Ace Hollywood

Chapter 453 Rare New Gossip

Megan Fox and Daniel Sandler did not attract much attention before. 【 】One of the reasons, of course, is Daniel's self-restraint. The title of half-Puritan did not come about for nothing. Since the end of their love life with Collins, Daniel has not started a new relationship—at least not to the public. Know. Since Megan Fox entered the industry, the first and only relationship came from actor Brian Austin Green. The two met and fell in love in 2004. At that time, Megan was not as prosperous as it is today.

But this relationship, which has lasted for nearly three years, still makes Megan considered a dedicated girl-although in a recent interview with "gq" magazine, she revealed that she once fell in love with a stripper, a Bisexual by nature. But no one thinks 16-year-old Meghan is to blame. So even though they shared a lot of the same stage during the publicity stage, the media didn't focus on speculating on an improbable scandal due to the above two reasons.

However, everything changed on the eve of the release of "Transformers".

Megan and Brian end their relationship.

"After getting along for many years, I think that our personalities and ideas are inconsistent...Megan still believes that the relationship with Brian will become a lifetime memory, and I sincerely wish each other can find a more suitable new relationship." This is A statement from Megan Fox's management team, relatively speaking, Brian is much less demeanor.

"I know, she likes someone better, yes, I know who it is, indeed, I can't compare with him. But I don't think he may like Megan Fox, I hope she won't look back I, I will never look at her again."

Brian's harsh words of course became a bit funny after the "Transformers" hit.

A popular and sexy female star will never be short of suitors, from peers in the industry to upstarts on Wall Street, there will be a lot of room for selection.

However, the focus of the media is not on the latter sentence. After all, Brian didn't have much topicality, but the first half of what he said made the reporters tremble with excitement.

"You mean Megan Fox is in love with Daniel Sandler?"

"What gave you the idea?"

"Has Megan said it herself?"

The reporters' repeated questioning made Brian, who was still rational, quickly shut up. To be honest, if he said this, there would be no consequences, but if he really said Daniel's name, it might really make it difficult for him to move forward in Hollywood. Who knows if his outrageous behavior will make Daniel angry? Use such actors. The risk is too high.

Although Bryan "reined in", the media had already obtained enough material.

The parties don't need to say too much, otherwise, why would the media do it? Isn't the media just talking nonsense, pointing deeds as horses, and randomly diverging groups?

"Megan Fox was in a three-year break and was accused of empathizing with Daniel Sandler"

"Daniel's new relationship?"

"Will the unprecedented box office blockbuster give birth to Daniel's new love?"

"The heroine of "Transformers" fell in love with an investor?"

No matter directly pointing out Daniel, or using names such as investors to cast doubts, on the contrary, the media made this relationship that had no clue at all. It was fried lively.


During the release period of "Transformers", many people pointed out that Daniel was hyping.

"To be honest, one of the admirable things about Daniel is that he rarely hypes his feelings. It's a pity that he gave up this for the dream of "Transformers" with a box office of 400 million. Even Daniel had to hype Gossip, I really doubt that there is any real pure love in Hollywood. Do they really think that every American likes to pay attention to their little things?"

"What a coincidence, "Transformers" is released. Daniel has a new relationship. Perhaps, this can also show how much Daniel attaches importance to this movie."

There are doubts, and of course there are supporters.

"When I saw the news. I was relieved. I have been worried about whether Daniel will come out one day, and Paul Walker, or Cusa Damon, thank God, Megan Fox must God sent to save Daniel. I don't want him to be a fag."

"Sexy little wild cat Megan Fox. And all-American icon Daniel Sandler, there is simply no better match than them."

The more sensible ones poured cold water on both the pros and cons, claiming that Daniel had a lot of rumored objects, but it didn't really come true at all. Even if Megan Fox is really interested, it may not necessarily be able to get Daniel's consent.

"He can't even look down on such a young and sexy girl, so I really have to think about whether there is something wrong with him." - "The Bachelor at 36".

In fact, these reactions seldom directly attack the two people. Daniel has always had a fairly positive image, and Megan, who has just become popular, has cooperated with Lindsay Lohan, but fortunately, there is no contamination. Trouble with problem girls. Now she is still a clean female star.


"Would you like a cup of coffee instead?"

"Can I have a cup of tea?" Megan pointed to his quilt.

Daniel nodded, asked Desaer to serve her a cup, and then watched her take a sip pretendingly, "Chinese tea always makes people feel the breath of nature, very refreshing."

"Baked nature?"


"When the tea is picked from the tree, the first thing the tea farmers do is to dry it and clean it up. The second thing is to bake it in a gauze net, or fry it in a big iron pot."

Megan opened her mouth.

Daniel was amused by her ignorant look.

To be honest, Daniel is not particularly obsessed with being single or in a relationship—marriage and having children are of course exceptions, not to mention the huge amount of child support involved, even these new responsibilities will bring him a lot of trouble, At least for now, he is not ready for this.

"Next, do you have any work?"

Megan secretly rolled her eyes, "So you must tell me about work?"

Daniel spread his hands, "I'm really sorry, I don't know much about anything except work. So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Shall we talk about your boring life? Seriously, we're all amazed when we discuss you in private."


Daniel turned his head to look at her. This was a topic he was interested in but unfamiliar.

"What do you say about me?"

Megan and his eyes met for a moment, then turned away, "In general, you are like a legendary figure, similar to the Holy Son Jesus."

"What?" A sip of tea almost spewed out, and Daniel lost his composure, "You must not be a Christian." (To be continued.)

ps: Thank you for your reward, I hope those friends you mentioned can come to the starting point to support the genuine version!

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