Ace Hollywood

Chapter 415: An Unexpected Call

Kusa handed over the release report of "Chain Saw 3" to Daniel, and he began to look for Danny Boyle's contact information, if anyone could hack Kusa Damon, a big agent with a wide range of people , is likely to get the phone numbers of at least half of Hollywood's stars. (Baidu search website updates the fastest and most stable)


"Saw 3" was released for 3 days with a total box office of 20.13 million, and its performance was quite satisfactory. On the one hand, even though the third film was filmed, the characteristics of horror films still helped dd save a large amount of budget, so it is still a typical low-cost work. , but considering that the first two films in the series have already laid a solid fan base—especially the basic set of horror films, it is a very solid group in itself.

In fact, Daniel has spent a lot of thought on the "Chain Saw" series, even though the signed screenwriter of "Chain Saw 3" is James Swin and Darren Lane Boseman, the second episode and Ben Darren, the director of the episode, also participated in the discussion, but in fact, Daniel himself played a central role in forming the script. Horror films have creative requirements. When writing the third part, the screenwriting team itself lacks more Accumulation and material, but considering the continuity of the series, it is difficult to find another group of people to write. Once there is a major change in style, it will be fine if it succeeds, just like the "Bourne Shadow" series, Paul Greengrah Douglas' second film was even more critically acclaimed than Doug Liman's first, and it was also more successful at the box office, allowing the public to embrace the franchise's shift to a different genre. But if it is not successful, then "Chain Saw", one of DD's most profitable series, is likely to fail.

Neither David nor Daniel himself was willing to take this risk. Therefore, during the creation process, Daniel provided the screenwriter with many ideas and ideas for other horror films—even when he deliberately mentioned some " The plot in The Conjuring made James Wen think of the original book of The Conjuring, but Daniel hadn't read that book. Therefore, it indirectly contributed to James Wen's project "The Conjuring" ahead of schedule.

It may be released next year, and it will compete with "Chain Saw 4", and it will also continue the horror film tradition of DD Films.

Daniel flipped through it casually. The "Chain Saw" series is already the most mature film series in DD Films, so he doesn't need to think too much.


Kusa dialed the number and then motioned to Daniel.

Putting down the report, Daniel took a sip of water.

Soon, the connection was made over there. Obviously, Boyle did not have the habit of not answering calls from strangers. It's a good habit—especially in Hollywood, where you never know where an opportunity will come from, but you're less likely to get a good one from a friend in the phone book.

"Danny Boyle? I'm Kusa Damon?"

"Kusa—" Boyle couldn't react at first,

But soon, this extremely familiar name made him remember something. Cusa Damon, the name, in today's Hollywood is far more than the concept of Daniel Sandler's head of acting affairs, a project of DD Films. MGM projects, even certain Plutos investment projects, you might get a call from Cusa Damon, usually that means he has direct orders from Daniel.

Danny Boyle doesn't know these things about Cusa Damon. But he still knew Cusa's name.

"It was a surprise to receive your call."

"Really? Mr. Boyle, we know you are working on a new project recently, so I want to ask, have you found a partner?"

Boyle didn't cast his net wide to find the project on his hands. So far, only Warner Bros. has been contacted, who have also expressed interest. He doesn't need and doesn't want to waste time looking for someone else -- honestly, there's nothing to complain about when a project finds Warner Bros., the current No. 1 in Hollywood.

So even though he was surprised that Kousa called and asked, Boyle declined him.

"Yes, things are going well."

Kousa's phone was on speaker, so Daniel was listening, frowning at Boyle's refusal, but Kousa's face remained unchanged. He knew that Warner Bros.'s brother who sold information would not do such a stupid thing. If the two sides had really settled, his information would be tantamount to fraud—Kusa might not know who he was, but how could he talk to Warner? I'm afraid it's not that difficult for the brothers to look for it together. This is not a matter of being fired, but of being suspected of commercial secret theft. something else.

Therefore, Kusa can be sure that Boyle and Warner Bros. have not reached an agreement, but his current preferred partner for marriage is still Warner, and it should be almost the same.

"Oh, so..."

Kusa dragged his voice and gestured to Daniel, "Do you want to talk to him?"

This depends on how much Daniel attaches importance to this new work. Strictly speaking, it should be Boyle. After all, Daniel doesn’t know what the script is, at least in Cusa’s mind.

Daniel nodded and took the phone over.

"Hello, Mr. Boyle."

Regarding the sudden change of person on the phone, Boyle was a little surprised, he didn't recognize Daniel's voice.

"excuse me--"

"I'm Daniel Sandler."

Daniel Sandler!

This name represents too many meanings in today's Hollywood, but in the final analysis one is - success!

If you can receive a call from Daniel himself, then you are lucky. God has specially opened a small back door for you, allowing you to reach the end of the road of struggle.

Boyle didn't respond, and Daniel didn't care.

"It's like this, Mr. Boyle, I'm very interested in your new work. If you haven't finalized a contract with another company, let's meet some time and have a chat, okay?"


"It's just bullying." Kusa shook his head and took the phone. Just now Boyle accepted Daniel's invitation in a daze - Kusa suspected that he hadn't had time to think clearly .

In fact, Boyle is not a penniless rookie. Even if he is facing Daniel, he will not be so "unbearable". To the realistic side of Hollywood, it is normal that it is difficult to digest this kind of cake that fell from the sky.

"Huh, Simon, Daniel asked us to meet."

His producer, Simon, was looking at him questioningly.


Important notice, Chapter 416 has been released. Before Chapter 414, there was a timing problem. After reading this chapter, you can go back and read Chapter 416. Sorry, sorry! ! To be continued.

ps: Thank you My Neighbor Totoro Monthly Ticket, Dark Night Rewards.

Dangdangdang - thank you for restarting and becoming my 6th helm owner, happy new year


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