Absolute Honor

Chapter 927: Qinglong Breakout

"Major! Back!"

A police officer pointed at the lights of the motorcade that appeared in the dense fog and shouted at Newman.

Seeing that the convoy that appeared in the dense smoke was intact, one after another four Tup armored vehicles drove toward this side.

"So fast!?"

Major Newman muttered to himself. There was a violent explosion in Pier 2. Could it be that Bope used some heavy firepower?

"Lieutenant Linde! Lieutenant Linde!"

Newman trot all the way towards the convoy.

He blocked about thirty meters in front of the convoy and wanted to ask Lieutenant Linde about the situation in the first place.

The lights are getting brighter and the distance is getting closer.

However, the Tup armored vehicle did not mean to slow down, but increased the throttle.


A police officer standing at the back of a nearby police car noticed something was wrong, and shouted at Newman: "Dodge!"

Everything seems too late.

The Tup armored convoy hit Major Newman at a speed of eighty kilometers per hour.

Newman's eyeballs all bulged out of his eye sockets, and even before he could move his heels, the tup armored vehicle weighed more than eight tons and hit him directly.

Newman's two-hundred-pound body flew out like a ball and landed seven or eight meters away.

He didn't die immediately. Although he couldn't move his limbs, his head was still hooked and he looked at the convoy.


As soon as the word was uttered, the huge explosion-proof wheels of the Tup armored vehicle slammed on him again.

The police around were all dumbfounded, and no one could immediately recover from this emergency.

Everyone saw that the obese Major Newman exploded like a stepped balloon. The brain pulp, intestines, yellow, green and green liquid and sticky blood exploded, splashing everywhere.

The nearest police officer who was hiding on the engine of the police car was hit by something in the face. The thing hit him and landed on the hood, making a very dull and soft sound.

The police officer glanced intently, almost out of fright.

It was an eyeball of Major Newman, and his brown pupils were facing the hapless police officer. He sat down on the ground, and a stream of heat from the crotch flowed down the trousers to the ground.

The Tup armored car was like a bull that broke into the china shop, and hit a **** road in the encircling police car.

Those police cars weighing only one or two tons were as fragile as matchboxes in front of the heavy armor and extremely strong bumpers of the Tup armored vehicle. The crashes and screams were everywhere, and the police instantly lost their will to resist and began. Fled in all directions.

There are also a few experienced and calm-minded policemen hiding on the side of the road, relying on buildings and vehicles as cover to shoot at the tup convoy.

However, the Taurus pistols in their hands cannot pose any threat to armored vehicles. Some police officers who use old Madsen light machine guns have a higher level of firepower than pistols, but they have also become drizzle in front of powerful armored vehicles. .

Four Tup armored vehicles were ordered, and four "special police" wearing black anti-terrorist suits and body armor with the word "bope" controlled 1m heavy machine guns to shoot frantically at the surrounding police who dared to resist and block.

In front of the bullet of the 1m heavy machine gun, the police car’s protective ability was directly zeroed out. Many people hiding behind the police car who thought they were safe, were directly penetrated and torn into two sections.

Flesh and flesh flew wildly, and suddenly there was a Shura field outside Pier 2, with calls and wailing sounds everywhere.

Except for the police who was raided on the other side, the policemen on the other three sides who were in charge of encircling and defending had no idea what was going on. The smoke blocked everyone’s sight. They only heard gunshots. They thought it was Bope’s reinforcements and the hires in the field. Soldiers are exchanging fire.

Everything went smoothly. It didn't take many minutes. The four Tup armored vehicles had successfully broken through the police encirclement, drove along the harbor avenue onto the highway, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Someone among the policemen who were raided finally reported the situation by radio to the main station. The police sirens suddenly sounded everywhere near Pier 2, and more than a dozen police cars flashed their lights, chasing them in the direction where the Qinglong group disappeared.

The police's convoy just left the port highway, and now they can enter Highway 231 as long as they turn right and pass a bridge, which is the direction where the Qinglong team and the raid team left.

Suddenly, a string of sparks appeared on the front hood of the first police car, and then the entire hood bounced off, instantly blocking the driver's sight.

The driver slammed on the brakes, and white smoke came out of the wheels on the asphalt road.

He wanted to stop the car immediately, but soon a second bullet hit the car window, and a blood arrow spouted from the driver's neck, staining the car window red.

Blood gushes from the driver's neck, like a spring hole that has been pierced through.

The police car lost control and started to spin 360 degrees on the bridge. The rear of the car directly hit another police car following behind. It was also installed so that the front of the car was tilted and directly hit the railing of the bridge.

The police car behind did not expect this sudden situation to happen. After all, there is no enemy nearby. Where did the bullet come from?

The police cars rear-end collision with each other, and the bridge surface was quickly filled with several police cars that had collided with each other and almost turned into a mess.

A dozen policemen jumped from the police car behind, everyone was a little flustered, and they didn't know where they should fight back.

"It's a helicopter!"

Finally someone found the bope helicopter hovering in the air.

"Impossible, that's our helicopter, bope's!" Someone quickly refuted his speculation.

Before he could say anything, this guy who was standing by the car and did not choose to hide was shot straight down to the ground by a bullet, struggling to twist his body like a dying fish in a pool of blood.

At this moment, everyone knows that the plane in the sky is not their own plane at all. It must be the internal plane that rescued the gangsters at Pier 2. The plane of the National Police Agency’s air service team fell for no reason. It seemed to be found in an instant. The answer.

"Call headquarters! We were attacked! The gangsters posing as bope members~www.wuxiaspot.com~ used helicopters and tup armored vehicles to shoot at us, and left the gangsters at Pier 2. Our firepower was too weak and the casualties were serious. Fleeing along Highway 231, requesting that the army and SWAT troops be sent to intercept!"

"What!? They pretending to be bope?" The dispatcher on duty at the headquarters didn't seem to believe what he heard.

"Yes, their firepower is too strong, please intercept troops must carry heavy firepower weapons, otherwise it will not pose any threat to them!"

"Okay, you are on standby. Now a company in Bope has rushed to Pier 2. Colonel Garcia will personally lead the team. I will notify them to intercept!"

"Okay, please be sure to bring heavy weapons, remember, they have everything, anti-tank weapons!"


Just as the blood was flowing into the river at Pier 2, at the gate of Tista Church south of Rio, a nearly fifty-year-old man with gray hair and a straight suit got into a black BMW sedan.

"Go, go to Maoa Wharf."

He leaned in the soft seat, and his whole body was relieved. The prayer just now slightly reduced his psychological burden. He had just done something that violated professional ethics, which can also be said to be a heinous thing. It would make his own countless colleagues and subordinates become evil spirits, but he had to do so.

Suddenly, he realized that something was wrong.

Opening his half-closed eyes, the car still stopped at the door of the church.

"Rachel, why don't you drive yet?" he asked the driver.

Through the rearview mirror of the cab, he saw the driver's eyes.

In the darkness, those eyes seemed to flicker with cold light, which made the man in suit feel cold. uMore wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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