Chapter 255 Yinma Village

Beidi looked at the officials with naked dissatisfaction.

“Dear ladies, what do you think, hmm~”

"I would like to share the emperor's worries and donate 10,000 taels of silver and 800 dans of grain." The prime minister came out.

 “Yes, I will reward the prime minister with eight beauties!”

Seeing this, hundreds of officials imitated the two men and donated money and food, but their hearts were bleeding.

The last person who donated money and food, the beauty didn't get it but got a slap in the face.

All suspicious persons were imprisoned, and this search caused a panic in the city of Yundu.

"Here you go, Chief of Laohua Village!" Li Bai nodded slightly. He didn't expect that there was a hunting master hidden in this remote village.

The former Baiyun Kingdom was divided into four parties: the Northern Kingdom, the Baiyun Kingdom, the Southern Kingdom, and the Daxia Bay.

 Her fire produced unexpected effects.

Don't let a woman take you home to be your slave husband, ten or eight women all depend on your ability. "Pu Qingwu said wretchedly.

Beidi kept Xiao Banyan unmarried for the sake of marriage with Mangshan Kingdom.

 To be rewarded with a wild boar! "

The boy named Wanger nodded and ran into the back room with a few steps, closing the wooden door with a hole in it.

 “Who are you?”

Men of your stature are most popular with widows.

“It’s not what you think, we were just passing by.

 Could it be that this person was bluffing him just to scare him!

 “Hahaha, don’t believe it!

Hua Jiancheng added a few pieces of dry firewood to the fire pit, and the smoke made several people's eyes sore.

 The newly arrived princess has become the most popular person in the brothel, and most of the men who come here are here for her.

 But the low-rise houses were few and simple, and it was daytime when a group of people entered the village.

Even Ziyu would not have thought that the aftermath of the chaos in Yundu would be so exciting.

I am Hua Jiancheng, the village chief of Yinma Village. Don’t mind if the house is simple! "

 Yinma Village, which lives in the mountains, is a secluded village and has not been affected by the war.

"Then do you know what's going on outside?" Pu Qingwu glanced at Ziyu and said.

 I have experienced it myself, that scene can really scare a person to death.

This plan was completely ruined. Beidi had the intention of killing Xiao Banyan, so he could only choose a suitable-looking woman from the side line.

He looked back at the closed door of the back room. The child would grow up one day and could no longer stay in the mountains with him.

 But the occasional flash of eyes could not deceive Li Bai and Ziyu.

Pu Qingwu knows very well that if you don't want to give up your children, you won't be able to trap the wolf. If you want to settle on someone else's territory, it will definitely not work without giving some benefits.


“Is Daxia Bay far away?” Hua Jiancheng asked tentatively.

“Not far away, passing through Jiangfu is Xingyuanfu, where is the territory of Daxiawan.

 So many of you are here, can’t you come here just for this matter? "Hua Jiancheng said in a daze.

 A man whose face cannot be seen clearly, wearing a bearskin coat, with three arrows on his bow pointed at the ground.

 What he can teach except kung fu, his knowledge is very limited.

After Beidi heard the news, he was so angry that he blew his beard and stared because Xiao Banyan's move completely disrupted his arrangements.

Ziyu, who had remained silent, winked at the eyes at the entrance of the cave, and the little boy disappeared.

This combination of kindness and power scared two timid civil servants to the point where they fainted on the spot, and some even fell ill when they returned to court.

The princess Xiao Banyan, who had not returned home for several days, was found by the search team in the brothel receiving guests, three at a time.

 They are not real bandits. They smash, smash and rob wherever they go!

 The man looked carefully at the people behind him. Although they were tall and tall, they did not look like Beimang people.

Pu Qingwu took the initiative to talk to Hua Jiancheng. Ziyu learned from the conversation between the two that the permanent population of Yinma Village was less than 100 people.

The voice sounded like it was muffled in a jar, but it could be heard that the person was not very old, so Pu Qingwu politely held his hand.

 And what he said was exactly to Ziyu and Libai.

  Early when they left the Rift Valley Mountains, Ziyu and his party changed back into their own clothes.

“We went up the mountain to hunt and passed by your village. We intended to stay in your village for a night so as not to disturb the lives of the villagers.

 “Wang’er, there’s a guest at home, go and stay in the back room.”

 Many people fled here from outside and settled here over time.

Don’t make it too obvious that you want to laugh at other people’s faces.

 But people I heard said something. Now is the time when the world is in chaos, and troops are being recruited everywhere.

 Half a month later, a group of men with somewhat torn clothes carrying several wild boars appeared in a small village called Yinma Village.

The theft case is still ongoing, and the city of Yundu seems to be possessed by an evil spirit. Every day, people report the theft to the government.

 Apart from carrying a few more weapons, there is really no sign of the Beimang people.

 Due to military conscription, there is a shortage of men outside now. Men will receive preferential treatment wherever they go.

Li Bai pinched Ziyu's palm and sat down next to him.

 Because he is fierce and coquettish, he is very popular among guests.

Hua Jiancheng looked at him in surprise. He never expected that the world outside would be like this.

Hua Jiancheng, a brave and skilled man, could tell that this group of people looked up to the tall and short man standing together.

Beidi, who finally learned of the news, ordered a comprehensive search and arrest in Yundu.

Hehe, for the sake of your own safety, you should put on some disguise when you go out.

In order not to offend the group, Hua Jiancheng disguised himself as a mountain villager who knew nothing.

If she had known it was so exciting, she would have stayed to watch the excitement, and then added a few fires at the right time to burn the clouds to the sky.

But the current situation is very different from before.

As long as you find the local government, someone will give you land and exempt you from all taxes for three years.


 Among them, Daxiawan is the richest and the most tolerant to the people under its rule..."

"come in!

 The stolen homes were all concentrated in the upper class of Yundu.

 The child's mother died in childbirth. It was inconvenient for me to go out alone with the child, so I stayed here.

 A pair of big, ignorant eyes, sticking to the entrance of the cave, secretly looking at the people in the room.

Yinma Village is located at the foot of the interrupted mountain range of the Rift Valley Mountains, and the way out is blocked by the Liangwang Mountains.

Pu Qingwu began to talk about the benefits of Daxia Bay, which made Zhuang Jiancheng very excited.

By the fire pit in the house, a boy of six or seven years old opened his **** eyes and looked curiously at the group of people who came in.

“I don’t know, I moved here ten years ago, and when I came there were only ten households in the village.


If this group of people takes action, he is definitely no match. Wang'er is still so young and it will be difficult to survive in the mountains.

Although the group acted lightly, they still attracted the attention of the alert villagers.

 Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, and this is reflected in Beidi's body.

At that time, if I hadn’t run fast, I would have been caught by those girls. Zeng Zhixing said with some fear.

 Many people in the **** team have never heard of this. They only know that women are as fierce as tigers. Of course they don’t understand the power of it if they haven’t experienced it personally.

 (End of this chapter)

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