"You can handle this matter yourself. I will ask the twelfth elder, Ye Ji, who is a master of piercing through the earth. I will also send He Yuan and He Xuan, who have just returned from outside, to accompany you. They are also piercing through. In this situation, plus you, it should be almost the same. If you miss again, don't blame me for turning against you."Sixth Elder Ye Feng said

"Yes, it’s just that their strength is hard to come by. Thinking back to the original competition, they alone could defeat all of us from the Four Halls. I think we need to send more experts."He Ming really thought about it, and then said it. Although he didn't want to say it, he couldn't take his life as a joke.

"Oh, is it so? It seems like it's time to take on this important role."Ye Feng said.

After that, Ye Feng fell into deep thought. Suddenly Ye Feng raised his head, and a bright light shot out from his eyes. At this moment, Ye Feng suddenly said :"There are sixteen elders in Heqian Palace. I will arrange four elders, plus He Yuan and He Xuan, plus you, to make a group of seven people. This should be fine, right?""

"Okay, okay."He Mingzhen nodded. The four elders, together with He Yuan and He Xuan, who have been the century-old talents of He Qian Palace, are simply too much.

He Yuan and He Xuan Although people have not yet reached the status of elders, their strength is a level higher than that of He Ming. He Ming really agrees with this.

With these masters taking action, He Ming really thinks that it can be done Success was imminent.

He Mingzhen nodded immediately, and then Ye Feng said:"You go down first, I will call you when I make arrangements."

He Mingzhen nodded, and then slowly retreated. After He Mingzhen retreated, Ye Feng's expression changed inch by inch.

"Who is he?"Ye Feng murmured, and then his figure rushed to a place like lightning, and soon disappeared outside the palace gate.

At this time, Lin Yichen and the other three were already very drunk, and they were lying on the bed They were already asleep on the very comfortable bed. It was Elder Jade Bone who sent the three of them here. Lin Yichen had not been so happy for a long time. I believe that Lin Tian and Lin Di were also the same. They were all very happy this time. It was because they did what they wanted to do and met a very good-tempered leader.

When the sun rose, Lin Yichen got up. Lin Yichen found that this was the latest he had gotten up in these days. Once, but it was very refreshing. I haven’t felt like this for a long time. This feeling is so good.

Not long after Lin Yichen woke up, Lin Di and Lin Tian also woke up one after another.

After that, Lin Yichen Saying goodbye to Nie Ling and other elders, Lin Yichen learned from Nie Ling that Nie Qianqian was very good. It was only a matter of time before she came out. Maybe a day, maybe a week, or at most a month. People always have to take their time. Haste makes waste.

Before leaving, Nie Ling took out a stone tablet from his body, handed it to Lin Yichen and said,"With this stone tablet, you can see me whenever you want." See me when. If you have any difficulties, if I can help, I will definitely help. Lin

Yichen bowed slightly, then slowly put the stone tablet away, and said calmly:"Okay, if I have time in the future, I will come to the Master to ask for a drink.""

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