Adore Trick of Beauty

Chapter 568 Revenge in Sight

Xiao Fengqing's army rushed thousands of miles to rescue Qixia Pass. All the way south, his iron cavalry was like a division of tigers and wolves, and he was as powerful as a bamboo. He forcibly tore through the Qi army's defense line in the Congjiang area in an almost impossible way. The consequence of forcibly breaking through the defense line was that both sides suffered heavy casualties.

On that day, corpses floated for ten miles on the Congjiang River, bleeding and floating in the oars, which made people horrified to see.

Ying Guo's cavalry still retains the ferocious legacy of the nomads who founded the dynasty. Although they have been slightly restrained after a hundred years of Sinicization, under Xiao Fengqing's connivance and Wang Taishi's eagerness for quick success, the atmosphere in the army began to deteriorate again. They burned, killed and looted all the way. There are sorrows and sorrows everywhere.

The battle between Qi State and the original Qin State had only lasted for less than a year, and the national power was empty. Under Xiao Fengqing's ruthless command, he was terrified. Soon, Xiao Fengqing and Nie Minghu joined forces, and the two armies twisted into one, and immediately became an unstoppable army. Within a month, all the way to Qi Jing.

The emperor of Qi State finally woke up, and tremblingly sent envoys to make peace, but when the envoys came to Xiao Fengqing, he beheaded ten people in a row. Jing, I swear not to return to court."

Seeing that he was so ruthless, the emperor of Qi finally gave up his desire to seek peace and summoned the remnants to resist wildly. As if they felt that the country was about to be destroyed, the people of Qi State both hated and feared Xiao Fengqing. But hatred and fear could not stop Xiao Fengqing's Tiehoefeng from going south after all.

In August of the fourth year of Wude, it was hot summer. In the Yuqing Palace in Yinfeng Terrace, there is a chill. Nie Wushuang finished reviewing the memorial, raised her head tiredly, and stood up slowly while supporting her waist. At this time, she was more than five months pregnant. For some reason, her belly grew as fast as a balloon, but her limbs were still intact. Skinny.

She wanted to stand up, but she couldn't after several attempts. Seeing this, Xia Lan, who was carrying the soup, hurried forward to help her, nagging: "Your Majesty is getting heavy now, so be careful in everything, if something happens Mistakes, don’t servants deserve death..."

Nie Wushuang let her chatter, with a helpless smile on his face. Now in Yinfeng Terrace, only Xia Lan is still by her side and doesn't shy away from her identity, nagging, in this palace, with her growing majesty, it is hard to hear such heartwarming words...

Nie Wushuang was walking slowly with Xia Lan's support, lightly helping her swollen belly, feeling the baby moving slightly inside, imagining its gradually growing eyebrows and eyes, and she couldn't help showing a loving smile on her face. Xia Lan looked at her smiling and lost in thought, and couldn't help feeling sad.

Now Nie Wushuang is the most powerful woman in the world, but also the most pitiful woman. Every night, she would hear her sighing in a low voice. Looking at the full moon in the sky, she was pregnant and had a big belly, which made her figure even more desolate.

Xia Lan thought about it, endured the pain in her heart, and started talking again. Nie Wushuang listened with a smile, and said calmly: "As long as you are so worried, if you have time, it is reasonable to help me sew a few small clothes."

Xia Lan quickly said: "This is natural, the maid has already started to make it, and I guarantee that the little prince will still have it when he is seven or eight years old."

Hearing this, Nie Wushuang was in a daze. Xia Lan didn't know where she said something wrong, so she looked at her cautiously: "Did the servant girl say something wrong?"

"No." Nie Wushuang came back to his senses, and suddenly said: "Go and bring the little clothes you made to show me."

Seeing her calm face, Xia Lan didn't know whether she was happy or sad, so she hurried to get it. After a while, the maid brought a whole small camphorwood box full of small clothes. Xia Lan spread out one by one in front of her like presenting treasures.

Nie Wu caressed the exquisitely crafted clothes with both hands.

Hats, leading shoes, and one by one have been carefully looked at. After a long time, she picked up a small dress and looked at it carefully in front of her eyes.

"How old was he when he could wear it?" She asked suddenly.

"If you go back to your mother, she is three years old." Xia Lan replied: "The servant also made some clothes for the little princess. Looking at your mother's body, you may be pregnant with a dragon and a phoenix."

Nie Wushuang just listened and didn't hear it, just stared at the little clothes, gestured on his chest, and said calmly for a long time: "Three years old, then three years old should be this old. I really want to see what he looks like in this dress .”

Her eyes shined through the little clothes, and a trance smile gradually appeared on her face. Xia Lan suddenly understood what she said, and tears flowed from her eyes, but she didn't dare to cry, so she could only tightly cover her mouth and backed away in a hurry.

"Report!——Empress Dowager, urgent report at the border!" The servant's top-notch voice cut through the rare silence.

Nie Wushuang's heart skipped a beat, she put down the clothes in her hands, and said coldly, "Come in!"

The frontier emergency report, which was authorized by her, can enter the palace without a pass,

The servant hurried in and presented the battle report sealed with wax in his hand. Nie Wushuang took it and quickly opened it, her heart pounding and her hands trembling slightly. With the fierce fighting between the two sides in the past few days, she read every battle report with trepidation. For fear of hearing a little bit of dreaming, I don't want to hear the news.

She opened it tremblingly, and after reading a few lines, she couldn't help covering her mouth, tears rolling down. The waiter didn't know why, and fell to the ground trembling

Kneel aside.

"We won! We won!" Tears rolled down her lips as she muttered to herself.

"What...won?" The servant heard the ecstasy in her mouth and couldn't help asking stupidly.

"Qi State... won! Your Highness beat Qi Jing...he...he did it..." Nie Wushuang couldn't help sobbing.

won! Xiao Fengqing won! In less than a month and a half, he finally teamed up with his elder brother to attack Qi Jing, and he really did it. The state of Qi is not long. Her vengeance was finally in sight in such a way that caught her off guard.

The grievances and pain in my heart, the love and hatred of those five years finally seemed to find an opening, and poured out suddenly.

The Yuqing Palace in Yinfengtai was empty, only the sound of her whimpering could be heard far away...


The second update! Ask for a monthly pass! Those who have votes in their hands don't hesitate, vote for Bing.

Another Bing's new pit "Beauty: The Poisoned Empress" is looking for collection! Everyone kindly save it, and I will fill in the new pit when I finish writing the finale of the Demon Queen.

The address is in the introduction of this article! touch!

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