Across the Sky From the Stop of Time

Chapter 924 Hao Shuai: I, the Chief Disciple of the Supreme Master! !

"Special Blue Star??" The commander-in-chief was stunned. In her memory, she couldn't remember any higher civilization with this name.

Fortunately, the subordinates at the side saw the doubts of the commander-in-chief, and hurriedly called up the information about the special blue star.

After reading the information about Te Lan Xing, the commander-in-chief was instantly furious. She felt that she had been deceived!

You, who drive an interstellar aircraft carrier, dare to say that you are from a backward planet that just launched an artificial satellite~~

Are you thinking of our Nova Empire as a fool! !

"Your Excellency, please don't make jokes. Otherwise, it would be bad to cause misunderstanding between the two parties." The commander-in-chief restrained his anger and said righteously.

"Are you kidding me?" This time it was Hao Shuai's turn to be a little confused, what the hell is going on!

"Please report your ID so that we can verify your identity." Seeing that Hao Shuai hadn't answered for a long time, the commander-in-chief said again.

"Identification ID? I don't have one!" Hao Shuai admitted in a bachelor's way.

From the information he learned in Contra Xiaxing, Hao Shuai knew that as long as he was a race that entered the interstellar civilization, everyone could apply for an ID.

This identity ID is common to the whole universe network, which is convenient for all civilization planets to query information, and it has the same function as an ID card.

The problem is that Hao Shuai and his team only made their first interstellar voyage a few days ago, and they haven't found a civilized planet to apply for an ID. How can they show the commander-in-chief now.

As for why it wasn’t held in Contra Xia Xing before~~


Those three don't care about the identity of the regional office, the ghost knows whether the office is real or fake!

In case of false certificates and being found out on other civilized planets, trouble is one thing, the main thing is embarrassment.

In the future, Hao Shuai will become the overlord of the universe, and this will be a stain on his career as the overlord!

"No ID?!" Commander-in-Chief immediately thought that Hao Shuai and his group were wanted criminals in the universe, and immediately asked, "In that case, please leave Xandar, or else~~"

Faced with the threat of the commander-in-chief Ci Guoguo, Hao Shuai was also angry. He discussed with the other party in a good voice, just wanting to start a company and do business on Xandar, why is it so difficult.

That is to say, he knew that he couldn't beat the Nova Corps, otherwise Hao Shuai would have liked to hit them with a single shot.

Holding the idea of ​​"sooner or later you will beg me", Hao Shuai said seriously: "I am the chief disciple of the 'Supreme Mage', the guardian of the special blue star. Are you going to start a war with an ancient mage organization?"

As soon as Hao Shuai's voice fell, the brain of the Nova Corps headquarters over there quickly displayed a detailed introduction about the "Supreme Mage" and the mage organization behind him.


When the people at the headquarters read the last sentence of the information about the supreme mage's "extremely powerful and dangerous cosmic level powerhouse", all the people couldn't help but gasped.

However, although he was shocked by the strength of the supreme mage, the cautious commander still asked: "How do you prove your identity?"

The words of the commander-in-chief let Hao Shuai know that he was shameless in pulling up the tiger skin as a banner, no, it was the correct behavior that had the effect, and now that he heard the other party wanted to prove it, he immediately said: "Prove it~ this is simple."

After finishing speaking, Hao Shuai swiped his right hand, and a circle with sparks appeared in front of him, and then Hao Shuai walked in.

On the other side, before the people at the headquarters of the Nova Corps came back to their senses, they saw a circle of fire appearing in front of them, and then a figure walked out of it.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, this is the first time we meet, please give me your advice." Hao Shuai greeted the white woman in front of him in a friendly manner.

"You~~This is~~" The commander-in-chief was so startled by this miraculous scene that he couldn't speak clearly.

"Oh~~ this! It's just a magic portal, the basic skills of a mage." Hao Shuai said with a calm expression, "Can I prove my identity now? Or do I need to go to the special blue star?" , bring the Supreme Mage here?!"

At this moment, the commander-in-chief, who finally came to his senses, bowed politely and said, "Your Majesty, I am Irani Rael, and on behalf of the Nova Empire, I would like to sincerely apologize for my misunderstanding just now!"

It turned out that the commander-in-chief was named Irani Rael. Hao Shuai didn't pay attention to her name when watching the movie before.

Hao Shuai was always a person who stretched out his hand without smiling, and immediately bowed slightly in return: "Your Excellency Irani Rael, speaking of it, it was my rash petition that caused your misunderstanding. I hope you will forgive me."

"It's good that the misunderstanding is cleared up. The Star of Xandar sincerely welcomes the arrival of Master Mage." Irani Rael welcomed Hao Shuai on behalf of Xandar, and then she said tactfully: "I just hope that you can leave the interstellar aircraft carrier The outer space of Xandar, landed only by small spaceships."

Irani Rael's words reminded Hao Shuai that there seemed to be an interstellar contract in the materials he had read before, and only then did he realize that he had made a big mistake.

But the thick-skinned him pretended that he didn't know, and said happily: "Okay, Your Excellency, I will lead my friend to log in right away."

After speaking, he opened the portal and returned to Genesis.


When Hao Shuai's spaceship parked at a special berth according to Xandar's instructions, the group of people just got off the spaceship one after another when the staff of Nova Empire stepped forward to greet Hao Shuai and arranged transportation for Hao Shuai and the others. into town.

This time Hao Shuai only brought his wives and doctors with him, and all the super soldiers under him stayed on the Genesis.

After all, the law and order on Xandar is still very good. Although it is not possible to not pick up lost items on the road or close the house at night, there are no open-minded people who dare to make trouble on Xandar.

The group quickly entered the first city of Xandar.

As a water city, it looks like a huge six-pointed star from a distance, adjacent to both sides of the street, and is run through by a clear river.

The architectural style here is not far from the earth, but the sky is bluer, the grass is greener, the building is a wonderful architectural art, and the scenery is a dreamlike wonderland.

Traffic tracks, garden planning, civilized landscapes, lake scenery, etc. look intricate, but orderly in chaos, giving the first impression of extremely high resource utilization efficiency.

At a glance, there are intelligent life forms of various skins and shapes on the street. Aliens with different skin colors such as red, purple, blue, and yellow, and various shapes such as animal heads, three eyes, four feet, and eight tentacles form an endless flow of people, shuttling through the streets and roads of the city.

Looking at the crowds of various appearances that flowed around, the lively Shan Wanjing couldn't help but said curiously: "Master, this planet is much more prosperous and lively than the previous planet."

"Of course, for example, here is equivalent to Chang'an, and Kangla Xiaxing is equivalent to a small town on the border of Yunnan Province, can it be the same!" Hao Shuai laughed.

This is really not Hao Shuai's nonsense. The Nova Empire belongs to the strongest force in the Milky Way, and Xandar is the capital star of the Nova Empire. The degree of development is self-evident.

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