Chapter 119 Suppression

  Shen Hong was overjoyed when he heard that his grandmother still let him manage the business of Muxuge Pavilion alone.

  Princess Shan's words coincided with the old lady Shen. After the family discussed it, they asked Shen Hong to use the strength of the Shen family to suppress the azalea.

   Remember, don't let people grab the handle again.

  Shen Hong doesn't like when someone mentions this dark history that hasn't completely passed yet, and is still a little hot. He is disgusted and has to listen patiently.

   secretly swears in his heart that this time, he will be careful and considerate, and he must find his way back!

   Hearing that Azalea's business was booming, Shen Hong scoffed.

   On that day, all the products of Muxuge, which has seven stores in Yinzhou, were all discounted by 50%, and there were many people chanting this "special discount" around Yingshan Red Shop.

  The things in the wooden pavilion are really good, but they are also really expensive.

Although    is expensive, business has always been good.

After all, Yinzhou is the seat of the capital of the fief of King Pingshan. There are many merchants, the economy is prosperous, and there are naturally many wealthy people. Most of the people in the city live well, and they can even be called wealthy. The business of rouge gouache and various clothes and jewelry has always been good. Do.

   As soon as I heard that the items in Muxiao Pavilion were half price, it really attracted a lot of people to go there.

   That is the Musi Pavilion. If you are reluctant to buy it on weekdays, you can afford one or two pieces now; if you can afford it on weekdays, you can buy one more piece now, why not do it?

  Yinzhou City is so big, and the seven shops in Muxuge Pavilion basically cover the bustling and bustling markets. In addition, it is deliberately aimed at azaleas, and people are deliberately publicized and solicited near azaleas to grab azalea's business.

   In addition, the excitement of opening has passed, and the business of Azalea has really been affected a lot.

  Shen Hongzhi was very satisfied, and ordered someone to hint that the famous merchants and caravans in Yinzhou City were not allowed to communicate with Azalea and help them bring goods.

The Shen family has its own caravan. The rouge gouache sold by Muxuge Pavilion came from far away from the south of the Yangtze River. Most of the azaleas were brought from the Central Plains, and the Yan family made them themselves. That’s all, it definitely can’t support the operation of a store.

  Shu Jinhua went to the store, but did not take Shen Hong's threat seriously, and did not go to any caravan at all.

   only comforted the Yan family a few words, and told the store that the handmade soap was not only sold, because the quantity was small, so you had to buy other products before you could buy handmade soap, and it was limited.

   In fact, the Shu family is very skilled in the production process of handmade soaps and perfumes. Perfume is limited by raw materials, and the output is not large, but handmade soaps are enough.

   But Shu Jinhua will not put it into the market in large quantities from the beginning, so that it will not show its preciousness.

   And she is sure that using hand soap to wash your face, wash your hands, and even take a bath, as long as you can afford it, you can never leave it again.

  Woodwood Pavilion how hard it is to shout again?

   As expected by Shu Jinhua, Shen Hong had only been complacent for three days, and he couldn't be complacent any longer!

  Handmade soap is really good!

  A good thing, of course you have to share it.

   It has been passed on from 10 to 10. After the neighbors introduced it to try it once, they wanted to buy it and try it. There are also many customers who didn't buy it before and only used gifts, but they liked it as soon as they used it, and naturally became repeat customers.

   In this way, after three days, the business of azaleas gradually slowed down.

   Ask for a ticket again



   (end of this chapter)

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