Ace Hollywood

Chapter 456 Financial Crisis and Strikes

"Daniel, I took the liberty of contacting you."

"No, ma'am, it's an honor to hear from you."

As one of the top five celebrities in the United States, being able to receive her call is a dream come true for many people around the world. Of course, this is certainly not the case for Daniel.

Rice is known for her tough style and is deeply trusted by Bush Jr., which has allowed her to grow rapidly—a secretary of state who can win the president's full trust, and a secretary of state who has to be chosen by the president by virtue of her influence. are quite different. The former is like Rice, and the latter is like Hillary.

Rice will also attend the Davos Forum this year, which is actually relatively rare. As the US Secretary of State, she will attend the World Economic Forum in person, so she must be a key figure. Rice avoids doing so unless there is a clear need. But this time is obviously an unusual timing.

The United States is losing the trust of the whole world. Everyone is full of doubts about this huge country with important influence on the world-is it ushering in an important crisis? In fact, the 2008 financial crisis was also the beginning of what is generally considered to be the decline of American influence. Many people, especially Americans, do not recognize this. Generally speaking, as a superpower in the economy, military, technology, and culture, the United States still maintains a dominant influence on the world. This is undeniable. But this cannot conceal the downward trend of the United States - it is already strong, but from now on, it is weakening relative to some other forces!

This is the result that the current U.S. government must avoid—Rice, who was trusted by Bush Jr., this time in Davos, in front of leaders from all walks of life, obviously hopes to regain trust in the U.S. economy and the U.S. government.

But she should have understood that her unexpected decision to attend was a sign that things weren't all that great.

Rice made his point.

"Both the government and the Federal Reserve are doing their best to promote reforms. We hope that the business community and public opinion circles can avoid causing trouble to this process." Rice's statement is very straightforward, "Daniel, I understand your attitude towards this crisis, But, in Davos, we want you to be a bit more moderate. After all, what you say is enough to have an impact on the economy. As a public figure with great influence, you know, your voice will be heard by many people who don't People with a professional attitude hear it, and they think tomorrow is the end of the world. And then the market panics further. These will offset the efforts of the government and the market to deal with the problem.

Moreover, it is not in the interests of Plutos to let the confidence of the market collapse. Although you have withdrawn your investment significantly, after all, whether it is f2f, mb, or holdings in other technology companies, it still depends on the growth of the market and the economy. Although they are all emerging industrial fields, none of them may survive the overall crisis alone. "

This could be Rice's capital mention of the word "crisis." [ ] For the past few months, Rice has been avoiding calling the possible problems a crisis-financial crisis! The Internet stock market crash in 2000, the Asian financial crisis, every problem called a crisis is worldwide and sufficiently destructive.

But when communicating with Daniel, Rice said it without hesitation.

American politicians actually know how to deal with these big businessmen. Because rather than saying that American democracy belongs to the people, it is better to say that American democracy belongs to big businessmen, outstanding leaders in the fields of military industry, oil, technology, etc.

In order to have a continuous feel for the market and the government. It will inevitably intervene in the selection of the highest power. The people can choose, in fact, only the representatives proposed by these people-if the candidate does not surrender to the big businessmen, why should he be a candidate? He didn't even have the money to buy newspaper pages, so could he hope to get votes elsewhere in the Federation?

A person who signs up for election. First of all, through the competition within the party, and this competition is also through voting.

But why would a congressman or governor of California let the people of Florida vote for you? They don't even know who you are. At this time, the propaganda machine relying on huge wealth will be running rumblingly, and the fuel will be provided by big businessmen from various fields.

so. No matter how many promises the candidates made before taking office to "rob from the rich and give to the poor", these are absolutely lies or a compromise. Of course, this is also one of the advantages of the so-called democratic system.

The Bush family, which has an oil consortium background, of course understands the content better.

As Bush Jr.'s secretary of state, Rice's communication with Daniel was naturally straightforward.

"Madam Secretary, I don't think there's going to be a panic to be honest, and everyone should be prepared, if there is a major crisis."

"There will not be a financial crisis, Mr. Sandler. The financial crisis is too exaggerated. I know that there are some conjectures in the economics circle, but I think those are too alarmist. The US economy is still quite strong. Our The demand is also strong, and you should understand that as the most developed country in the world, the demand of our people even feeds the Chinese people.”

Daniel almost laughed.

"This is the best news I've heard, Mr. Secretary of State, but I still want to remind you that Plutos' prediction is quite different from what you think. I accept the invitation of Davos, and I will certainly not say something Against the pretense of my own mind, I must be honest with myself and my audience."

Rice fell silent on the phone.

She knew that Daniel was not someone who would be easily influenced. In fact, in the United States, a person with tens of billions of wealth was also entitled not to be influenced. It was Daniel's words that she hesitated, and Plutos' prediction was quite different from what she said. This big news, although Plutos' conservative investment policy has been implemented for quite a while, especially the recent strategic retreat of the last important bastions such as Apple, has especially aroused a lot of attention. However, one thing needs to be noted. So far, Plutos has not published any public reports or remarks on the financial crisis.

They do it, but they never talk about it.

This in itself provides some leeway for policymakers in the United States.

Therefore, after Daniel and Raymond's decision to participate in the Davos Forum was revealed, the Secretary of State would be alerted—if Plutos changed his strategy and planned to make a big statement, it would cause many problems. As an important consortium in the Internet field, and the Internet is a pure land in this crisis-this may mean. The crisis will accelerate its spread to other areas.

Nothing is impossible.

Before throwing away Apple's shares, Plutos's investment holdings that can be withdrawn have bottomed out. At this time, they plan to come out and say something. is very possible.

Even, for Rice, there is a more serious problem.

Although the financial crisis has countless losers, it is not without winners.

Such as Plutos, if they are fully prepared. It can completely withstand the temporary problems brought about by the financial crisis and obtain greater benefits in a longer-term plan. This is what Rice needs to worry about, and she worries that Plutos himself intends to promote the crisis.

Daniel had no such intentions.

This is the truth, he can certainly benefit from the financial crisis - a large amount of cash reserves can allow him to invest in shares, mergers and acquisitions, purchase patents, invest, etc. at a lower cost, but a stable market is also for him There's important meaning. If there was no financial crisis in 2008, Facebook might not have to wait until a few years later. The same is true for f2f. Its volume is quite large now, and it will be a matter of time. If an Internet company does not go public, it will sooner or later lack sensitivity to the market. question.

Daniel will not narrowly retain all equity in f2f.

"Daniel, the government needs help right now and I think you should help us."

"I'm on the Democratic side."

Daniel made a little joke. Although he is not a Democrat or a Republican, his political views are generally considered to be close to the Democratic Party. But that has to do with the Democrats being the opposition party, generally speaking. Everyone is against the government, especially the United States. We elect a new government just to oppose it, and then change it in a few years, and it goes on and on again. Keep making progress.

This is a bit of a waste of time, but from this waste, the American people can feel their significance to the country.

Rice got to this point, she smiled, "Democrats don't like financial crises either."

"Yes, I will consider it."

The answer was determined early on, and it was impossible for Daniel to change course and follow Rice to brag about the stability of the American economy, or even to keep quiet, which would cost him his reputation. But as a person who has close ties to the American political and economic circles, it is impossible for Daniel to do things "willfully". He is not a pure economist, let alone a practitioner in the field of finance and economics. He cannot express his attitude so neutrally. In fact, he does not need to express his attitude so neutrally. Because those people, to put it bluntly, are all speculators. If they can predict a certain major event, their value will double immediately, and they will even be recorded in history. This is what they are after. Daniel's pursuit is completely different, wealth is his most important purpose - at least in the business field, this is the case. He didn't want to be the president of the World Bank in the past, nor did he want to win the Nobel Prize in Economics, and he didn't want to be a clown like Zhang Jiadun, who predicted China's collapse for a lifetime, but he has been slapped in the face and never been slapped. beyond. To make Plutos bigger, more stable, and more influential is what Daniel wants to accomplish.

It is already a good result for Rice to get this answer.

Get a super rich man to endorse the U.S. government? It's not that it's impossible, but at least you have to give enough attraction. Daniel neither sells arms nor needs oil. The US government can't give him anything, and of course it can't ask him for anything.

"Okay, see you in Davos."



After hanging up the phone, Daniel smiled.

For the financial crisis, he didn't have much experience in his previous life. China's 4 trillion stimulus plan left a lot of sequelae, but it also guaranteed a great unity in the Olympic year. The word financial crisis hardly ever came to mind at that fantastic evening on August 8th. Luxurious, spectacular, technologically advanced, and beautiful, director Zhang's talent and China's new look have spread all over the world.

But it must be said that when he came to the United States, although everyone had not recovered from the financial crisis, the economic situation in the United States had returned to a positive side.

That being the case, for Daniel, today's financial crisis lacks practical appeal. An enemy who is destined to be defeated will not make him feel excited.


On December 1st, "Juno" held its world premiere in Los Angeles. Daniel rarely attended the premiere of his film, which attracted a lot of attention.

Needless to say, Ellen Page, Michael Cera, Jason Reitman and other main creators.

A large number of beautiful stars to help out, is what makes everyone excited. Hollywood is in the shadow of a writers union strike!

The writers were very dissatisfied with how they were being treated. They felt that the studios were giving their writers too little, and that very few writers were getting cuts, that is, recurring income from projects—usually a sum of money. big money. Moreover, the screenwriter treatment announced by the production company gave too much consideration to well-known screenwriters. Some big screenwriters can earn several million dollars for a film, while small screenwriters only earn tens of thousands or even thousands of dollars.

For a long time, screenwriters can only wait for the day when they become famous, but this possibility is too low, not everyone is Matt Damon and Ben Aflack, lucky first screenwriter work will get Oscar, most people lack this opportunity and ability. They have to live at the bottom all the time.

Now, they have to say "no".

Many projects are about to come to a standstill, even blockbusters like "Mission: Impossible", even if Paramount invites great screenwriters, but at this time no screenwriter dares to challenge the Screenwriters Guild—in fact, they must also follow the Screenwriters Guild demands unified action.

What is important is that the wave of strikes has the potential to spread further.

"Juno" held its premiere under such a background, at least for the entertainment media, it is a good news material.

You know, readers don't like to watch "strike" that much, some real entertainment news is what they want. (To be continued.)

ps: Thank you for Fishing, Goo, Dark Night Reward, Thank you for Eternal Fall, Wushi Monthly Pass

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