The continuous hundreds of miles of mountains effectively block the footsteps of locusts.

 South of the Baili Mountains, the damage caused by locusts is relatively small, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

 However, a small number of locusts still appear in the south, causing some damage to crops in the fields.

 When the new decree was promulgated to various governments, the people were grasping the autumn harvest.

Those who were begging everywhere were arrested by people sent by the government when the new decree was promulgated, and were waiting to be sent to the border towns.

The common people who had not yet reacted heard another imperial order that made them despair.

 Increase taxes and draw one out of two for military service.

“I don’t want to move, I want to stay in bed for three days and three nights.

 Several days of rainy weather forced the suspension of wall repair work.

 At worst, selling yourself to Brother Ziyu, as long as the family can survive, there is nothing wrong with it. "

The four former partners looked at each other, nodded in unison silently, and put their four heads together to discuss strategies.

 Why was he such a fool in the first place? Why didn't he stay with Manager Wang?


Thousands of taels of silver earned through hard work over the years have long been emptied out.

Several beams of light suddenly leaked from the cabin overhead. A closer look revealed that the people hiding in the warehouse were all old and weak.

“Brother Zi is benevolent and will not care whether we live or die.

The merchant ship left Qingyang Prefecture overnight and went southward along the river in hiding.

It is difficult to find strong labor nowadays. The group of people we are familiar with have long been scattered, and many of them have disappeared. "Leng Dayou frowned.

Zi Yu, who looked like a corpse, really didn't want to move anywhere except moving her mouth.

There are also people who go out with a taro leaf on their head and step barefoot into the stagnant water.

In that big mountain, the family could stay together at least, and there were enough fish in the bay for them to eat.

 The Northern Kingdom's heavy military force once again brought not only panic to the Baiyun Kingdom, but also the death of countless families.

The high walls bring a great sense of security to the people of Kanzi Village, even if they still live in low thatched houses or shacks.

 After a cup of tea, the four of them split up and went about their business.

 As soon as the merchant ship entered the sea, it hurriedly sailed away from the coastline and headed northwest.

 Some were sitting cross-legged, and some were holding bundles and leaning on each other. People who have adapted to the darkness can vaguely see the outlines of the people around them, and the hands that hold them tightly tremble slightly.

 We can invite him to join us, if not, then..."

 It's not like he hasn't thought about this problem. If he had the option, he would have left early.


 The sound of trumpets while working has been lingering in this mountain for a long time.

Leng Da was not the only one who regretted it, but no one knew it earlier.

This period of time almost exhausted me to death. The work of clearing land is really not done by humans. "

In order not to attract attention, the people hiding in the warehouse ate, drank, and urinated below. You can imagine how unpleasant the smell was.

 The wealthy and gentry families in various places were not greatly affected.

 The length of the stone wall closes in one direction at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The people of Daxiawan suddenly had no work to do, and they were really not used to it.

The government's food requisition team immediately followed and confiscated most of the rations.

 Many people who see no hope have lost confidence in life and wonder what is the point of continuing.

 The merchant ship used money to clear the way and was able to escape at the Shangdufu wharf.

There are multi-functional agricultural machines to open up territories, although they are not as tiring as manual work, but there is still a lot of work.

These people rely on their reputation and the large number of servants in their families to have people who are willing to sacrifice their lives for them.

 Leng Dayou and Yuan Dazhu, who were also facing military service, got together to discuss whether to stay or not.

If you want to leave, you can only take the water route. If you take the land route, you will be arrested before leaving the house.

The top of the one-meter-thick wall is almost as thick as the city wall. The stone wall is made entirely of long strips of stone carried by two people.

 The four of them once lived in a well-to-do family, but now they are completely impoverished.

 “Little lazy boy, it’s time to get up and have lunch!”

Sent to the border, the whole family would not even have a chance to survive. "Leng Dayou said dejectedly.


The sad faces are full of fear and confusion about the unknown.

The people who have been hit repeatedly have not yet received all their food back home, and their families have not had a bite of new food.

 The food left to them was far from enough to survive as a family.


 The previous military service and floods have wiped out all the family’s savings. "

Chen Xiangrong clenched his fists, but he didn't know who to vent his anger on.

To give their families a way to survive, families without money can only exchange their lives for food.

 A group of people hiding in the cargo hold covered their mouths tightly and did not dare to make a sound.

Miao Yinian clenched his fist, revealing his truest thoughts.

Like the people who built the wall, Ziyu rarely had a day off, so she lay lazily on the bed and listened to the soft sound of rain outside.

Li Bai held the person in his arms, rubbed the thin face, and murmured.

“Whoever wants to serve in the military, we have even sailed out the boat.

 It was a rainy day in the mountains in October, and it was already a bit cool to step on the water with bare feet.

“Dayou, what do you think? Anyway, I don’t want to do military service.

There is really no way to survive outside. The men in the family have been taken away, leaving a family of old and weak people to survive. "Yuan Dazhu reminded.

 Once the thick iron-clad door is closed, the inside and outside are separated into two different worlds.

 There are only a very few people without patches on their clothes, and it is obvious from a glance that they are from a relatively good family.

The five-meter-high stone wall looks the same every day, and there is a lookout post and a beacon tower every one mile away.

There is no pressure in life, and even with taro leaves on my head, I greet people cheerfully.

 She led a group of women to clear out more than 20,000 acres of wasteland in two months.

 In the cargo hold at this time, everyone was on the same boat, and there was no difference between rich and poor.

“Even if there are boats, there are not so many boatmen!


Those who can’t sit still at home put on their hats and raincoats and go out to check out the newly planted autumn vegetables in the fields.

This imperial order affected not only ordinary people, but also small landowners and small wealthy owners from middle-class families.

 Where Kanzi Village is located, the stone walls were built the fastest.

Zi Yu, who has long-term plans, leads a group of women from Daxia Bay to open up wasteland.

 The length of the wall has surrounded Kanzi Village at the foot of the mountain and the reclaimed wasteland.

 “Let’s go to Brother Zi!

 At night five days later, a somewhat old merchant ship slowly slid out of the pier under the cover of darkness.

These people only brought simple luggage and wore as much clothes as possible, mostly patches.

 A person who has been accustomed to going barefoot all his life does not feel cold at all.

 Instead of military service, it has become another way out for many poor people.

“We don’t have a boat, but Boss Quan does! His boat has been kept untouched.

All the strong laborers in Daxiawan were involved in building the wall, and even the strong women were sent to the mountains to cook.

 In the Million Mountains, the people of Daxia Bay are working in full swing.

With the protection of the wall, they no longer have to worry about someone stealing the harvest from the fields, and they can also have a good sleep at night.

 A group of women followed behind. The grass roots they picked up were as high as two mountains.

 In order to increase the fertility of the land, all dried weeds and grass roots are burned and returned to the fields.

  The surface of the newly opened wasteland is overgrown with weeds, but the soil is fertile black soil.

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