"Oh, this is not the case. I am your daughter. You said that the most painful thing for you is me. Even if I am useless, I am still your blood relatives."

"Family? Oh!" Ning Yuan sneered, "If it wasn't Ninger who likes you, will I leave you that year? Your use is just to please her. Otherwise, you can't exist in this world, now let's go. The farther you go, the better, you made such a stupid mistake, I don't want to be dragged down by you!"

If this **** is left, the woman in Bai Yan will definitely find a way to find him. Therefore, he can no longer leave Ning Yue with him anyway.

And he put her life, it is already in the share of the father and daughter for many years, otherwise...

It was just a slap in the face.

"No!" Ning Yue panicked and hurriedly grabbed Ning Yuan's sleeves. She was like grabbing the last straw, and she was not willing to let go. "Hey, you can't leave me. If you don't have me, I should. What should I do? Ning Hao has already stopped me, I can't live without you..."



Ning Yuan's palm waved over Ning Yue's chest. In an instant, Ning Yue's body shot like a string of arrows, hitting a rock.

The heartbreaking pain from the back made her unable to stand up for a while. The severe pain made her face pale, and the tears turned around in her eyes. This looks very pitiful.


Happy to run to Ning Yue, and lifted her up from the ground, with a distressed look: "You are fine, you are just too angry, wait for him to be mad."

Who knows, her voice just fell, Ning Yue Yan raised her hand and pushed her hard.

"You go away! When do I need a warm bed to take care of my family? Don't think that you took care of me when you were young, you can take my mother to live."

"I... I don't have..."

I am happy that some hands are not wrong, but my eyes are full of pity.

"Yue, I really feel bad about you..."

"Yue Er? Who allows you to call me happy? I don't need your distress, I tell you, my mother is only Bai Ning, what are you?"

Ning Yue’s angry fist slammed into the body of music.

Le distressed and raised her brow, but still stood in the same place to let her fight, not to hide, not like a gas bag.

"Don't think that you have been to my bed, it is his woman, I will not admit your identity, and you don't want to compare with me! I would rather not look good, strong, and What is your dream of a mysterious monster? Just rely on your strength and give me a maid is not qualified!"

Ning Yue did not dare to be angry with Ning Yuan, but vented all his anger and unwillingness to his heart.

She has been doing this for years, and in her opinion, this joy is a person who can't even compare a maid! Her existence is just for her insult!

Her mother only has Bai Ning, she likes it, and only her!

The music is not screaming, just looking at Ningyuan with a pleading look, then the eyes seem to say that he can leave Ning Yue around.

"What are you still doing there? Hurry and go! If you are distressed by her, then you will stay with her, and then there is no need to wait around me!"

Ning Yuan sneered, and the corner of his mouth sang a satirical arc.

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