Q: "How does it feel to like someone?"

Answer: "Heartbeat speeds up, like a deer bumping randomly."

"I miss it unconsciously, and smile when I think of it."

"If you see the other person, you will feel very at ease."

"I will care about my image in the eyes of the other person, and hope to show him the best."

"I want to be with each other all the time!"

Qiao Lezhi racked his brains and read out all the conclusions drawn from reading the novel.

She knocked her head, moved the stool to sit in front of Yu Zhi, and moved closer to her, "Can you feel it just by recording the text?"

Yu Zhi is holding a rectangular notebook in one hand, and just now she said that if you want to integrate feelings into words, you must understand feelings.

She asked, "What is it like to like someone?" Qiao Lezhi answered her without realizing that Yu Zhiyi's question had other meanings.

Qiao Lezhi felt that the meaning expressed by this kind of words was incomparable with personal experience. Yu Zhiyi was unable to write a heart-wrenching story, completely because of lack of experience. If you like someone by yourself, you have a deep understanding of this feeling."

"No, you can't fall in love early." Yu Zhi bowed his head, holding the pen in his hand and began to draw black lines on the paper without rules.

"Oh, of course, the school prohibits premature love, but it does not prevent you from finding someone you like." Qiao Lezhi pointed out, and smiled and raised her brows at her.

Passing by, Jiang Mi'er bit the apple in his hand, and agreed: "I love you, secret love, are you love. Don't let you fall in love, then you have a secret love."

"Secret love..." Yu Zhi chanted these two words softly, and the nib poked one by one into the paper, leaving a deep black mark.

The school dormitory building turns off the lights on time, but not everyone will sleep at this point.

Qiao Lezhi was still reading a novel. Jiang Mier was secretly chasing the drama with his mobile phone. Yu Zhi turned on the small table lamp beside the bed. Wen Tingyu from the bed next door was already lying on the bed, ready to sleep.

Yu Zhi took out the diary he was pressing on the bedside, and now this diary is more than half of the paper.

When she turned the page, she inevitably saw the contents of the previous record, and she realized that in her diary...nine of the ten articles were all related to Shi Yi.

From the beginning of her memory, Shi Yi played the role of a "brother" in her life. Later, when she grew up, she realized that they were unrelated neighbors.

But even if they weren't relatives, it didn't affect the relationship between her and Shi Yi, which was called Friendship at that time.

Later, in the summer when she was abandoned, she regarded Shi Yi as the only salvation and became dependent on him. She thought it was the friendship and family affection that she had accumulated since childhood.

Never thought that one day, she suddenly realized that her feelings for Shi Yi were different from before.

With a guilty conscience, she looked for evidence of fascination, and even naively took the "Book of Answers" that Shi Yi had given her as a basis for judgment, and wanted to get answers from it.

But she did not open the page of the book of answers, because when she read the question with the book in both hands, the answer she wanted was already in her mind.

She never thought about it, and she moved her heart not knowing how.

Thinking of this, she lightly pressed the diary, only to find that the brand-new page had not fallen off, but it was still clean.

She obviously had a lot of things to say, but when she picked up the pen, there were no words in her mind.

Just when Yu Zhiyi fell into entanglement, the words in the next bed turned over and over and couldn't sleep.

As soon as Yu Zhi heard the movement, he immediately adjusted the position of the lighting on the desk, leaned over to the bed, and asked softly: "Is it bothering you?"

Wen Wenyu simply propped up with his arms, raised his head, and explained: "It's not because of you."

The communication between the two only made a small sound, as soft as a breath, and no one could hear the content.

"One by one, the question you asked today, didn't you want to record your feelings and write a novel?"

"..." FirstBlood.

"If you don't deny it, that means admitting it."

"I..." DoubleKill.

"The person you like, is Shi Yi?"

"..." TribleKill.

Has this person installed surveillance in her mind? Ask for one!

"Listening, you, why are you asking like that?" The guilty person stammered and almost gritted his teeth.

"Then I asked, right?"

"..." QuadraKill kills four times.

She thought: She usually hears and seldom speaks, and she gives people the impression of silence and quietness. Why did she become ridiculous tonight.

"You won't lie. If you don't refute, you will acquiesce."

"Hush!" Although both of them were lying on their own bed, the little heads got closer and closer, whispering against the bedside.

Wen Listening covered the corners of his mouth with his hands, and asked in a low voice: "Will you confess to him?"

"I don't dare..." The voice in response was a faint mosquito.

The two were silent at the same time, but they both kept that posture tacitly.

After a while, Wen Listening asked again: "Then are you going to have a crush?"

"I didn't think so much, and I don't know why it suddenly became like this." When I said what I was saying, a complex emotion spread throughout the brain, and my eyes suddenly became sore.

She didn't know why she suddenly realized that her feelings for Shi Yi had changed. She should have been happy, but she was a little afraid.

She was very afraid that this sudden emotion would break the relationship between her and Shi Yi, and she didn't dare to talk about it.

Qiao Lezhi, who was on the opposite bed, suddenly said, "Hey, what are you whispering to the two opposite?"

"No..." The two people who had just whispered said in unison, keeping silent.

Wen Tingyu turned over and sat up, went to the other side of the bed, wrote a line on the sticky paper on the table, tore it down and handed it to Yu Zhiyi.

"I'm asleep." After handing her the post-it note, he lay down again and closed his eyes.

As soon as Yu Zhi grabbed the note paper, he sat back on the other end and read the line of beautifully written text with the lamp:

The heartbeat is originally an extremely simple and extremely complicated thing.

The feeling of heartbeat may be at a certain moment inadvertently. Some people grasped that feeling at once, but some people have never experienced it.

So this is a simple and complicated thing, and there is no way to make it clear with logical thinking.

Yu Zhi stared at the blank diary in a daze, sighed, and conveniently stuck the note paper on the current page, closed the diary, and went to bed.

The next day, the classroom.

"This class will end here today, and there are still ten minutes to end. Now everyone takes out the dictation book."

"Ah..." Everyone whispered, unexpectedly surprised by this sudden situation.

"The following are all quiet! I said the day before yesterday. I don’t ask you to copy the words in this unit, but you have to remember them. I may check them. Now, don’t tell me that you have no time to read them. Take out the dictation book."

The English words in some units are not common in the exam, and the teacher seldom asks them to copy it. They ask them to read it a few times and memorize it. This is all consciously.

I said before that there should be spot checks, but every time there is no real spot check. Over time, everyone develops the habit of getting in and out of the right ear.

Unexpectedly, this time the teacher would make a surprise attack. It is estimated that we will have to weigh and weigh when we say this in the future.

In this English dictation, seven or eight out of ten were hit.

In order for the students to learn from this incident, the English teacher, after they turned in the dictation book, pressed their palms on the thick pile of dictation books to prepare everyone in advance: "There are twenty in this unit. We dictated more than a dozen words just now, but five points were deducted if one was wrong, and if the score was less than 80, we copied each word thirty times."

Everyone complained, but they didn't dare to refute in front of the English teacher. After all, they were lazy and did not complete the task assigned by the teacher...

After class, Li Shaozhou sighed up to the sky, "Forget it, I will start copying words now."

The books he handed in were basically blank, and the accuracy rate of 80 points was not up to it.

Thinking of the time when he uploaded the dictation book one by one, he saw that Shi Yi’s dictation book had five lines per line, neat and tidy, and he had probably written down all of them.

"I really want to be at the same table with the monitor..." Then I can take a peek.

Jiang Mi'er turned around and patted his table, "Li Shaozhou, can you stop crying and howling behind? You are not the only one who has not passed the level!"

"Yu Zhi sits next to you, didn't you copy it just now?"

They all know that Yu Zhiyi studies very hard, and his English dictation accuracy rate is at least 90%. Jiang Mier has relied on her to pass the test several times.

But at this moment Jiang Mi'er shook his head, "This time he didn't recite all the words in advance."

Li Shaozhou opened his eyes wide, and quickly patted his chest twice, "Listening to you, I feel comforted."

If the entire army is annihilated, then his own mistakes will not be prominent.

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