Gu Xiangwan looked at Chief Xun: "You are not an ordinary calf guard."

Head Xun slowly ate a piece of preserved fruit: "Isn't it a matter of course. Such a great genius will be coaxed and held in any country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs receives applications from other countries every day that want to visit Xu Jingyi. We Don't coax, what if people from other countries are kidnapped."

Gu Xiangwan choked, and Chief Xun used this sentence to block him every time.

Zhang Yaowu suddenly said, "Speaking of this. Have you ever thought about Comrade Xiao Xu's personal problems?"

Gu Xiangwan frowned slightly: "Old Zhang. How old is this?"

"Hey. Lao Gu, you're shouldn't be pedantic when it's time to be pedantic." Zhang Yaowu opened his mouth openly. Junjie is a researcher? Do you have to let him stick there?…”

"..." Everyone was stunned at the same time, and another old man wearing glasses said dissatisfiedly, "Fields is a high-profile scientist of the new generation in the world. We will definitely not suffer by staying in China to help with scientific research. Besides. , they are just acquaintances of gentlemen, what do you think of?"

Zhang Yaowu was not embarrassed, he was used to being stunned by this group of people, and sat down: "It's all Junjie, isn't this worse!"

Seeing the other person's ugly face, he hurriedly said: "Xie Lao! Don't be too busy to get angry. I'm just a rough person. But I understand a principle, the more outstanding people are, the easier it is to attract each other. What's more, they live in the same room. After a long time, it is not impossible to upgrade from a confidant to a couple. Anyway, I am just talking about a possibility. Xiao Xu is a **** after all, I am not afraid that she will follow the man when she falls in love. "

After he finished speaking, several more old men showed deep thought.

"Kaz." Chief Xun closed the lid of the cup with a calm expression, "Okay. Don't talk about this."


"Old Zhang! You are so old, you are also an old revolutionary. If you talk about nonsense, you have to think about it. If someone doubts that you will abandon the country's righteousness because of emotional matters, will you be angry?" Gu Xiangwan hurriedly pulled he.

Zhang Yaowu paused and stammered: "Me. I'm not..."

"Hurry up and shut up! Hurry up and put away that macho ideology. So that the team will not be united!" Gu Xiangwan got up and pressed the other side to sit down, he suddenly paused and looked at the other side suspiciously, "That's not right. Although you are a stubborn guy, you are also very cunning... You have a situation."

Gu Xiangwan thought for a moment, then suddenly said, "Could it be that some junior told you about Xiao Xu."

"No!" Zhang Yaowu pursed his lips after vetoing, but the veteran was slightly red.

Gu Xiangwan's mouth twitched for a while, he stopped looking at Zhang Yaowu, and put his eyes on the head of Xun: "I have no problem talking with Guoan and the others. But the smart mouse..."

The smile on Chief Xun's face was very light: "I told Comrade Xiao Xu, let her cooperate and hide it for the time being. A few days ago, some people in China were not very honest... The emergence of intelligent mice is also good. I want to see it. What kind of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods will be drawn!"

Gu Xiangwan immediately understood that Chief Xun wanted to use a "virtual genius" to fish.

At the same time, the most mysterious Area 51 in the United States.

In a simple lounge at the base of the large underground laboratory, three or four professors with gray hair were leaning on stools and dozing off, with information papers scattered around the tables and chairs. The neural network unit algorithm written on one of the pieces of paper is composed of a simple y=AXb verification method that Xu Jingyi has seen.

"Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Sound Recorded from the room.

But for a moment, almost everyone woke up and rushed to the screen directly in front of them. The man headed quickly tapped the keyboard, and his eyes locked on a sleeping young eagle on the screen.

The eyes of the others were fixed on the eagle, unable to hide their disappointment.

"Don't be nervous, the time estimated at the beginning is a bit wrong." The person typing on the keyboard rubbed his glasses, "It hasn't reached the peak of the system's operation."

The others were stunned, but the expressions on their faces became calmer.

"Professor Alexander, you mean you haven't failed, right?" the red-haired professor standing on the left hoped.

"Yes!" Alexander nodded.

As the general director of the military's secret research and development of intelligence, the Young Eagle Project, with Xu Jingyi's strong rise, in the past half a year, although there is no worry about funds, the attention and pressure that comes with it almost crushes his spine. Alexander's heart was in a state of constant torment.

Speaking of which, he didn't even remember when he slept the last time he had a good night's sleep.

Alexander had to admit that Xu Jingyi was a terrifying genius. Yes, it was terrifying. He couldn't understand where the other party had so much unpredictable knowledge. The AI ​​developed by others was just a piece of paper in front of "My Rabbit". The gap between people and real people.

He even suspected that the other party's knowledge reserve surpassed the entire world for a hundred years!

In order to surpass each other, Alexander did not hesitate to go against the principles of his past scientific research. For example, most of the design inspiration of the eagle came from the peripheral code of "My Rabbit" and some peripheral programming of "Slime".

In addition, if it weren't for the National Day, when Huaxia practiced intelligent robots on a large scale, his young eagles would not have the opportunity to invade the opponent's system, nor would they enter a state of upgrade and transformation after absorbing the fragments of the opponent's intelligence.

Alexander looked at the young eagle with a deep gaze. He now finally understands the mood of the former scientists in China who developed the "two bombs and one satellite", the extreme anxiety, the extreme responsibility, and the extreme effort.

He is looking forward to the emergence of a real intelligent robot this time! It can free the US imperialists from the predicament of being restrained.

He thought so, and suddenly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"DiDiDi..." This is the highest-level alert in Area 51. Professor Alexander was immediately awakened by the sound. He jumped up and rushed out and shouted, "What's going on? Could it be that someone has invaded!"

The researcher who was hurriedly running with something next to him saw that it was the person in charge who asked questions. Still stopped, with panic in his eyes: "Professor Alexander! It's not good! The eagle is not good."

——If anyone is bad now, no one can say that the young eagle is bad.

Alexander widened his eyes and grabbed the researcher's collar tightly: "What's wrong?! You make it clear..."

"Just as the young eagle was about to wake up, its simulated brainwaves suddenly fluctuated greatly, and then, garbled white dots appeared on the screen. After ten minutes of this situation, the eagle-related All the display screens appear garbled as if they were poisoned! The most terrifying thing is that the network of the entire institute is blocked! Online modification and rescue cannot be performed!" The researcher's voice was full of despair.

The Eagle Project is not only Alexander's heart, but also the love of other researchers! Seeing that the eagle is about to spread its wings. Suddenly "click", it seems to be killed by garbled garbage!

How could he not feel bad!

Alexander covered his heart that had almost stopped suddenly, let go of the other party suddenly, and rushed to the research room that crashed into the young eagle at the fastest speed in his life. He didn't want to believe all this.

The unexpected situation that has never been seen before caused a commotion in Area 51, and even the guards inside and outside the laboratory rushed in to quickly conduct security checks and protection.

A few minutes later, when Professor Alexander felt the laboratory, he happened to see the resident major swept his eyes sharply at all the researchers and said, "I hope this time is an accident, not man-made." After that, he patted the man beside him. firearms.

Other researchers were trembling.

"Joe! They're all the best researchers and don't do those things!" Alexander said hastily.

"Professor Alexander!" Joe softened a little when his eyes fell on him. "I hope so too. Come and have a look. The only person I trust most here is you."

Alexander nodded to him hastily, then looked at his most trusted assistant: "How is the situation now?"

"I don't know when. The related neurons of the young eagle are all lit, and countless garbage fills the network and swept from all directions. The CPU operation continued to run at 99%. We tried restarting and other operations, but found that we couldn't operate it!"

"Can't operate it?" Alexander's eyes widened, "And restarting doesn't work?"

"Restarting can't do it! It's like it's crashing." The assistant's face was gloomy. "Before you came over, we had tried the conventional plan for an hour, but we couldn't help it."

Alexander's expression was solemn.

Joe behind him took two steps forward with a nervous expression: "Isn't it an anti-social personality? For example, changing the nuclear bomb button or something."

The corners of Alexander's mouth twitched. He now sees the eagle as the same as the cub. Naturally, he can't hear such slander. He hurriedly said: "How is it possible! Don't forget it. Area 51 is basically an intranet. It is impossible to control it..."

Speaking of this, Alexander was shocked. Since Area 51 has no way to connect to the outside world, it is very possible that the garbage bag that affects the young eagles comes from the inside!

He looked at everyone suspiciously, and then pinched his eyebrows for a while: "I hope that everyone can live up to my trust. The young eagle had an accident an hour ago. I hope everyone can confess, an hour ago, did you Who has done any improper operations on the eagles. I will use the satellite monitoring system."

- Satellite monitoring system! ? Isn't that implying that there are ghosts!

The other researchers were startled and looked at each other.

Qiao Wenyan took two steps forward with a bad expression on her face.

Everyone didn't pay attention. After Alexander finished saying this, a light blue light appeared on a monitor not far away.

Just as everyone turned over all the magnetic cards in their hands, and when Alexander and Joe were about to thoroughly investigate the monitoring equipment in the institute, the garbled characters on the display suddenly disappeared in an instant.

This bizarre scene made the assistant exclaim loudly: "Professor! The eagle has changed again!"

Alexander rushed to the computer in the state of a tiger jumping on its prey. Sure enough, the sleeping eagle appeared on the screen again. There was no more electronic waste on the network in Area 51, and the virtual electrocardiogram returned to normal.

This accident happened too quickly, and everyone was stunned by this state!

"This... what's going on?" Alexander was so troubled by his good "son".

——It’s like the patients in the ICU are suddenly healthy! It's too soon, I can't figure it out.

Professor Alexander repeatedly checked around the young eagle for three hours, um... he couldn't find any faults. Everything appeared to be quite healthy, as if he had not experienced any disturbances before. All the data were exactly the same as one hour ago. Ghostly feeling. Seeing that everyone's nerves were tense, Professor Alexander told everyone to rest first.

However when he just washed and went to bed. \"Bang bang bang!\" There was a fierce knock on the door outside.

Alexander rubbed his eyes and opened the door with a yawn.

His assistant's tone was quite excited: "Professor Alexander, the young eagle, the young eagle woke up! Just ten minutes ago, a professor had a very simple conversation with it. The IQ is very high! We, we became

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