After Mr. Pei Marries An Overweight Lady

Chapter 91 Contradictory Humans

After Xia Qing finished answering, Pei Zhengyang didn't speak any more, quietly looking at Xiong Xiong on the bed.

As if really just came to see the child.

Xia Qing was not in a hurry. She could feel that Pei Zhengyang didn't take her previous words to heart, but after the competition, she would find a chance to talk to him in detail.

Pei Zhengyang's surgery can only be at ease when she does it herself.

In the days of Pei's house, she knew a little about the situation of the Pei's family. Although she could not talk about monopolizing the entire pharmaceutical industry, as one of the leading enterprises in the country, the foundation of the Pei's family was so profound that it was simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

But in a family, the greater the interests involved, the more intense the conflicts that arise.

Pei Zhengyang's father passed away early. The old man deplored his younger son and handed over most of the shares in his hands to Pei Zhengyang, but Pei Zhengyang was a sick child. Before, the Pei family was run by the third and second uncles of the Pei family.

This is like poking a hornet's nest.

The second and third uncles of the Pei family are not good people. The industry that has been in operation for most of his life has to be handed over to a sick child. How can you be reconciled?

Therefore, Pei's seemingly infinite beauty has always been turbulent.

Xia Qing believed that as long as Pei Zhengyang had any good or bad in the operation, the first person to suffer would be Xiong Xiong.

As the heir to Pei Zhengyang's reputation, Pei Pakang is too young to have any ability to protect himself.

And Xia Qing couldn't guarantee that if Pei Zhengyang died on the operating table, he would be able to protect Xiong Xiong in front of a behemoth like Pei's.

At that time, Mr. Pei may not be able to keep this infant heir.

So Pei Zhengyang, Yu Gong and private she must save her.

"Remember our agreement." Xia Qing reminded Pei Zhengyang.

Pei Zhengyang retracted his gaze on Xiong Xiong and looked at the fat girl on one side. Her face seemed to be thinner, and her black eyes were serious, but Pei Zhengyang didn't know how to answer, "You win first and then talk about it. ."

Xia Qing is not satisfied with this answer, but he also knows that thoracotomy is not a simple suturing of bombs. It requires strong techniques and rich clinical experience. Pei Zhengyang does not believe that he is normal.

"I will prove it to you." Xia Qing looked at those amber eyes and answered firmly.

"Okay." Pei Zhengyang was stunned for a moment, then replied "OK", but he knew in his heart that even if Xia Qing really did it, he might not be able to wait for her to win.

When Pei Zhengyang left, Xia Qing hurriedly went into the bathroom.

After washing the sticky thin sweat, Xia Qing was thinking about Pei Zhengyang's words, and always felt that the man's words when he left were very insincere.

Does he think he can't win? Still worried that she would operate on him?

But no matter what Pei Zhengyang thought, her surgery was decided.

After taking a bath, Xia Qing's body was clean and refreshed, and she carefully lay down beside Xiong Xiong.

Looking at the little guy's peaceful sleeping face, Xia Qing's heart felt soft.

When before going to bed, look at the child beside her and say good night baby, it has become her daily routine.

Before she knew it, it had been more than two months since she and Xiong Xiong came to this world. When she touched the scar on her abdomen, Xia Qing still remembered the horrific pain when she woke up from the delivery room. She wanted to die again.

Now this scar has already scabbed over and will soon fall off.

Lin Xiaqing's body is only eighteen years old, and his recovery ability is very strong, and the absorbing power of the bear on the side is also good. With a monthly growth rate of three and a half pounds, he is now sixteen pounds.

"Mom is a big fat man, and we Xiong Xiong are little fat people." Thinking of Mr. He who came to check on Xiong Xiong in person yesterday, when he said with a smile that the little guy was amazing, Xia Qing's face couldn't help but overflowed with a sense of satisfaction with Rong. sense.

It's a pity that she is very happy to grow meat, but she is not happy at all when she grows meat.

Humans are always so contradictory.

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