Across the Sky From the Stop of Time

Chapter 1066 Scylla: Don't hit me, I surrender!


As Yamata no Orochi let out a death scream, its last head was also bitten off by Godzilla.

Yamata no Orochi does not have the super regenerative ability of Ghidorah, and it is already dead at this moment with all eight heads severed.

Hao Shuai, who had watched the good show on Somersault Cloud for a long time, came out to collect the corpse with unsatisfied enthusiasm.

It is indeed a corpse~~

Collect the corpse of Yamata no Orochi!

Hao Shuai discovered that the blood of the Yamata no Orochi turned out to be red, which made him a little happy. The giant beast Qi and blood pill that he had been thinking about for so long could finally be realized.

For this reason, in order not to waste a single bit, Hao Shuai turned the battlefield up and down completely, making sure to recover all the flesh and blood of Yamata no Orochi, and then sat on Raton, under the curse of all the little devils Fly east.

In fact, Hao Shuai didn't care about the little devil's grudge.

That is to say, in recent years, Hao Shuai has begun to restrain his temper a little. If it was a few years ago, the Ribon Islands at this moment would have sunk into the Pacific Ocean just like Japan in the world of wind and clouds.

Of course, although Xiaori Benz doesn't have Lu Chen, they probably will have a hard time.

Not only because the capital was shattered into ruins, but most importantly because of the detonation of Raton and the destruction of several beasts, Mount Fuji, a dormant active volcano, has begun to erupt.

Aware of this, the little devil's government has already begun to organize the escape of residents near Mount Fuji.

Presumably the eruption of Mt. Fuji will not bring disaster to Xiaoniben, but it is enough for them to drink a pot.


Outpost 55 of the Imperial Organization near an oil drilling field outside of Sedona, Arizona, USA.

When Hao Shuai flew here with Dr. Chen Ling, the outpost was completely empty. As early as knowing that Hao Shuai's target was all the titans, Dr. Serizawa secretly organized the evacuation of those outposts.

After all, the Titans are gone, so why keep the outposts? It's a waste of food.

In fact, not only the outposts are gone, but the oilfield workers around the drilling oilfield are also running desperately under the organization of government personnel.

The Americans are not stupid either. After seeing Hao Shuai heading east, he knew that Hao Shuai's goal was the North American continent.

And after monitoring that Hao Shuai came to Arizona, he knew that Hao Shuai was eyeing the sleeping Titan, so he hurriedly organized the evacuation of nearby personnel.

After all, when the titans fight, the sky collapses directly, and the rice guy is not brain-dead, so he ran away without saying a word before he found a way to deal with Hao Shuai and those giant beasts under him.

In a blink of an eye, Nuoda's oil field became empty in the blink of an eye, only those oil extraction machines that hadn't had time to shut down were still roaring.

Hao Shuai didn't pay attention to these things, but according to the information organized by the emperor, he came to the top of an open space, and his spiritual power unceremoniously protruded out, waking up the sleeping Titan Scylla below.

Just like Raton's reaction, the consciousness of the brain was hit hard, and Scylla got out of the ground in a frenzy.

A large bag swelled from the ground, and the soil and dozens of tons of oil production machines were all blown away. The black oil rushed into the sky like a fountain, and turned into black rain and fell.

An oily conch head and long legs protruded from the ground, and Scylla broke through the ground.

Scylla is nearly 100 meters tall, and looks like a mixture of spider, octopus, and conch. It has six huge and slender legs.

Its head is shaped like an octopus, and its body has a shell that resembles a conch. Perhaps it is because the place where it sleeps is full of oil, but now it emerges from the ground and its whole body is covered with viscous oil, which is very greasy.

I don’t know if all the titans are very irritable, so that they wake up a little angry. As soon as the awakened Scylla was unearthed, it howled angrily and looked around for creatures that disturbed its sleep. .

But what happened was that Scylla, who was still sleepy with fright, trembled: "What's going on? Why did I see five giant titan beasts surrounding me? Could it be that I had hallucinations in my brain after sleeping for too long?"

Scylla, who thought he wasn't sleeping, shook his head vigorously, and then looked straight ahead.


Standing there is a giant beast with a dark complexion, a sword ruler on its back, sharp eyes, and a fearsome aura all over its body. Could it be Godzilla, the most favorable contender for the throne of the king of monsters?

Scylla turned his head to the right again, and there stood a two-legged, black-haired behemoth, which he recognized as the only primate among the Titans, but the one he was holding What is the thick and long stick for?

Then turn right. I haven't seen this one before, but it looks a bit like the Supreme Muto, so it must not be easy to mess with.

The question is, what is this giant beast in the end? Why does it look so much like a Titanoboa with four legs?

But isn't the titanic python all dead?

Scylla, who was puzzled, remembered that there seemed to be a giant beast above his head. He looked up, oh~~ It turned out to be the 25-year-old Raton, but unfortunately I still couldn't beat it!

Looking around, Scylla has already determined why it is not sleepwalking.

It is really surrounded by five giant beasts.

It knows it's over, Barbie Q is over.

After all, if one of these five giant beasts is picked out, it may not be able to beat it with such thin arms and legs, let alone five of them appearing at once, wouldn't they be directly dismembered by the five beasts!

Knowing that he had no hope, Scylla simply lay on the ground and shouted at Godzilla: "Don't hit me, I surrender!"

"It's a pity~ Why did you just surrender like this! At least resist it!" Seeing that Scylla gave up without even struggling, Hao Shuai was a little depressed.

Originally, he wanted to see Scylla's freezing ray!

You know, among the titans, those who can emit light skills are the ones who have the opportunity to compete with the boss for the throne of the king of monsters.

Even though Scylla doesn't have much flesh all over his body, his strength is not at the bottom like its weight, but is at the top.

But since he surrendered, let Godzilla accept this little brother.

In fact, Hao Shuai didn't want to kill Scylla in the first place. After all, he is also a good comrade of the lawful camp, and it seems to play a certain positive role in alleviating the melting of Antarctic glaciers and mitigating sea level rise.

The reason why Hao Shuai aimed at those titan beasts was to get rid of those giant beasts that destroyed the camp, and refine them into Qi and Blood Pills, so as to help the growth of Fire Qilin's strength.

On the other hand, it is to subdue the giant beasts of the lawful camp, because these giant beasts have different benefits to nature.

Just like Scylla can alleviate the melting of Antarctic glaciers, the titan Behemoth helps restore the over-logged Amazon rainforest, the titan Sekhmet can turn the desert into an oasis, and so on.

Hao Shuai plans to bring these giant beasts to the world of Elysium to restore the natural ecological environment of that world. After all, that is Hao Shuai's scientific research base...


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