact Captain Yu and report the situation before asking him to ask the war zone.

At the same time, after Lin Fan arranged the scene, he quickly ran to the outpost outside the refugee camp, and quickly put on the equipment he had taken off here.

Afterwards, Lin Fan walked out of the post with a sullen look on his face.

Right now, an armored vehicle is waiting outside.

"Lin Fan, don't be impulsive. No one wants this kind of thing to happen, but we are peacekeepers, and we can't participate in wars, let alone mess around!"

In the headset, Captain Yu's voice was shouting.

"I'm measured, I won't mess around, I'm just going to check, who fired the cannon.

Don't worry, I won't mess around with 4.7! "

After Lin Fan got into the car, he motioned the special forces soldiers beside him to drive in the northwest direction, and also said something to Captain Yu.

However, Lin Fan's words did not give any comfort to Captain Yu who was still in the camp.

"Don't go, you send me all the wounded, this is an order!" Captain Yu said solemnly in the headset.

"No, I don't want to be beaten. I don't know who beat me. Bring the medical staff here as soon as possible. I promise not to mess around!"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he grabbed the headset next to his ear and took it off.

"What else are you looking at, aren't my words good? Drive!"

The driver didn't drive when Lin Fan was talking with Battalion Commander Yu, because he also heard Battalion Commander Yu's words, but he was a soldier of the Fifth Battalion and Lin Fan's direct subordinate.

So, Lin Fan glared at this moment, and he immediately kicked the accelerator...

Chapter 591 Find the murderer! (Please order, please support!

Captain Yu is a qualified soldier who can always keep his mission and mission in mind.

However, Lin Fan was different. Although he was very clear-headed and knew his identity, he also had his own personality and temper.

Lin Fan also knew that at this time, it was not suitable for him to go out and find the guy who fired the gun.

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