Chapter 248 Sneak Attack

“The soldiers patrolling the city wall only pass by once every half an hour, and there are twelve of them at a time.”

Ziyu said softly after observing with the monocular telescope, and then handed the monocular telescope to Li Bai.

“Pu Qingyuan will take thirty people down and bring back fifty-two sets of Northern Army uniforms. Twenty people will be waiting outside to help.” Li Bai put away the monocular and ordered.

When Pu Qingyuan and others saw the Beimang soldiers at the foot of the mountain, their blood was already boiling. If it weren't for their duty, they would all have rushed down the mountain with their swords in hand.

 Facing the real enemy, a group of **** men did not flinch or fear at all.

 Because, in their opinion, being able to follow the castle owner and uncle is a great affirmation for them, and they must not lose the charm of the Daxia Bay Guards.


 Fortunately, none of the people trained by Libai are weak in survival ability and mobility in the wild, otherwise they would have to be remade.

 When I heard that I could rub it with snow, I wanted to rub it off all the dirt.   …

At dawn, Ziyu and his party stopped to rest at the edge of the Baili Mountains.

As long as there is money and food, I am afraid that no one will charge into the battle. "

 Besides, I didn’t say we would recover the Beimang people now.

  Hey, next time you use a bomb, let me, Lao Pu, do it! "

Warlike and ferocious, they have been eyeing the vast Baiyun Kingdom for generations.

  It would definitely be fun if you exploded among the Northern soldiers!

 In order to train the team members' mobility along the way, Ziyu and Libai did not interfere in anything.

Just imagine a group of tough men, whether they are walking on the mountain or on the official road.

 If anyone looks carefully here, they will find that there are only two rows of deep footprints left by the fifty-two people.

 The sweat and stains around the collar, none of the men present could stand the smell.

Pu Qingwu responded briefly, made two gestures to the people following him, and took the lead in disappearing into the night.

God brought these two people to this other world, and really took great pains to make them the saviors.

 But at present, this hope is slim, and it may be possible in a few years. "

The fate of the two people is really strange. In their previous life, they fought for their country, but in this other world, they fought for the whole world.

With the few thousand people in Daxiawan, it seems to be extremely difficult to defeat the tens of thousands of Beimang people.

 As a group of people left, the two people walking at the end used branches to sweep away the footprints left behind.

 “Damn, these guys are so sloppy, these clothes haven’t been washed for a long time.”

Li Bai reached out and took the clothes from Ziyu's hand, and threw his clothes together on the snow.

Ziyu glanced at the team member who was taking a bite of dried meat and a mouthful of snow, took a bite of the dried meat in his hand and continued.

At this time, everyone had time to look at the looted Northern Army uniforms. Many of the clothes were stained with blood, and the collars were even stained.

Ziyu, who got the shortest set of clothes, said with bated breath.



A group of people who finally had their minds back to normal didn't know that the castle lord actually had plans to recapture the Beimang people, who were the strongest foreign race.

“Fortmaster, what can we do to recapture the Beimang people?”

 “Huh, it’s not bad!

It was almost scared by the castle owner. Our current troops are not enough to compete with the northern country, and the guerrilla warfare is okay.


“We really can’t wash it, otherwise it won’t smell like that and all the previous efforts will be wasted.

Meals must be eaten one bite at a time, and things must be done one by one. The most urgent task is to resolve the crisis in the South.

 Just from the uniforms, it can be seen that the life of the Northern soldiers was not very easy, and the treatment of ordinary soldiers was definitely the worst.

 Let’s plan the next thing slowly!

 A stick of incense passed by, and several black shadows appeared on the city wall again, sliding down the city wall with extremely fast movements.

The two of them are enjoying themselves together, which is equivalent to taking a group out for a sightseeing tour.

Li Bai rubbed his clothes with snow and the corners of his lips were slightly raised. It seemed that his wife had already made a plan, but she just didn't want to move.

 As a country as big as Baiyun State, it cannot do anything to the Beimang people.

Ziyu was amused by the timid and ignorant appearance of a group of men. Wasn't she still full of confidence?

 The black shadow on the city wall quickly disappeared on the city wall once it was achieved.


The momentum and influence cannot be underestimated, and no one dares to mess with them without being discerning.

 Ziyu and Libai jumped down from the big tree, joined Pu Qingwu and others and quickly left the place.

 Why do you want to invade the Baiyun Kingdom when your life is so good? Don’t their cattle be used to plow the land? "Jiang Zifeng said curiously.

 “Rub them all with snow, especially the collar!”

Even before he went to the battlefield, he was so frightened by the Beimang people who only heard his name. He would have been so scared that he would pee in his pants during the battle.

Pu Qingwu, who was not embarrassed at all, shamelessly asked Ziyu for a fight. He had only seen the power of the bomb once during the experiment.

Several black shadows climbed up the city wall with bare hands and wiped the necks of a group of patrolling soldiers from behind silently.

 Until after leaving the periphery, we stopped cleaning the footprints left behind. It can be said that we came and went without a trace.

  People in the North like to eat beef and mutton, and if they don’t take a shower for a long time, the smell will naturally become stronger. "

It was only then that everyone’s brains, unable to react, realized that something was missing.

Although this trip is going to Yundu, the hometown of the Northern Kingdom, Ziyu feels very comfortable for now.

 “Don’t forget, the new weapons we developed.

“Master Yu, people in the North really eat beef and mutton every day!

“The only way is to scare the Beimang people and make them willing to surrender.

 The corpses were all thrown outside the city wall, and were stripped of their clothes by the people below.

Fifty men gnawing on dried meat and snow were so stunned that they couldn't even move their mouths when they heard Ziyu's remarks about defeating Beimang.

It took a long time to realize that the two snow wolves were missing. Everyone just thought that the castle master had let the snow wolves return to Daxia Bay, and they didn't ask any more questions.

 After the two teams, one behind the other, disappeared into the night, Ziyu took Bai Piao and Bai Hu into the space and handed them over to Shaoyao, who was familiar with them.

“Young Master Yu, Young Master Bai, you’d better wash the clothes in your hands!

 Otherwise, there’s really no way to wear them, and I don’t know what those **** eat. "

 The people behind are all stepping on the footsteps of the people in front. If you look closely, they just become much darker.

“The Beimang people are a people on horseback who mainly engage in grazing all year round.

There are old brown marks on the hems of the clothes, and there are damages at the joints of every piece of clothing. The smell of clothes that have not been washed for a long time penetrates everyone's nostrils.


 Bloodshed incidents often occur between various tribes. It can be said that they are a nation that is least ethical and moral. "

How can I become so cowardly in just a few words?

Zeng Zhixing smelled the smell of his collar and retched again and again and said angrily.

Every winter, the Beimang people starve to death due to lack of food and grass, including some people, cattle and sheep.

Pu Qingwu stretched his neck and swallowed the unchewed dried meat carefully.

When a group of people ran to the middle of the mountain carrying their burdens, horns were blown in Baili City, and torches were swaying in all directions as the crowd roared.

 “It’s your turn to wait until I’ve finished my fun, so take the time to rest.”

Ziyu was too lazy to pay attention to each of them, she only thought about the guy who threw the bomb.

 (End of this chapter)

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