Daxiabao was able to repel the locusts perfectly due to the favorable weather, location, and people, and all the food was returned to the warehouse.

This locust plague did not cause any damage to Daxia Fort.

 On the contrary, people who raise chickens and ducks collect eggs every day.

The grain harvest was good, and the grain lent by Ziyu and the rent due were recovered in full.

More than 30,000 loads of grain filled all the empty rooms and attics in the mansion, and even the corridors of the main courtyard were filled with sacks.

 The benefits of having more rooms are immediately apparent.

 Otherwise, there really would be no place to store this season’s food.

 Over time, two unrelated species were able to coexist peacefully.

  Don’t think that because you have a good harvest, you don’t have to work anymore.

 Other servants are just like the employees, leaving from 00:00 to 00:00.


The completion of the autumn harvest is definitely going up the mountain to work, and the seawall can only be put down temporarily.

 With Old Man Hu as an audience, he will accept everyone who comes.

 The ideas of people in Daxiawan are also slowly changing. In their eyes, scholars are no longer unattainable.

It is hard to find a good person like the castle owner in the world! "

 Otherwise, the bones would have been boiled in soup so many times. "

 One acre of land can yield a harvest of two acres, which many people dare not dream of.

As soon as the grain harvest was finished, Ziyu and Libai convened a meeting with the stewards to make arrangements for building fortifications.

 Owing to their craftsmanship, Old Man Hu’s family’s income is significantly higher than that of the Qiu family, and they are the richest family in Daxia Village.

 The bay in summer has become a paradise for many people to play in the water during their leisure time.

 The built seawall has stone steps at regular intervals, which is also convenient for everyone to catch the sea.

That humane movement makes women want to hold her in their arms and treat her like a child.

“Starting from tomorrow, all the strong laborers will go up the mountain to build fortifications and take care of the food!

 With their own small families, the enthusiasm of the servants is also high.

Every household in Daxiawan has a full warehouse of grain, and the grain taken back is enough for a year's rations, not counting the sweet potatoes and cobs confiscated from the fields.

 It is the first time for people in Daxia Village to see two crops mixed together.

 The loud boasting of the two people attracted people from the nearby fields.

Qiu Degui's mouth twitched when he heard the gossip of a group of men. A group of men could gossip better than women.

These people no longer have the fear of the people in the palace, just because everyone has to eat, drink and defecate in the same way.

 Otherwise, these people will arrange to build sea walls.

 The unconvinced snow wolf likes to bully the seal family.

 Xiaoxiang, who came back occasionally, became Ziyu's exclusive mount.

 The seawall of Daxia Bay has been mostly built through the unremitting efforts of hundreds of people.


 Old man Hu blew out a few smoke rings and looked like a master. “I, Old Hu, are really lucky. The house where the castle owner lives was built by me.”


 The experience passed down from generation to generation has led people in Daxia Village to believe that mixing two crops together will only compete for nutrients from each other, and ultimately nothing will be gained.

 Everyone never tires of hearing what Old Man Hu says, especially the part about clearing wasteland and building houses.

“Hahaha, one season’s harvest is enough for two years of food rations. We are all living a good life!”

 There are only eleven people living in Nuoda's courtyard.

Qiu Laogen took out a wrapped leaf cigarette and lit it, and he and Old Man Hu smoked it one after another.

 The free and prosperous life made them completely give up the idea of ​​going back.

 The stick is about a palm long, with plump and firm grains, which indicates a good harvest.

 Plus every seven days, there is literacy.

 Because as long as there are children of school age in the family, they can receive free admission to the academy.

Although the sweet potatoes in the field have not yet reached harvest time, they are larger than those they planted before, and there are not less of them.


The seal family that settled in Daxia Bay has grown into a family of eight and has become the new favorite of Daxia Bay.

 Under the guidance of Chen Da, he planted sweet potatoes in the stick field.

 In order to free up rooms, except for the two families of Butler Sheng and Chen Da, all the other servants in the mansion moved to the suites in the valley.

I don’t know where this man found the tobacco leaves, but he just smoked the tobacco and felt like marijuana.

No one who escaped had ever mentioned returning to Xin'an County, and the same was true for County Magistrate Zhang and his family.

 It turns out that their previous experience was wrong.

 Old man Hu emerged from the stick field and happened to meet Qiu Laogen. The two squatted in the field and talked about crops.

Old man Hu was deeply moved by this. Xin'an County was destroyed and how many people died.

Both families are hard-working people and take good care of the crops, so the harvest will naturally be good.

 Let those who are willing to learn have the opportunity to become literate.

 They also followed the owner and called this opportunity literacy learning.

 The people of Daxia Village, who had food at home and were not panicked, squatted on the ground and talked about their opinions.

Those who should grow vegetables in the open space should grow vegetables. Don't complain that there is no vegetables to eat in winter and they can't poop. "

That experience became the most meaningful period in his life and was highly respected by everyone.

 Hungry and frightened villagers, each family grows two or three acres of sticks.

 That’s why Qiu Degui said it today.

However, the smart seal always comes to Ziyu’s house to complain.

 Sixty women were dispatched to the mountain to help cook and arrange household affairs.

 It can be said that whenever I have free time, I like to gather together and listen to Old Man Hu talking about the original events.

 All craftsmen in Daxia Bay are respected.

“Who is the castle owner? He is a deity descended from the earth.

Because there are grains piled everywhere, in order to prevent rats from infesting, Ziyu gave Snow Wolf a new responsibility, catching rats.

 These are unprecedented honors for a craftsman.

 At first, many people did not believe in this planting method, but after Chen Da’s repeated assurances, they followed the planting method.

Qiu Degui’s vulgar and easy-to-understand words made a group of people laugh.

 After the clever Seal received several compensations from Ziyu, he would send fish to the house from time to time, and occasionally he would also send fish to please Snow Wolf.

 Everyone regards Daxia Bay as their second hometown.

It can be said that they are the two families with the largest harvest in Daxia Village. The whole family can eat it for two years without any problem.

We came here specifically to rescue poor people from suffering, and it was only then that we were lucky enough to be taken in by the castle owner.

 Hence, he still has a lot of respect in Daxia Village.


"you do not say!

  We are able to live a good life now because of the blessing of the castle owner.

 Everyone is envious of him, but no one else can enjoy this treatment, not even Li Bai.

 The people of Daxiawan, who were exposed to the ideas of later generations, lived a prosperous and stable life in this mountain far away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

Since the two families had many children and grandchildren, they divided the married people among themselves, and the land they were allocated was worthy of being named in the Daxia Village.

 Many people will never be able to return to their original hometowns, and there is no point in thinking about it.

 The fun-filled Daxia Bay has plenty of food after a good harvest.

 For their own safety, they began to build stone walls on the mountains.

The vigorous labor scene and the neat sound of trumpets caused the leaves to fall in the autumn woods.

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