Across the Sky From the Stop of Time

Chapter 874 Playing Pirates and Looting Addicted Girls~~

"Hand over the belongings on board, you can spare your life, dare to resist and directly sink and feed the sharks!"

On an armed merchant ship, Hao Shuai, who is dressed as a pirate, is directing the girls who are also dressed as pirates to carry out a robbery.

It was unlucky to say that this armed merchant ship named Barr was fully loaded with gold collected from the colonies and was ready to be transported back to France.

In the end, it was a coincidence that I met the Great Emperor~~

To be honest, after seeing the 300-meter-long steel behemoth on the Great Emperor, it's not that Baal didn't think about running away.

However, the Great Emperor knocked off its mast with just one shot, and the Barr was so frightened that it stopped the ship immediately and did not dare to move.

After Hao Shuai saw that the Barr was so knowledgeable about current affairs, he slowly hoisted the pirate flag, led the girls to change into pirate uniforms, and prepared to board the ship for robbery.

At first, the sailors on the Barr wanted to resist when they saw only one man leading a group of delicate beauties.

After all, in the age of great voyages, it is normal for sailors of armed merchant ships to occasionally play pirates, and they are quite familiar with their business.

But after seeing Zhao Min split a sly-eyed sailor in half with a single knife, the sailors on the Barr became completely honest.

The Barr cooperated very well, and the robbery went smoothly. One saved his life, and the other got the money. This was a happy robbery.

Originally, Hao Shuai was going to go to France after finishing this vote, but he was rejected by Zhao Min and the others.

They still want to continue playing the pirate game, especially after Hao Shuai distributed the gold they grabbed this time to them, this idea became stronger.

In their words, they want to save some pocket money to support themselves! !

Although Hao Shuai thinks that they take off their pants and fart-it's unnecessary, mine is theirs!

But the sky is big and the earth is big, and the wife has the greatest demands.

It's rare that they want to play. For this small request, Hao Shuai of course agreed without saying a word, and even kindly gave up the captain's position to the elder sister, Da Piaoyun's children's boots.

As for such a delay in time, will it give those European countries time to prepare?


May I ask what is the use?

Even if they gather all the troops together, the result is not the same~~

As for running away?

Can they still move the land and people away? !


Hao Shuai's abdication made Xian feel all right, but it was the merchant ships on the Atlantic that went back and forth between the suzerain country and the colonies.

Facing the Great Emperor, which cannot run and cannot be beaten, all merchant ships can only honestly offer their cargo and treasures in exchange for their own safety.

For the looted property, if it is gold, silver and jewelry, they will directly divide it privately. If it is spiced coffee and other goods, they will ask Hao Shuai to send it back to Datang, and ask the Ministry of Households to buy it at the market price.

Poor Hao Shuai didn't get a dime, and had to act as a porter, going back and forth between Datang and Pirates of the Caribbean world.

Faced with this inhuman oppression, he didn't dare to say anything, let alone not to do it, so he could only endure it silently with tears in his eyes.

Of course, not every merchant ship is safe and sound.

If Zhao Min and the others encountered slave ships, they would send them to the bottom of the sea to feed the sharks.

After all, in the eyes of all the girls, Uncle Hei, who looks so dark, is not a human being at all, let alone saving them.

The Great Emperor just roamed the North Atlantic for a whole month. With the hard work of Dongfang Bai and the others, they robbed more than a hundred ships, including several pirate ships.


Zhao Min and the others even robbed pirates!

The poor Atlantic Pirate King Jokad and the Mediterranean Pirate King Chevalle were unlucky enough to be robbed by Zhao Min and the others.

At the beginning, these two guys still wanted to go forward to make friends, but they were beaten up by the girls directly. In the end, they could only obediently hand over their gold and silver treasures in exchange for their own freedom.

In fact, the reason why Hao Shuai kept the nine pirate kings was that he simply wanted them to be shit sticks and continue to be a promising job as a pirate.

Anyway, it's Europe that's causing trouble, so what does it have to do with him, Hao Shuai.

As for Xiao Feng and Mrs. Qing, when they were brainwashed back then, they were instructed not to rush to plant flower family members.


Zhao Min and the others, who were addicted to pirates and saved enough private money, finally returned the Great Emperor to Hao Shuai a month later.

Hao Shuai, who was moved with tears in his eyes, hurriedly ordered the Great Emperor to go straight to Holland's Amsterdam without stopping.

In the 17th century, the capitalist economy in Europe was greatly developed, and the trade between countries increased day by day. At that time, the world's trade channels were mainly on the sea. Ships were like carriages for land transportation at that time, and ships were carriages at sea. Whichever country mastered the carriages at sea, it was the carriageman at sea.

At that time, Holland invented a kind of cheap merchant ship with almost no weapons, so the Netherlands became a sea coachman in Europe, traveling around the world and earning a lot of money, so the Netherlands became the richest region in Europe one.

It is a pity that by the middle of the 17th century, Yinghe launched a sea battle for hegemony in various oceans, and later, France also participated. The French-Holland War swept across the mainland of the Netherlands, and ended in the disastrous defeat of Holland. He Lan never recovered from the fall.

But how to say, He Lan's ancestors were also rich, so when Hao Shuai's Great Emperor blasted He Lan's country gate, and the Terminator army rushed into Amsterdam openly, Hao Shuai was still satisfied with the results.

After leaving Helan, Hao Shuai went south along the coastline, first went to the Palace of Versailles in France, one of the five largest palaces in the world, slept for a few days, and forced Louis XV, the fourth king of the French Bourbon dynasty, to also sign a " equality' treaty.

It's a pity that the famous Sun King Louis XIV died, otherwise Hao Shuai would have wanted him to sign this name even more.

After completely crippling the European army in France, and taking it easy, Hao Shuai went to Linxing Spain under the "respectful send-off" of the French people.

It's a pity that the Spanish Armada has been defeated by the Eagles for more than a hundred years, and the Spaniard's maritime supremacy has also been lost for nearly a hundred years, so there is no splash in the battle with the Spanish navy.

But although the Spanish navy is not good, its wealth is very good!

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. During the existence of the Armada, 83% of the world's precious metal mining was obtained by Spain. Now, under Hao Shuai's all-out efforts, a large part of these precious metals Some of them became Hao Shuai's spoils.

After taking care of Portugal by the way, Hao Shuai drove the Great Emperor across the Strait of Gibraltar to Port Said where the Suez Canal is located.

As for why you didn't visit Italy along the way?


The country of Italy was not only a joke during World War I and World War II, it was as early as the age of great navigation~~

Huh~ No! !

It's not Italy yet!

In the 16th century, most of Italy's territory was successively occupied by France, Spain, and Austria until the national spirit awakened in the 18th century; the Italian Revival Movement rose in the 19th century, and the Kingdom of Italy was established in March 1861.

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