Across the Sky From the Stop of Time

Chapter 1220 Inspection of the Tang Dynasty (2)

When the Dawu Empire went to war, there were generally two situations for the aborigines in the newly occupied lands.

One is to eliminate all the male natives, leaving only the female natives.

This situation is often used to deal with outlying island areas, such as the islands in the Empire's Southeast Asia. There, the imperial army fought with open fire and even massacred male natives with rewards. This work continued until there were no more local men on the island, all of whom were Han.

Of course, if you encounter a large island, such as Luzon Island, where there are too many indigenous people and it is difficult to exterminate them all, the policy will be changed and the indigenous people will be captured and used as slaves.

Another situation is that some of the indigenous people in the mainland are quick to see opportunities and rush to surrender. In this way, the empire cannot easily massacre them. They mainly take control of the local economic lifeline, and intermarriage between the Han and local indigenous people is gradually realized.

Moreover, local officials must be people of Han ancestry. Not only that, there are no benefits for these areas. For example, the Homestead Law does not apply to them. If they want to apply, they must be people of Han ancestry.

Just kidding~~

I'm going to leave a place for you and people of other bloodlines to use it?

It makes sense!

Compared with John Bull, who is known as the "Empire on which the Sun Never Sets" in the real world, the white people of John Bull are an extremely arrogant race. They are aloof and do not intermarry with the natives, while the Dawu Empire strongly advocates intermarriage with the natives and assimilates them as soon as possible.

After 20 or 30 years of this, except for a few areas, basically all people speak Chinese!

The current economic policy of the Dawu Empire places equal emphasis on agriculture and commerce.

Driven by Hao Shuai's continuous supply of various high-yielding grain varieties, the grain supply is extremely abundant and can fully meet the needs of population growth.

And with population, there will be soil for the development of commodity economy.

The development of commodity economy requires the production of technology!

Even without Hao Shuai's black technology reminder, the Dawu Empire had already invented the steam engine.

The large-scale application of steam engines stimulated the rapid improvement of coal production, steel casting and mechanical manufacturing technology.

More importantly, the use of steamships allowed steam engine + sail hybrid ships to start running in the vast waters of the empire.

In addition, early steam-powered trains had already connected all major cities in the empire.

Although slowness is its major disadvantage, it can keep moving day and night without eating or drinking, which is unmatched by any means of transportation.

As the empire occupied Nanyang, rubber naturally entered the empire's commodities.

With rubber, among other things, bicycles, a convenient means of transportation, began to enter thousands of households in large numbers. With their lightness and durability, they could travel through the streets and alleys, making the empire a veritable "Bicycle Kingdom."

According to Imperial statistics, there is one bicycle for every three people and this number is constantly increasing.

Streetcars have also developed in the city. Small steam engines drag the carriages along the city's railway tracks, which greatly facilitates people's economy and life.

Due to the development of technology, science has also developed casting technology, mathematics, construction technology, etc., and made great progress.

The economic promotion of a unified country is obvious. There is no need to raise various tariffs, coupled with the reduction of commercial taxes, the safety of trade routes, the allocation of resources, the flow of people, the smooth flow of logistics~~all these things All promote the rapid development of commodity economy.

The rapid economic development also led to the emergence of banknotes, banks, and stock markets in the empire for the first time in human history.

Banks can provide loans and make payments in other places. Gold, silver, copper, iron, coal and other mineral deposits were mined in large quantities in various places. The earliest manufacturing factories and processing plants in world history also appeared across the country.

For example, smelters, shipyards, firearms factories, paper mills, printing factories, weaving factories, porcelain kiln factories, etc. have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Navigation, shipbuilding, logistics, medicine, crafts, and agricultural technology have all reached levels unprecedented in ancient times and difficult to compare in the future. and height.

The people of the privately wealthy empire are undoubtedly extremely happy in terms of health, wealth, education, identity, natural environment and many other indicators.

Lush trees can be seen everywhere in the empire, and the forest streets are wide and clean without a scrap of paper or trash in sight. Pedestrians and vehicles all abide by traffic rules (for those who dare to violate the rules, one warning, two fines, and three times being taken to the food market to take off their pants and spank them. Chinese people always like to watch people being beaten or beheaded, but they will crowd together to watch).

The buildings on both sides of the street are beautiful and clean. The people passing by walk in a hurry and have steady and strong steps. Most of them are in good health and good spirits.

At least 90% of people wear silk clothes in summer! Many people wear fur in winter!

In daily life, the people lived a stable and happy life. They had many holidays and vacations, and they built tourist attractions all over the empire.

This dream-like achievement all shows that the Dawu Empire has reached the pinnacle of the feudal dynasty.

It was the dynasty in history that had the most prosperous economy, the most advanced science and technology, the most prosperous culture, the most profound art, the richest people's living standards, the most clear and open politics, and the most stable society.

With no sharp class conflicts at home and no rivals outside, such an era could truly be described as a prosperous time.

Therefore, as early as ten years ago, the newspaper "Empire Daily" published a headline on the front page: The prosperous age of the Empire has arrived!

Hao Shuai and his party stayed in Yangcheng for a while and then set off on the road. The last stop of the southern tour: Hainan Island has arrived!

When I come to Hainan Island, I actually don’t have anything serious to do, I just come for a vacation!

Blue sky, white clouds, sea water, sunshine, beach, what are you waiting for, go swimming and playing in the water!

This beach belongs to Sanya Prefecture on Hainan Island, facing the vast expanse of blue South China Sea. It was specially set aside by Hao Shuai as a royal resort. It was guarded by female soldiers and set up a cordoned area for Hao Shuai and his concubines to have fun.

Early in the morning, as the morning light faded, a large group of stunning beauties came out changing into swimsuits.

Hao Shuai swore that if the gods in the immortal world saw his wife and concubines in the sky, they would definitely exchange places with him and let him go to the sky to be a god and they would come down to be the emperor!

Thirteenth Aunt, Bulma, Lan Caidi, Jianning, Lu Su, Huan Huan, Tsunade and other bold beauties all wore three-point swimsuits. Dongfang Bai, Yi Lin, Xiao Longnu, Lu Pheasant, Zhou Zhiruo, Wu Qing, Lu Xueqi, Hinata and others wore dense swimsuits, but seeing their dazzling snow-white jade bones and ice muscles, Hunyuan's slender and flawless beauty was exposed to the air without hesitation, even the air became beautiful Get up and blow them hard.

The beautiful faces, the incomparably beautiful dimples, the bright light reflected in Hao Shuai's eyes, they are all the darlings of heaven in every world, and now they are all mine!

Every time he thought of this, Hao Shuai felt dizzy and couldn't stand still, so he sat down on the ground!

Dongfang Bai and the others rushed into the sea and played freely, transforming into mermaids and swimming gracefully in the water. The waves splashed up and down, desperately wiping their oil.


This is life...

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