After Mermaid O Got Su Shuang’s Script

Chapter 39: Misunderstanding resolved

Back in Ji Canghai's room, Xiao Yu looked at Ji Canghai with an innocent face, it was really hard to make him angry with this face.

He tilted his head slightly, not looking at Ji Canghai: "Tell me the truth, did you break the water pipe in Xiao Yang's room?"

Ji Canghai was taken aback when he heard the words: "Why do you ask that? Do you suspect that I did it?"

"When the water pipe broke, everyone was in the training ground, only Dr. Wu was in the infirmary, and you were in your own room." Xiao Yu was a little nervous, he was not very good at confronting people, he preferred to use words instead of talking Fists solve problems.

Ji Canghai frowned slightly, then sat down along the sofa: "So?"

Xiao Yu is still standing: "Your spaceship is so advanced, and the material of the water pipe is quite good, so it won't burst suddenly. When I asked Xue Qingping if it might be artificial, he obviously evaded his words. I think he might be It's hard to explain what you found. You have time to destroy the water pipe, and you have enough motivation..."

"Motive?" Ji Canghai interrupted him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Then tell me, what is my motive?"

"I..." Xiao Yu was at a loss for words, how could he have the nerve to say it.

Ji Canghai probably heard his embarrassment, and didn't make it difficult for him: "I admit, I want to live with you. You are my boyfriend. If you don't live with me, what's the matter with someone else? Xiao Yu , I know you won’t be able to adapt to leaving the deserted star suddenly, but you should trust me, and I will help you adapt to your current life as soon as possible.”

Xiao Yu saw Ji Canghai reaching out to him, wanting to sit beside him.

He hesitated for a moment, but he still held Ji Canghai's hand, but he didn't sit beside him as he wished: "This is two things, Xiao Yang, he really likes his figures, even if it's just to be with me. Living together, we shouldn't break Xiao Yang's beloved handiwork."

As soon as Ji Canghai forcefully pulled the distance between Xiao Yu and him, Xiao Yu didn't check for a while, and was pulled into Ji Canghai's arms, sitting on Ji Canghai's lap.

He wanted to get up, but Ji Canghai put his arms around his waist, and then a deep voice sounded: "In your eyes, am I a leader who does not hesitate to hurt his subordinates in order to achieve his goals?"

Is not it?

Xiao Yu has not forgotten the description of Ji Canghai in the original book, and any means are light. The book also said that Ji Canghai killed innocent people indiscriminately. Destroyed the whole planet.

Although he didn't think Ji Canghai would do such a thing, the contents of the book more or less formed a verbal hint for him, and he would not be surprised if Ji Canghai did any bad things in the future.

As a result, as soon as the water pipe burst accident happened, Xiao Yu suspected Ji Canghai.

Xiao Yu's silence made Ji Canghai laugh angrily. He didn't know why he would give Xiao Yu such an impression. Thinking about the process of his acquaintance with Xiao Yu, could it be the reason why he once said that he treated his subordinates indifferently?

Indifference, not cruelty, he would not treat his subordinates harshly.

"I want to know, what did I do to make you have such an illusion?" Ji Canghai tightened his arms, making Xiao Yu hug him tightly.

"First, let me down first." Xiao Yu was a little embarrassed.

With this posture now, it is difficult for him to elevate his aura and frighten Ji Canghai.

Ji Canghai let him go, Xiao Yu immediately took two steps back: "You can talk, but don't move!"

Ji Canghai chuckled lightly and said, "You are my boyfriend, why can't I do anything?"

"Let's talk about the business, don't make funky faces." Xiao Yu had to remind himself of Ji Canghai's background, so that he could barely break away from the other party's charm.

Ji Canghai raised his hand in surrender: "Okay, okay, then, Mr. Xiao, what do you want to say? Even if you want to convict me, you must have evidence. Without evidence, casual suspicion of someone can constitute slander in human society."

Xiao Yu stared at him blankly: "What will happen to the slander?"

"If the slander is established, how about I punish you to sleep with me obediently?" Ji Canghai joked.

Xiao Yu: "I don't believe it, so you don't admit that you damaged the water pipe?"

Ji Canghai: "It wasn't something I did, I will never admit it."

Just at this time the door was knocked, Xiao Yu opened the door and saw Xue Qingping who was drenched all over: "Do you need my help?"

Xue Qingping shook his head, holding a part in his hand: "I found this in the water pipe."

Xiao Yu looked at this part and felt a little familiar.

Ji Canghai came behind him at some point, and put his shoulder on his shoulder very naturally: "What is it?"

Xue Qingping hurriedly said: "It's a level 7 mech part, but the production failed. But it uses level 7 material, which is harder and sharper than the material of the water pipe. Under the impact of the water flow, it is only a matter of time before the water pipe is damaged. I I asked Xiao Yang, he really wanted to equip his figures with mecha parts, and he threw some failed ones into the sewer."

Ji Canghai: "Why aren't the failed products recycled?"

Xue Qingping laughed and said: "He said that he had taken all the seventh-level materials from everyone. If he recycled them, he would be taught a lesson. He also begged me not to tell Liu Yilian because his handicrafts were broken. "

Unexpectedly, Lao Xue told Ji Canghai directly.

"He dared to take so many mecha materials because other people doted on him too much." Ji Canghai said halfway, when he suddenly changed the subject: "Xiao Yu, how do you think I should punish him?"

Xiao Yu was still worrying about the fact that he had wrongly blamed Ji Canghai, when he suddenly heard Ji Canghai ask him, he said without thinking: "For the sake of whether he made a mistake for the first time or by accident, let him be spared." .”

These words were clearly pleading for Yang Yongning, but they were actually speaking for himself. He looked at Ji Canghai eagerly, hoping that the other party's adults would not remember the villain's faults, and would not be as knowledgeable as him. Otherwise, according to the original book, with Ji Canghai's character of vengeance, he might not end well.

"Then I'll listen to you." Ji Canghai was unexpectedly easy-going.

After sending Xue Qingping away, Xiao Yu sat beside Ji Canghai, hesitantly asked: "Can I go and see Xiao Yang? Aren't his handicrafts broken, I want to help him try to repair it."

Ji Canghai was a little apprehensive: "Why do you care so much about him?"

"He is young, isn't he, other people do not take care of him?" Xiao Yu said.

But Ji Canghai explained his thoughts clearly: "Don't you feel ashamed of me and don't know how to face me?"

Xiao Yu: "..."

"Okay, I'm not angry again," Ji Canghai played with Xiao Yu's hand, "You may misunderstand me, but it's because the time we spend together is too short. The future will be long, and there will be plenty of time for you to get to know me slowly. Also, I hope that your understanding of me is based on your inner opinion, not what others say. Other people's evaluation of me can only be used as a reference, you have to believe your own eyes."

For a moment, Xiao Yu thought that Ji Canghai knew that he had read the original work.

But thinking about it carefully, he understood why Ji Canghai said these things to him. He said before that he wanted to live with Yang Yongning for a while, and the reason he gave was to think carefully about whether they were suitable for each other.

Ji Canghai probably knew that he had a bad reputation in the outside world, so he asked him to trust his own feelings.

"You can go if you want, I will be here, waiting for you to come back." Ji Canghai smiled slightly.

It was really hard for Xiao Yu to reject Ji Canghai like this, after he promised that he would definitely come back, he fled in despair.

Yang Yongning's water pipes have been repaired, when Xiao Yu came over, only the servants were left cleaning the room.

Yang Yongning packed all the damaged figures into a box, and when he saw Xiao Yu coming, he waved to him with red eyes.

Xiao Yu asked him what happened to the parts of the mecha, and his expression changed immediately: "Old Xue told you already?"

Xiao Yu nodded slightly.

Yang Yongning had no choice but to confess to Xiao Yu that he had always wanted a figure with a mecha, but the material of the mecha is an important resource, and basically he would not waste it on this kind of toy.

"I happen to be learning mecha manufacturing. Since the figure can't be repaired, how about we install it with new mecha parts according to its original appearance? Although it will definitely not be restored, at least they are still the original ones. "Xiao Yu understands Yang Yongning's mind of figurine control very well, even if these figurines are bought again, it is impossible for him to be the one he loves the most, so he wants to help Xiao Yang repair it.

Yang Yongning's eyes widened in disbelief: "Is it still possible?"

"Try?" Xiao Yu also wants to learn mecha manufacturing anyway, so he just uses it to practice, "You find a way to get some first-level materials, don't take seventh-level materials, throwing them into the sewer can blow up the water pipe." And a There is no such trouble with high-level mecha materials. Even if the assembly fails, it is easy to destroy the body and wipe out the traces.

Yang Yongning scratched his head embarrassingly. He only wanted to give the figures the best mecha parts. How could he have thought that the high-end mecha parts would break the water pipes: "No problem, I have plenty of first-class mecha materials, all are Leftovers that no one needs.”

"Then it's settled, you see if you can find the original photos of the figures, we will restore them according to their previous appearance." Xiao Yu said.

Yang Yongning then turned on the optical brain he carried with him: "I have all the photos, can I send them to you?"

Xiao Yu watched him proficiently operate the optical brain. The so-called optical brain is a small ball-shaped thing that can store massive amounts of data. Almost everyone has one. For human beings in the future world, optical brains can be seen everywhere like mobile phones back then, and even more popular. The school will assign homework through the optical brain, and people can also log in to the star network through the optical brain and browse massive information on it.

"I don't have an optical brain yet." Xiao Yu wondered.

I don't know if Ji Canghai didn't mention this on purpose, or if he forgot, he still doesn't have an optical brain of his own. In addition, his identity is also a problem. If he reports his identity information according to the formal procedures, his identity as a mermaid Omega cannot be hidden at all. Therefore, Ji Canghai could only rely on Ji Canghai to help him obtain a fake identity information, otherwise he would be unable to move forward.

It seems that I won't be able to leave for a while.

The author has something to say:

Ji Canghai: Why do you think the water suddenly hit violently at that time? Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-10-0517:18:12-2022-10-0716:21:12—

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: my emperor sleeps 3;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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