Ace Hollywood

Chapter 428: 7 Thanks

"The third!"

"Huh?" Daniel was a little puzzled when he heard Greengrass' sudden sentence. So far, "Move Forward" has only won two awards.

Greenglass rolled his eyes, "I mean, so far, three people have thanked you, Daniel Sandler, you are now the most mentioned person tonight, and, maybe there will be more people in the future There are more."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Every year someone thanks me, doesn't it?"


Greengrass soon wanted to leave the seat even more. He felt that this was a terrible experience-the only reason was that he was sitting with Daniel.

Naomi Watts and Robert Downey Jr. awarded Best Visual Effects to Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.

The winners are fellow Daniels, four blind men from New York, who finally created a miracle and stood on the podium of the highest honor in the film industry. Whether it is a big star or colleagues, they all gave them their own applause.

"I think a lot of people, like us, couldn't believe it, could four blind men from Brooks pull off such a feat? Yes, we did. Thanks to everyone on the show, thanks to Disney, dd, And then Marshall, Jack, Daniel, and the rest of the guys, thank you."

"Thanks to Disney, thanks to my mom, thanks to Marshall, Jack, Daniel."

"Thank you to my family, my wife and kids, and of course, Marshall, Jack, Daniel."

"Thank you to everyone who loves me, and everyone I love, Rob Marshall, Jack Bruckheimer, and our most handsome and coolest captain, Daniel Sandler."

Except for the boss who spoke on behalf of the boss, the latter three could only briefly express their gratitude. This is also a common practice. When multiple people share an award, the academy will allow them all to stand in front of the microphone and say a few words. After all, for the vast majority of people, standing here is a unique experience, possibly once in a lifetime. And it is an achievement that is enough to be engraved on their epitaphs.

The most demanding of producers, this will or will not drive them away with a timeout.

"7 times!"

Daniel turned his head sideways and said to Greenglass with great interest, "Now I have been thanked seven times, do the four of them count as four times or once?"

No one paid him any attention.

This time it seems to have learned the lessons of the previous session, so Daniel has extra shots. Whether it was the thanks from the winners, or the jokes made by the host Allen just now, and what the presenters such as Rachel Weisz mentioned about what he had said, the camera cut to give him a close-up. What's even more exaggerated is that when the four winners of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" thanked him one by one, the camera cut to him four times in a row, so the winners had to show their faces, so they kept cutting on stage and off... .

"I can assure you that I must have been frightened by the turmoil last year."

Denise dazzled. Talk to your friends on msn.

"But it's good news to get a few more glimpses of Daniel, isn't it?"

"you're right."

For Daniel fans,

That's good news, so even though people think it's a bit funny, it's still welcome.

But for Alyssa, a 76-year-old former lawyer in Boston, it's a bit of a stretch.

"Who is that person? Why do you always show him? Is he the son of the boss of the Hollywood Film Association?"

She muttered and complained to her wife.

Watching the Oscars is just a habit they have had for many years. But it does not mean that they have the energy and interest to understand the current Hollywood. In a conservative city like Boston, a 76-year-old man may still be in the last century. Daniel Sandler couldn't be more pervasive. It is also difficult for them to remember.

Alyssa's wife adjusted her glasses, "Well, it looks a little familiar. Maybe it's a young star, Alyssa, but it's not Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, or Elizabeth Taylor. age."

"This is simply discriminating against audiences of our age. Hepburn is dead, but isn't Elizabeth still there? Why not invite her?"

"Maybe like us, we can't get out of our apartment anymore."

"..." Alyssa thought for a while, "I want to make a call to complain, what's the number?"


Daniel didn't know how the investment reception staff would deal with this stubborn old lady.

Awards are presented one after another, like flowing water. Some people are happy, some are disappointed, some are ecstatic, some are disappointed, but this is the Oscar, which is always so full of elusive charm.

Jennifer Hudson won the female supporting role, "Children of Yingzhou" won the documentary short film, and the environmental protection feature film of Your Excellency the Vice President won the documentary feature film award. The score for "Babel," the screenplay for "Little Miss Sunshine," and then the first award of the night for "The Departed"—Best Editing.

Then came the last best actress Hoffman award.

The entire Oscar, and even the entire Hollywood entertainment industry in 2006, the most important and most adrenaline-fueled drama unfolded.

The queen, best actor, director, and film, these four awards will determine who is the final winner today.

Hoffman came to the stage with a happy face. Although at this time last year, his award-winning limelight was overshadowed by Daniel's controversy, it did not prevent him from having an Oscar winner on his title. Over the past year, this title has brought him changes are significant. The salary is second to none. He found that there are certain circles and some people, only when you reach the level of Oscar winner, you can get in touch with them naturally, without taking chances.

The nominated ladies, for the most part, tried to maintain their poise and facial expressions, and unfortunately, it wasn't easy.

Even Meryl Streep, a frequent visitor to the Oscars, couldn't help showing some nervousness at the moment.

Under Helen Mirren's white hair, she couldn't see her expression clearly, but judging from her stiff movements, she probably couldn't relax much.

Kate Winslet was nominated again. This is her fifth nomination after two supporting actress nominations and two leading actress nominations, which is enough to be called a veteran. Only the big dark horse Penelope Cruz and the actress Reese Witherspoon of "Moving Forward" among this year's nominees are nominated for the first time.

Veteran or newcomer, the first big suspense of this year's Oscars made everyone on and off the screen hold their breath and look at the envelope in Hoffman's hand.

"Oscars belong to..." (To be continued.)

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